Last night (sometime in the very early hours when it was still dark), I woke up or thought I woke up to the doorbell ringing. Of course, the cats and my partner didn’t hear this but I did. I remember
thinking that this was such a strange time of the night to have a doorbell ring and for someone to come to the door. However, I did not feel the need to go to the door and check it out. It was like I knew no one was there.
Of course, until I started to write this, I had forgotten something else. It was the wee hours of the morning when it should be dark and yet I remember seeing bright light coming through the window shades as if it were daytime. I don’t remember really feeling like my parnter or the kittens were there. I don’t feel like I was awake or asleep but that’s about the best I can describe this. And I know this isn’t the first time I have experienced the very bright illumination coming in through the windows.
Yet, I’m not conscious enough or awake enough to ask questions in this. It is a strange place for me to be in when it happens.
Shortly after we moved to this house, I heard the doorbell and phone frequently in the middle of the night but no one else would ever hear it. Then it stopped.
Before we moved up here, I remember hearing the doorbell ring just a few days before we got the offer on the old house. I got up that morning and ran to the door and was so anxious thinking the realtor was going to show up with an offer. It didn’t happen that day but a few days later we got the offer.
Now, I do realize that the anniversary of my mom’s death was today but yet all the other times I have heard the doorbell or phones have been on days that had no significance to me.
And it clearly wakes me up (or it feels like it wakes me up) because I loudly hear these sounds. You would have a hard time convincing me that I didn’t hear them. With someone right beside me and the cats, they would notice it but no one but me notices the sound. It is a very distinctive sound just as if the doorbell rings.
I’m sure it could be considered dreaming or something but the thing is, I remember it so vividly like it really did happen.
It does tend to make one feel a little off though. And I have no idea what it means or what it is but last night was a strange night of sleep where I went into and out of deep sleep from one minute to the next. It was a very strange night.
I don’t sense any impending doom or anything. In fact if I sense anything, I feel anticipation of something good.
Click to read more on Phantom Sounds and Experiences to read further.
Blog Post & Images (c) 1/4/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
Of course, until I started to write this, I had forgotten something else. It was the wee hours of the morning when it should be dark and yet I remember seeing bright light coming through the window shades as if it were daytime. I don’t remember really feeling like my parnter or the kittens were there. I don’t feel like I was awake or asleep but that’s about the best I can describe this. And I know this isn’t the first time I have experienced the very bright illumination coming in through the windows.
Yet, I’m not conscious enough or awake enough to ask questions in this. It is a strange place for me to be in when it happens.
Shortly after we moved to this house, I heard the doorbell and phone frequently in the middle of the night but no one else would ever hear it. Then it stopped.
Before we moved up here, I remember hearing the doorbell ring just a few days before we got the offer on the old house. I got up that morning and ran to the door and was so anxious thinking the realtor was going to show up with an offer. It didn’t happen that day but a few days later we got the offer.
Now, I do realize that the anniversary of my mom’s death was today but yet all the other times I have heard the doorbell or phones have been on days that had no significance to me.
And it clearly wakes me up (or it feels like it wakes me up) because I loudly hear these sounds. You would have a hard time convincing me that I didn’t hear them. With someone right beside me and the cats, they would notice it but no one but me notices the sound. It is a very distinctive sound just as if the doorbell rings.
I’m sure it could be considered dreaming or something but the thing is, I remember it so vividly like it really did happen.
It does tend to make one feel a little off though. And I have no idea what it means or what it is but last night was a strange night of sleep where I went into and out of deep sleep from one minute to the next. It was a very strange night.
I don’t sense any impending doom or anything. In fact if I sense anything, I feel anticipation of something good.
Click to read more on Phantom Sounds and Experiences to read further.
