Friday, November 30, 2012

Favorite Blog Posts Nov 2012

Blog :  The Good Men

Topic:  Soul Is Hard To Find
Date Posted:  11/05/11

I love reading the stuff that Rick Belden writes for the Good Men Project. This is a great site with wonderful insights that really cut through the clutter and BS of life.  This post is just one example and I urge you to check out the rest of his website, The Good Men Project (see link above). 

In this topic, so many of us grow up in religious homes and when we are young, these teachings really take over our life.  Being taught from an early age about how bad things are going to get us if we don't believe a certain way, continues on throughout our life.  It makes us vulnerable to other controls and manipulations in our society.  

I've come to learn that the most important spiritual practice I can have is to get to know myself deeper, each and every day.  It isn't about having religious beliefs or following some new age practice rituals.  It is about getting to know ever part of our being, and then once we think we've got it, we begin on a much deeper journey.

For many of us who were abused at the hands of those in a church or professed God to all corners of the world, these religious rituals mean very little.  Yes, they do influence life and our mind, but they no longer hold the control that they once did.  We are able to see through the fog of beliefs and recognize them for what they are, not for the truth that is perpetuated at will.  You can disagree with me all you want, but I've been to the mountain and see what is on the other side for myself.  I have no need to participate in this charade any longer.  It doesn't mean I am not spiritual, but I view it completely different than most of the world.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

We Numb Gratitude And Happiness

We Numb Gratitude And Happiness Brene Brown
Brene Brown is one of my favorite speakers.  You may know her from the TED conferences where she likes to talk about vulnerability and shame which happens to really resonate with me personally.  In a talk she gave, there was a quote that was very profound.

When we numb [hard feelings], we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness. (Brené Brown) - from The Power Of Vulnerability

You see, numbing is something we all do as humans.  It is part of our biology and it is an unconscious act which replicates itself most likely every day of our life.  We are usually unaware that we are doing it, but it runs like fine tuned software program.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Integrity Does A Body Good

Integrity Does A Body Good
Hiding in the shadows, only the darkness knows or at least it seems that way at times.   Integrity seems to be lacking these days, but yet the darkness of our actions seems to be the main emphasis in life.  In fact, some might say that integrity is no longer the norm as it once was in our society.  We have drifted into the realm of the dark side of life while claiming it is what we have always known.  For truth shines a light that is much greater than the darkness, but a lack of integrity tries to alter what we know to be the truth into a form that appears to be the truth.

All my life I have had a truth detector built in just like I see in Judge Judy and others.  I have always told people around me, don't try to lie to me because if I don't' figure it out at that moment, most likely I will in the days ahead.  I'm skeptical by nature, but I read body language and match words against what the body is saying.  If they don't match up, I get suspect of what the person is saying.  I match it against previous communication or store it in my memory bank to do comparative analysis in my mind at a later time.

Some people are easy to spot when they are not being fully honest, while others do a great job of hiding it.  It is much easier to see then most realize.  I believe there is an energetic vibration that alerts the mind and body to what is being said and what is truly meant.  Unfortunately, the dark side of lacking integrity tries to make us believe that we can say and do whatever we want without anyone detecting what is going on.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Shopping Season

Christmas Shopping Season
It's that time of year again!  You know, where we celebrate Christmas with some good ol' fashioned shopping.  Its barely time for Halloween to be over and the Christmas shopping season is in full swing.  Christmas carols are playing, merchandise is out and designed for the "i want everything" shopper.

Stores are lightly decorated to appear as if they are Christmas, but not enough to really make them look nice.  After all, we don't want to spend much on Christmas decorations.  We just want people to buy stuff.  The Black Friday specials are already being announced and almost launched.  In fact, some stores report they are going to open them up early.  Really, who needs the Thanksgiving holiday to get in the way.

Of course, you have the people that claim there is a reason for the season and how awful it is that we take Christ out of Christmas. Yet these very same people are the ones beating the other shoppers down as they grab the latest and greatest toys and gadgets.  They talk the talk, but they don't walk the talk!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily Angel Meditations November 26

Daily Angel Mediattions

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of November 11, 2012.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

November 11, 2012 (Sunday)

Topic:  Challenge Of Change
Life is hectic at times and minutes seem to never be enough as time flies by in our day.  While the challenge of change can be positive, often it comes with a struggle to adjust to it.  In the moment it may be difficult to see, but in time it will show to us everything we need to know. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Away In A Manger - Christmas Piano Songs

Away In A Manger - Christmas Piano Songs
This is the 3rd track on my CD.   The CD is titled, Christmas Piano Songs and is a collection of Christmas music that I have enjoyed since I was a child.  All of the music on this CD is instrumental piano music with no vocal.  These songs were ones that I often performed in church or for different caroling events that we did such as nursing homes.