Blog Post & Images (c) 1/4/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
Don, your experience is very real, specially to a person who is experiencing don't need to convince anyone or yourself, as long as you believe in it. This date and this week being special to you, is significant. sometimes the spirits know the specialness of some times and they know during this time you are more sensitive and open minded and alert , so of course they , in their own way try to be more communicative..but, many times it is hard for them to let them know it is them, specially when our human mind/ego tries to make physical sense out of things occuring. After 4 years I still find myself doubting at times, than I look at the alternative and wonder , I crazy than or is my mind making this up...and I know better. Because, I am intelligent, humanly educated, carry on the responsibilities of what is needed to live and care for my kids. Trusting your own mind/spirit is the most hardest thing I have come across to..and all my love to my Spirit Guide who witnesses all and to the patience of the spirits of people and God too.. During this time, if you are waking up for a certain reason, I encourage you to sit on the couch, don't turn on any lights and think of all things that are coming to your mind/thoughts..because, sometimes they are being sent to you from the loving spirits around you. But, never think negative, tell yourself " I like to surround myself, partner and my home with the white light of the holy spirit" and just allow... when I say holy spirit, I mean the loving of father god..and for my protection also..and they will surround you and your home and those in it.. Obviously, you are a sensitive person, not because of your this experience but from reading all your writings, who else can write so warmly, kindly, compassionate..but a sensitive and kind spirit, such as the one you are. You are perfect and don't ever forget that...I look foward to hearing of your experiences..belive in good and positive..and say the prayer above..blessings to you.
ReplyDelete@Mary Ann - sometimes I really struggle to not think I'm crazy. One good friend told me that I need to take "crazy" out of my vocabulary and while I've done that more, sometimes I have a hard time believing things. What you say makes sense and I appreciate you sharing it.
ReplyDeleteYou simply dreamt the doorbell ring.
ReplyDeleteiam having the same dream 6:40 and 7:10 in the morning.what does this mean?
Delete@Anonymous - at one time I might have believed that I just simply dreamt it as you say but I know that isn't the case. There is a difference between dreaming and having something actually happen. They aren't the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThis morning @ 3:30 I was awoken by my doorbell ringing and I know it really rang because my dogs started barking. Not thinking I went straight to the door and opened it because I was expecting my son to be home from his father's house and no one was there. When I went back to the bedroom I noticed the time on the clock. This is not the first time this has happened to me either. In the past 6 months it has happen several times. I have had some medical issues but the last time a death took place in my family my sister's had experience phantom doorbell both my grandmothers had passed away within 3 months of each other that is why this is upsetting to me. Me and my sister have not spoken in 5 years but there is something wrong with my mother. I have heard the voice of her mother in my dreams but dont know if it is her trying to reach me.
ReplyDelete@anonymous - thank you for sharing what you did. It really helps me realize that I'm not the only one that hears things like this. Just like you, I know it is something more when it happens. May you find the answers to what this current experience is attempting to share with you. Thank you once again for this comment. It truly means so much.
ReplyDeleteJust today about 4:50 am i was woken up by the phantom doorbell. I have had them on several ocassions. People who say you dreamt it dont know what they are talking about. They dont know how real it sounds . I have had nightmares and dont wake up from those. I hear the door bell and i wake up with i feel a rush and heart beats really fast. I have to calm myself down.
DeleteMy friend, the past few months I have been hearing the phantom doorbell. It happens always early in the morning 6-8a and sometimes late at night. I've been having extremely lucid dreams lately, which almost always contain blood of some sort. I usually do not wake from these, and if I do, i fall back asleep immediately and reemerge back into the lucidity. However, when the phantom bell rings(and yes, in my head it's extremely loud but my son or pets never hear it, and it sounds just like a doorbell) it always wakes me up. Sometimes I get going with my day and sometimes I fall back asleep. However it always wakes me up and it has been happening more frequently now. Also, I have much more lucid dreams when I sleep downstairs vs. my upstairs master and when I lay from east to west or west to east. Any thoughts???
DeleteI too have had a similar experience to this as to the phantom doorbell (even a knock on the door). It has happened a few times. Twice when no one was home and in the morning hours (and the sun is out). I'm asleep and wake to the sound of the doorbell or a knock. I do get up and check and find no one there. Once it happened when taking a nap and my sister and niece were home, only I heard it and they didn't hear anything. Before i shook it off as waking from a dream (even though I don't remember what I had been dreaming). But the last experience, I was going through alot from situations that are taking place in my life. I truly felt it was my guardian angel telling me to get up out of bed and move foward, to not stay in bed feeling sorry for myself. @ Mary Ann, thank you for noting the prayer as I said it aloud in our home:)
ReplyDeletemy nephew just went through the same thing with the phantom doorbell ringer. He was home alone, it was day out & the doorbell rang 3 different time's. Each time he opened the door there wasn't anyone there. so after the second time He waited by the door to see if they'd ring it again, which they did. however when opening the door there wasn't anyone there.
ReplyDeleteJust awoke to the doorbell 8:40am 12/18/12. Ding dong. And i thought to get up but i realized my dorbell doesn't chime like that. So i laid and thought, then i remember it had happend b4. So i took to do a google search and expected to find nothing. But wow haha. I wasn't dreaming because i immediately Awoke. I pride myself at finding soulutions. When i dream, i track backwards in the day or two and can normally find a relation. But this is different. And has to be a phenomena that can only go back to the creation of the doorbell. Unless prior to that it was something different. Either way it is strange!
ReplyDeleteI woke to the doorbell ringing or hearing someone knocking on my door about a dozen times. It just happened again at my new home. I initially thought someone was playing tricks on me because no one was ever at the door. Now I know it's in my sleep.It's so strange and would love to know why this happems.
ReplyDeleteI feel for you because I've wondered at times as well. One of the things I start doing is really observing all that is happening around me in a day. I"m not talking about the normal things I see, but really looking at every moment under the microscope from the big picture viewpoint. Sometimes that works and other times, I'm left wondering until I can look back and see how some things came together. Is there someone trying to get your attention or have you been asking for guidance lately? Sometimes I have found that it is a way to get me to really notice something that is happening at that moment or in the very immediate future.
DeleteDon--Interesting thoughts on this issue. I don't like when someone comes over unannounced, so perhaps that has something to do with it. Who knows?
ReplyDeleteThe doorbell or knocking sounds very loud. Loud enough to wake me, which of course I'm 'hearing' in my sleep.
I thought I was alone with the phantom doorbell. I'm so glad there are others!
(Anonymous Bob) Last night I awoke twice to the sound of the doorbell ringing; once at 2am then again at 6am. I didn't get up this time. I figured I would begin researching it in the morning... so here I am as I begin my search.
ReplyDeleteThis happened about a month ago, once in the middle of the night. I got up and checked the front door to see if anyone was there, but no one was there. My wife said she didn't hear anything.
I'm amazed at how many others are having a very similar experience. At the time, I wondered if I was the only one. Thanks for sharing.
DeleteI just lost my mother and my husband four months ago, they were both on Hospice. He died from cancer. From before he got diagnosed, all the way through his illness, I heard phantom doorbells nearly every single night! And after they died, it stopped immediately.
DeleteHave you ever read the books by Dr. John Lerma on his experiences with Hospice patients right before death. It is pretty eye opening and told in a way that isn't based upon beliefs, but instead upon experiences he witnessed.
DeleteThanks to all that have written. The doorbell & door knocking has happened at 2 points of my life when I was in " danger". The first episode was in the weeks leading up to what seemed similar to appendicitis but turned out to be a tumor of the appendix. If this type of tumor had burst, my life expectancy would have been less than 5 years as the cells would spread in my abdomen & make new tumors. The strange doorbells & knocking had me on alert that something strange was going on so I went to the hospital as soon as the abdominal pain started...I had been symptom free up until that point.
ReplyDeleteThe last episode happened on a road trip with my parents. My father was emotionally & verbally abusive to me as a kid but had mellowed over the years. So I agreed to bring my kids an accompany my parents on a roadtrip to Maine as my kids were teenagers and this might be the only chance for a trip like this with their grandparents. My father almost immediately started being increasingly sarcastic and nasty on the trip. I heard a knock on the first night, a doorbells on the second night. I caught a cab and flew home on the 3rd day.
I'm pregnant and this has been happening to me since i got pregnant. First off, I would get startled and awake by the loud knocking. But like you said, there was no sudden urge to get up. As if I were in a daze. Then yesterday I awoke to my first doorbell! Here is what I believe is happening... We are in a state of sleep in which we are dreaming and we hear a "knock" or "doorbell" and our subconscious mind connects to our conscious mind and tries to alert us in waking life. So we wake up either scared or confused.
ReplyDeleteI think each of us have to discover what it means and I'm not sure one size fits all for everyone. I have actually had times where I am not in a dream state and yet this has happened.
DeleteI too have experienced this. Twice in the last couple months. I took a chance on googling this, not really knowing what to write as a search. I'm stunned to see others have experienced this. My first doorbell was a couple months ago and my second was today. For me, both times this occurred was around 5-5:30 in the morning. The first time, I didn't check it out, was scared lol. Said to myself, if I hear it again, now that I was awake, I'll get up and look. Didn't happen twice. Today, I stayed in bed contemplating on whether to check it out. I did after a couple minutes and no one was at door. This is a strange occurrence. Not sure if a dream or real.