Away In A Manger is one of those songs that is so simple, but it is so beautiful to me.  I love the words to this Christmas song.  One of the things I most like about it is the melody because it just lulls me into a very peaceful state.  It is simple and fun to play and one of my all time favorites.

Hopefully you will enjoy my version of this song on the piano.  I do apologize that featuring these songs on my blog is a little early, but in order to space them out over time, I needed to begin early.  I also realize people are looking for beautiful Christmas music for events coming up in December.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Techniques Learned From Children

Techniques Learned From Children
Today in my inbox, was the daily email from The Universe.   I read this and couldn't help but smile.  At that moment, I knew I needed to share this.  When we are children, we see life in a very unfiltered and uninhibited way.  As we grow into adults, our experiences begin to shroud our view of life.  Life takes on a new meaning and we lose that innocence we once had as children.  So today I'm sharing the daily email from "The Universe" on Techniques Learned From Children.  I hope you enjoy it and if you do, you can also subscribe free at

Here are a few techniques learned from children, that will help anyone take their game, or their life, to a whole new level:

1. Once a day playfully imagine that you're already there.

2. Frequently speak in gratitude as if you've already arrived.

3. And, every now and then, physically do something you never would have done at the old level... like praise yourself, reward yourself, or cluck a few times with thumbs under your arms.

I'll never tell a soul,
    The Universe

Friday, November 23, 2012

Stop Fighting Yourself

Stop Fighting Yourself
One of the most difficult things to realize when you are going through hell in your life is that learning to let go is most likely the thing that you need the most.  The more you fight, the more you slow down progress.  Stop fighting yourself and you will find your way through the difficult moments.

While I realize that what I am saying is much harder to do then write here on the screen, I know from first hand experience how true this is.  You see, the more we fight going into the pains and difficulties of life, the more we feed hopelessness and feel full of despair.  The more hopeless we feel, the less we tap into the power we hold within our bodies.  We take on an energy of fighting against ourselves, rather than working with our mind body to uncover what it is that we need to become aware of in our life.

Fighting is the easy way out.  It is the normal part of our ego and our unconscious self.  The difficult part is learning that fighting with our self is not getting us anywhere.  Instead, the more we surrender into the situation and we try to learn what message is attempting to be delivered to us from our mind and body, the more we will heal our life.  Each of us are a powerful entity that when we tap into that power, we can transform our lives.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We Block Our Abundance

We Block Our Abundance
For the first time in my life, I think I'm getting it!  After years and years of fighting to understand abundance, I think I'm beginning to get a glimpse of what it truly is all about in life.  Now, I'm not sitting here and saying I know all there is and my life is all perfect at this moment, but I've come a long ways.

I'm really beginning to learn that we block our abundance in so many ways.  It really is "us" who gets in the way of all that we are part of in this big universe.  Yes, I know that this may sound way too simple and almost like someone who doesn't understand would state as fact.  I'm here to tell you though, that this is exactly what I have been learning.

It isn't the government, or places of business or families, friends, churches or the evil in this world that stops us from connecting with the true source of our life.  It isn't all the people who have done us wrong in life or the obstacles we think are in our way.  It is not the sun, moon, stars, or some fallen energetic force that stands in our way.  Let me state this again that we block our abundance.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dream Of Rushing Water And Cement Truck

Dream Of Rushing Water And Cement Truck
Last night I had one of those unusual moments that really doesn't make sense.  It was a dream about rushing water and a cement truck.  In the dream, the location was in a mountainous and hilly location which had gotten a lot of sudden rain.  For some time the weather forecasters had been telling people to take cover because there was going to be enormous amounts of rain fall.  However, people went along with their daily lives thinking that all of these warnings meant nothing.

Then, it happened!  The rain started to fall suddenly and in a great quantity.  It came rushing down out of the mountains and hills towards a valley and soon the water was so deep.  My friends and I along with some people I really didn't know, were driving this cement truck and drove it on to a big raft.  We got there just in time for the water to swoop down and lift us off with people trying to jump on the raft as the water pushed it away.  People were running and screaming for help, wanting us to stop to let them on the raft, but there was no way to stop the raft.  Finally the raft came to a standstill as the water began to spread out.  I don't exactly remember what the cement was for, but I believe it was to start building the wall of a dam up.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Advice From Hurricane Survivors

Advice From Hurricane Survivors
With the storm that hit the Northeast part of the country, I noticed an article on that appeared to be very helpful.  In this article, Hurricane Katrina and Joplin Tornado survivors shared some of the experiences they went through and advice they had for others in the aftermath of storm destruction. 

There is no easy way through these ordeals, but with the help of everyone in our nation, we will recover.  I have never personally had to deal with the destruction of a storm, but I have lived through many hurricanes and saw first hand the destruction and how lives were impacted.

In this article, Katrina, Joplin survivors offer advice to Sandy victims, there is some real word advice and help.  I know that when you are experiencing moments that seem like your whole world has fallen apart, it can help to know you are not alone.  It sometimes helps to learn from those that have already walked through the fires that you are currently walking through.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Angel Meditations November 19

Daily Angel Meditations

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of November 4, 2012.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

November 4, 2012 (Sunday)

Topic:  Angels Are Always With Us
It does not take a fancy prayer or a special person to communicate with the angels.  They are always there for us, waiting with arms of love to assist or support us.  The more we become authentic and let go of our fears and ego, the more we can see that the angels are always with us. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Christmas Piano Songs

Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Christmas Piano Songs
I so enjoy this song at Christmas time.  Angels From The Realms Of Glory is such a beautiful song that embodies much of what the Christmas Story is all about.  It is a detailed song, but one that focuses on the message brought by the Angels.  Since I love angels so much and they mean so much in my life, there was no way I could not highlight this song.  It is the second track on my CD, Christmas Piano Songs.

The songs on my CD are my heartfelt piano renditions of many Christmas Songs from my childhood.  Since there are only so many weeks left before Christmas, I will try to highlight the various songs on this CD and include the words to each one.   I do apologize that it may be a little early to do this, but with only a limited number of weekends remaining before Christmas, I have to begin sharing them now before it is too late.

Listen or purchase Christmas Piano Songs on Amazon or iTunes.

Download free Christmas Carol Lyrics at .

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Answers Within Us

Hope And Possibility Through Trauma - Answers Within Us
We have so much truth within ourselves, and we have too much strength that we know not of.  Yet we as humans look outward for these things, when they are not outside of us but inside of us.  (Page 160, Hope and Possibility Through Trauma by Don Shetterly)

Friday, November 16, 2012

When Your Body Hurts

When Your Body Hurts
Sometimes we as humans make things far too difficult.  When your body hurts, it is time to stop in life and take stock of what is happening.  Body pain and hurts is signaling to you that something is wrong and you need to pay attention.

Unfortunately, we as humans tend to reach for the pain pills or rush to the doctor at the first sign of body pain.  We don't stop and take inventory of our life, or if we do, we feel like were too busy to do anything about it.  So we continue pushing ourselves and propping ourselves up with stimulants, drugs, and constant activity in order to keep us going.  However, the more we do this, the more we are playing into a never ending cycle of pain, physical destruction and approaching the edge of no return.

When your body hurts, the first thing to do is stop and take an inventory of your life.  What is happening in your life, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (and I'm not talking religion either).  Usually there are events taking place that have led up to the body issues or there is emotional turmoil going on within your life.  You may be unaware of it, but that doesn't mean it exists.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finding Our Authentic Self

Finding Our Authentic Self
It is easy for each one of us to go through our day oblivious to all that we hold within about who we truly are.  We listen to far too many people who really don't know much more than we do, yet we trust their judgement over ours.  We see the loudest, smooth talking person as having all the answers and yet we fail to find our authentic self.

Our authentic self isn't going to be found in a book or program or person or organization of beliefs.  It isn't going to be found under the shiny lights or the most attended lectures we can find.  It isn't going to be found by listening to someone preach from a pulpit once a week proclaiming they have all the answers.

We find our authentic self when we travel deep within our mind and body.  When we touch the source of our pain and existence in life, we become acquainted with truth and authenticity.  This is not a mental exercise that we do, but one that we feel through the felt sense of our body, connected to our mind.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stop And Find The Answers Within You

We all have our go-to people that we listen to in life.  In fact, many are out seeking and asking for others to help answer questions they struggle with each day.  While each person may not realize just how much they are looking for answers, it is happening right before our eyes.

I constantly see on Facebook and Twitter, the sharing and spreading of feel good posts.  While there is nothing wrong with that, it often seems or appears fake in many ways.  It seems overdone and run into the ground.  In many ways, it is like this is all that matters - that we just want to see pretty little pictures and happy thoughts spread from one person to another.