ReplyDeleteSounds so similar to what I could write. I haven't had this experience for some time, but I find it amazing that it happened and that I'm not the only one.
DeleteThis morning at 5am I was awakened by a single doorbell ring. I was initially startled. After looking at the clock, I realized this must be a dream because who would be at the door at this hour. I have been trying to understand this and googled to find many others have experienced being awakened by a doorbell. I tried connecting the doorbell to my dream, but could not recall the dream after being awakened so quickly. Of course I couldn't return to sleep, but maybe it was an indication to get up anyway?
Deletemy birthday is May 10th... 5:10. I wake up to this time almost every morning. today I woke up to the door bell... that is why I am on this page. there is something connected with this. I just wish I knew more. :(
ReplyDeleteIt happens to me.
ReplyDeleteIt happens daily/ nightly in the winter to me... one ring, one knock... it has followed me from every house I have ever lived in. Idk what to do, if I am going crazy... or if someone is trying to speak to me from the other side.
ReplyDeleteGreetings, I do not think any of us is crazy; we just don't know what it means yet. Last night I was watching t.v. when the doorbell rang and my dog started barking. I did not see anyone ouside and, since it was snowing, I looked for fresh footprints. None. The date does hold significance for me, though. Very sad memory.
DeleteI am a dentist from india working in Oman for the past 20 years.For the last one year.I am hearing phantom door bells. I noticed that I hear it almost everyday.Even in the afternoon.But the best part my
ReplyDeletewife and daughter came to visit me in Oman. They both heard the door bell at different time.I never told them about this phenomenon that happened to me before But i noticed this happens in our waking hours or when we r about to sleep. The sound of the door bell is almost same as i have installed.But now i hear different tone.I asked my wife and daughter later after they left Oman about this incident. They both said it was creepy but just forget it.
Thank you for sharing this. I'm in awe of everyone else that has experiences like this. I wouldn't just forget it. Instead, I would ask what it means for you and then listen.
DeleteI was woken up last night at around 3am to the sound of a doorbell, but I knew it wasn't real as my cats didn't react to it. This has happened to me many times in the past and I'm not sure what's triggering it. It usually happens around 2 or 3am.
ReplyDeleteI decided to do a google search and surprisingly found this discussion on it. I guess it's not that rare of a phenomenon.
I would have never guessed that many people have this experience either. It has kind of blown my mind to think about. I don't always hear the doorbell now, but the one thing I pick up on is music (beautiful music).
DeleteI to am awakened by 1 knock on the front door between 2-3am. This really startles you, I mean out of a dead sleep. It only happens 2 or 3 times a year for the past few years. Nothing crazy has been going on in my life, I am a widow since 2000 but it started when I turned 60?? Really strange, so glad to see I am not the only one experiencing this.
DeleteI awoke last night at 3am and then the doorbell rang. I know for a fact that I was not sleeping or dreaming but I was wide awake. It freaked me out and I looked on Google to see if this is just happening to me at my home. I knew it wasn't someone playing Ding Dont Ditch it but I also knew that nobody was there.. June 21st has no significance to me. I heard the doorbell ring one other time about 2 weeks ago around the same time. I wonder what it really is..
ReplyDeleteI too also experienced waking up to a doorbell ringing - this was around 4:00 A.M, and at first, I thought who could be wanting to see us while everyone is still sleeping?? I was scared at first, and thought my mom and sister heard it too, but they did not get up.
I ended up checking outside the living room window to see if we had accidentally left the gate open. It was closed. I've never been jerked out of a dream like that. Then I asked my family about, but they said they hadn't heard anything.
I think another poster mentioned that specific dates or deaths may be associated sometimes with phantom door bells. It just so happened to be the anniversary of my parents' marriage, and my dad had passed away last year. Do you think maybe....? Anyhow, I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences here. Truly odd indeed.
Phantom and real doorbells happened to me repeatedly for about 6 years. (in two different homes) After almost 10 years of marriage, my husband had an affair and I left him. After our divorce - no more doorbells. I believe they are a warning of danger, or that we are not on the path we should be.
ReplyDeleteInteresting story and glad you shared it. I have a feeling there are many reasons why we hear doorbells or phones ringing, but I believe danger or a warning is one of them for sure.