Now don't get me wrong because seeing these things can be uplifting in our day help us to pull ourselves up through the difficult moments we face.  The problem I have with it is that instead of going within and seeking the answers from our higher self, we begin looking to everyone else to fulfill that need.  We lose site of becoming more aware in our life and more conscious, in lieu of seeking advice and answers from everyone else out there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Healing Disease With Smothies

This is the program we have followed and after 4 years, we still do this every day. The best part about this program is you don't have to go to some company and buy something to take every day. You purchase everything you need at your local grocery store or grow it in your garden. It does take a high powered blender which isn't cheap to buy, but so far the one we bought has lasted 4 years. I have heard many stories now of people who have changed health conditions in their life from following what Jeff Primack teaches.

In this blog post, notice the picture of the blender we use.  It is the Blendtec blender and is powerful enough to chop through everything required for these smoothies, seeds and all.  I believe it is the blender of choice for Jeff Primack.  They are available through places such as Amazon.  A regular blender just won't do the job that is required to make these smoothies, so don't even waste your time with a cheap blender.  If you are going to do this, invest in a good, high powered blender.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Daily Angel Meditations November 12

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of October 28, 2012.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

October 28, 2012 (Sunday)

Topic:  My Life Has Changed
Sometimes when we hit those low moments in our life, the only way we have to go is up.  Fortunately in one such low point, I followed my intuition with the help of the angels and began climbing up out of the hole that I had dug in my life.  Once I began to do this, my life has changed in dramatic ways.. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Silent Night, Holy Night - Christmas Piano Songs

Silent Night, Holdy Night - Christmas Piano Songs
On my CD, Christmas Songs, the first track is one of my favorites.  Remembering back to my childhood days in the cold winter snow filled nights, the song "Silent Night, Holy Night" called out to me bringing me warmth and peace.  I remember singing it and playing it often in church during the Christmas season, where the voices of the choir would echo out into the night.  It still holds a very deep place of peace for me in these troubled times we live.

The songs on my CD are my heartfelt piano renditions of many Christmas Songs from my childhood.  Since there are only so many weeks left before Christmas, I will try to highlight the various songs on this CD and include the words to each one.   I do apologize that it may be a little early to do this, but with only a limited number of weekends remaining before Christmas, I have to begin sharing them now before it is too late.

Listen or purchase Christmas Piano Songs on Amazon or iTunes.

Download free Christmas Carol Lyrics at .

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Support Of Those Affected

Whether it’s a tsunami or an earthquake or a hurricane or any kind of natural disaster, it brings out our true nature, our original nature as Lao-tzu calls it, which is reverence for all life, kindness, simplicity, caring, and serving. We show our love for God by serving one another. Please join me in continuing to send prayers, love, and support to those who affected by the hurricane. (As posted on the Facebook page of Wayne Dyer's )

Friday, November 9, 2012

Is Sugar Toxic?

In an episode of 60 Minutes, Dr. Sanjay Gupta did a special that I found to be very interesting.  The topic of this episode was, Is sugar toxic?  I found this some time ago and it was very profound in my view.  While I personally have tried to reduce sugar intake and most likely consume far less than many people, it is something I struggle with in my diet.  Sugar tastes so good and it is addictive.  If you combine the addictiveness of it with emotional turmoil, it can really increase your desire and consumption in my life.

I personally never drink most sugared drinks.  If I go to a restaurant, I may have soft drinks, but I limit how much I drink.   The remainder of the time I drink water.   We don't have sugar or sweetened drinks in our house.  Most of the time I try to cut down on sugar in every way possible and in fact also we read the labels of the stuff we buy to determine just how much sugar is in a product.  It will surprise you at how many things you buy in the store that have large amounts of sugar in them.  In fact, you will be surprised at some of the stuff that has sugar added into it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Forgiveness Is A Four Letter Word

The other day I saw a video of a brief part of interview between Piers Morgan and Tyler Perry.  In the interview Tyler Perry was answering questions about some of the abuse he suffered through at the hands of his father.  I remember when I went to the taping of the Oprah 200 Men episode, we heard directly from Tyler about this abuse and it strongly connected with my own experiences. 

On this segment of the video, Tyler was talking about forgiveness just like he did with the 200 male survivors that day at the Oprah studio.  In his view, if you don’t forgive you allow all of this stuff to stay inside of you and it affects you physically.  It prevents you from moving forward and getting beyond all that was done to you.

I could not agree more with Tyler Perry in his view, but at one time forgiveness was a four letter word to me.  I thought forgiveness meant I was letting that S.O.B. off the hook and there was no way I was going to do that.  I wanted the person(s) that abused me to suffer because I was so angry at what they did and the lingering effects upon my life.  In addition to these things, I was brainwashed by churches as to what forgiveness was all about and so it really screwed up my understanding.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Unlimited Abundance Lies

Here is a question that a reader sent in regarding the Unlimited Abundance Course with Christie Marie Sheldon.  Please note that whatever I share here as a response, is my own opinion.  I am not trying to speak for Christie Marie Sheldon.  These are my opinions and should not be taken as fact. They are from my experiences with this program and how I view unlimited abundance with respect the lies we need to clear.

I have written extensively on this subject from my first days of skepticism and harsh critique, to future moments where I could begin to see results.   I was a very rough critic at first until I decided to give it a try.  At first I wondered if it would truly help me and then I began to see enough results that I kept going.  It wasn't until recently that I finally made major progress and this month has been one of my best months in a very long time.  I'm only share on this blog, what things have worked for me and some of my own personal journey along the way.  I rarely ever talk on this blog about something I have not personally tried.

The question asked was in regards to not being able to identify the lies and can you clear the lies without listening to the audio.  Below is my response to these questions and concerns.  For more information, you could always contact Mind Valley which publishes the Unlimited Abundance Program.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today Is Election Day

I'm haunted by what I see reported in the media and through social media each day.  Today is election day in the US, but from the looks of the last year or more, it has been anything but civil.  In fact, it is almost hard to comprehend that this process brings out the humanness of our civilization.  I am saddened by the display of hatred, rhetoric, and disrespect throughout this entire political campaign.  I say this towards all voters and all political parties, because no one is innocent in this process.

Why is it that we feel we must tear each other down in our country, rather than building each other up?  Why is it that we feel that the only thing that matters in our day is how much we shower our hatred and anger upon our political opponent?  We do not even attempt to listen to one another or try to understand where the other person is coming from in this political debate.  All we seem to care about is going to our respective corner and hurling insults and accusations until our voice is so hoarse that we can no longer scream.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily Angel Meditations November 5

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of October 21, 2012.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

October 21, 2012 (Sunday)

Topic:  I Am Afraid And I Am Not Alone
Life can get very difficult at times leaving me wonder where things are headed.  Sometimes the pains of life catch up with me and I am afraid.  It is when I ask the angels for help that I realize I am not alone. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Create My Reality

And so we ask ourselves, Can I use my mind to create my reality? If so, is that a skill that we can learn and use to become who we want to be, and create the life we want to experience? - Pg 3, Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Challenge Our Own Beliefs

That is why we need a great deal of courage to challenge our own beliefs. Because even if we know we didn’t choose all these beliefs, it is also true that we agreed to all of them. - The Four Agreements (pg 11) by Don Miguel Ruiz

Friday, November 2, 2012

Life Happens In Unexpected Ways

Sometimes we go through life looking for a solution that fits our current mindset.  In all reality, we often find that the lenses which we are viewing through is not how things necessarily work out for our life.  Life happens in unexpected ways and is usually a surprise to our day.

Many times we try to fit life into what we want it to be and we beg the universe to help us.  It isn’t until we realize that we if we impose our thoughts upon our future moments, that we are actually hindering what is possible.  By our very act of trying to force the creation of possibility, we are standing in the way of it uncovering in the way that it needs to happen.

Lately I have seen that as I step out of the problem and allow the universe to unfold in the way that it needs to, life happens in unexpected ways.  I have been surprised so much at how the answers I was seeking all of the sudden showed up.  For me, I just decided to ask for help and step out of the way. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Facing Difficult Moments In Life

When you face those difficult moments in life that challenge you beyond belief, there is one thing to keep in mind.  You will get through it!  No matter how bleak the situation may appear, there is a way through.  Yes, it may feel like the challenge is too great, but don’t give up and don’t ever quit.

There is a saying that when it seems like you are up against the impossible, don’t stop moving because you might just be standing at the threshold of finding your way through the situation you are facing.  It is easy to see it as being impossible, but step outside of the current box you are in and see what other tools are within your grasp.

Often times the fear builds within us, feeling like we don’t have what it takes to make it or accomplish what lies before us.  All the messages we have been taught play in our mind, attempting to convince us that we are not good enough, we cannot find our way through this or we don’t have what it takes.  Don’t listen to these messages.  They only invite more fear into your life.  The more fear that builds up, the less your mind will be able to accomplish the task of evaluating choices and making decisions that will lead you from the difficult moments you face.


Blog Post And Images (c) 1/01/07 by Don Shetterly
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