DeleteMy husband died unexpectedly in August. I posted this in March. I believe a spirit was trying to message me now. I wish I followed my gut��
DeleteFor a number of years I have heard doorbell ringing and knocks on the door downstairs. I have also been awakened to my land-line phone ringing next to my bed but this is more in a semi-dream because I answer the phone and hear a voice that might say my name and start saying a sentence, sometimes urgent-like, but it trails off; or the woman or man at the other end will say very clearly, "Hello .... (and my name) and that is all. I'd wake up right after this and realize it was a dream. When I gave up my land line phone at one point and had my cell phone next to the bed, it would have the ring of the cell phone!
ReplyDeleteThese encounters have often been understood by me as a need to pray for whoever may be in need of prayers, even though I don't know who they are for at the time, but I'd later find out that someone I knew had passed away or was very sick. Other than that, it can be meant as a warning. Perhaps a major unknown upset is coming and should be prayed about so that whatever it is it would be averted or handled well. Most of the time, the above events have been indeed a call to prayer since a few days or week might pass by before I'd realize just why I was meant to pray.
Very interesting reading your experiences. I never thought that what I posted here would touch so many who have had similar experiences. I'm amazed at the comments left on this thread. Thank you for sharing.
DeleteThank you for sharing this... I continue to be amazed at just how many people experience this. It leads me to wonder, just what else are we missing that happens around us. I will definitely read this in more detail.
ReplyDeleteI too have experienced waking to the phantom doorbell. It happened again this morning. It woke me with a start and I tried to think who would be visiting so early. It was around 6 am. I rushed to the door and no one was there. I realised the kids, my husband and the cat hadn't been woken. This seemed weird. Very interesting to hear others comments. It made me reflect that this has only happened since mum died less than a year ago.
ReplyDeleteI am a person who plants one foot firmly in the spiritual realm and the other in the scientific realm, and while I DO believe that there can be a spiritual element to these doorbells (like those who get them regularly in conjunction with 'pay attention to your body' signs or something), there is DEFINITELY a scientific reason: Hypnogogic hallucinations.
ReplyDeleteI'm stunned that nobody's brought this to the comments on a post that is years old, but maybe it means that hypnogogic hallucinations aren't as common knowledge as I believed. They can range from a simple doorbell or a bang sound to people standing around your bed. Hypnogogic hallucinations tend to happen upon falling asleep or awakening, so if one is wide awake and hearing doorbells, that would probably not qualify. And there're not a lot of doctors who are familiar with them.
I am not trying to discount the spiritual gnosis of others by bringing this about; it's something worth researching for those of you looking for an explanation that isn't spiritual. Frankly, the things you all have brought about in these comments (death, warnings, medical stuff) is scary stuff, so somebody who has heard a doorbell and freaking out reading these comments may like a different option to consider.
I first experienced a phantom phone ring about 20 years ago. The phone by my bed woke me up so I answered it but there was no-one at the other end. I later phoned my older sister because I was convinced it had been her ringing despite already have used "1471" to discover no-one had phoned.
ReplyDeleteOver the years I experienced a few more phantom calls which always woke me up and have also heard the doorbell ring in waking hours despite there not being anyone there.
This morning my mobile phone woke me up at about 6.15am. It was downstairs and I remember thinking that it must be annoying my downstairs neighbour and who on Earth could be ringing at this time of day?
I checked the phone but no-one had rung. My older sister would have been 52 today. She passed away at 40. Perhaps she was saying hello?
Jackie, I read your essay and it's beautiful. So touching. I too am hearing a doorbell in the night. It's a single tone but my real doorbell has a double chime. I have been in this house about ten years and it's happened three times. It wakes me from a very sound sleep every time. Once when my then 13-year old granddaughter was staying with me she called out from her room in the middle of the day "Grandma, are you going to answer the door?" I asked her what she meant. She said, "Grandma, someone is ringing the doorbell." I didn't hear it but she did. So wierd. That was the only time it happened in the middle of the day. The other times it has been in the wee hours of the morning.
ReplyDeleteIm on the same search as everyone else here, trying to find out why it happens. Ive been up since 6:30 this morning when 'the doorbell' woke me up, again. It happens alot. In the middle of the night, early in the morning, sometimes in the middle of the afternoon if i nap. It sounds so loud, and sets my heart racing. Theres never anyone there. I wake up startled in a panic, searching my brain trying to think if im expecting anone or anything, & i never am. I check my phone to see if anyones text me to say theyre coming & nothing. Its honestly driving me mad now. Im losing sleep. Im exhausted. I have to know what it means. Its my own doorbell noise. Ive lived in this house 3 years now and it never happened in my old house. Ive not lost anyone recently, no anniversaries of deaths or anything right now. This house doesnt have any weird history as far as im aware. Its kinda nice to know its a phenomena and its not just me, i just wish there was an answer. Hopefully ill find one.
ReplyDeleteToday something very creepy happened.So I am sitting around on my favourite chair when I hear the doorbell.I know its not phantom because the dog heard it too and began to bark,and the white ball of fur runs up to the door and sits there.After a while I began to calm(not really),and I decide to check out what it is.I go outside and no one is there.I just really had to say this story cuz I am very freaked out.
ReplyDeleteThe doorbell ringing is something that started in our household some 25 years ago. For us it functions as a gentle heads-up that we are about to hear the news of someone who has passed on or is about to. It is not a scary thing. It's like getting an anonymous condolence card before everyone else.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure for others it could mean something else, but it seems to always be a sign of communication. It's definitely not a simple dream and you don't have to be afraid of it.
i've had the door bell (DING DONG), someone screaming my name, and the latest was the smoke detector sound... LOUD smoke detector sound... i actually got up on that one, the others i'm used to and just go back to sleep... i'll probably end up murdered, or burnt to death one of these days.... oh well
ReplyDeleteI have been hearing my doorbell ring since June 2012, on average 3-5 times a week, 1-2 times on each of those nights, and it's driving me nuts. In January of that year, my mother passed away. We were not very close when she died. I don't know if her passing has anything to do with it or not.
ReplyDeleteI live in a basement apartment. For a while I thought some jerk was harassing me in the middle of the night. I told my landlady about it and she suggested the janitor deactivate my doorbell, to which I said yes to. Ever since the bell has been shut off, I am STILL hearing that doggone bell! But at least I know now that it isn't anybody harassing me. The irony is that I now wish it was a harasser, because now that the bell is deactivated, I wouldn't have to hear that bell anymore.
Well, I am so relieved that I am not the only one hearing a door bell, a door knocking or an old phone ringing or hearing someone say my name very loud that wakes me up from my deep sleep, First I dismissed it as a dream, then I got curious because it was just happening every day around 4-6am, But, then the loud knocking of the door was happening while awake, then my dogs will bark sometimes staring at the walls in my room ,that was; when I was living in a suburb of Chicago 2014,. So , I always thought some spirit was trying to say hello. I move to Las Vegas, NV in December 2014, no more of that for months. but , a father figure close to me passed away like four months ago, I always call him "dad" even thought he wasn't my biological father, I always respected him and loved him as a father. Since 2 weeks ago I started hearing a bell sound, a single tone bell like that one on the front desk at a hotel or small businnes to call for service. I do work in a small restaurant where we have this bell for customer to order service. I heard the bell ring and rush to the front and no one is there, like many of you I was thinking someone was just playing tricks on me or just being a jerk for that matter, but, when I asked my coworker if she heard the bell ring she will always answer no. Now , here is the weird part, when someone was actually there ringing the bell my coworker will hear it right away, but I will not at all, and when I clearly heard the bell myself and rushed to the front, my coworker will not hear it all. I am the only so far hearing this phantom bell and is not once but 3 times or more when I am at work. I really wish the scientific and the spiritual community will research and examine this phenomenon to get an explanation, it really starting to freak me out . Maybe we should start a KIK group so we can share our phantom sounds and experiences and why only certain people can hear it, we are connected by this paranormal phenomenon, so maybe we can figure out why or how we are able to hear the ringing or door knocking. Maybe, there is a pattern in the way we are living, or beliefs or how we were raise that make us a good recipients for this phenomenon to manifest to us only.
ReplyDeleteOk, so I was drifting of to sleep.And the door opens,not a real door. A phatatom door.
ReplyDeleteIts been some time since I've heard the doorbell ring and this morning I heard it. At first, I thought, am I dreaming, and then I heard it again. I have no idea what that means, but it sure got my attention.
ReplyDeleteSame for me the night to 10th November. I have a religious upbringing, that i have rebelled from. I don't know if that have anything to do with the experience? Anyway i can't go back with the understanding i have today. My parents don't like it, but i can't do anything about it, and it make me upset.
DeleteToday my locked back door opened by it self twice, and now in the middle of the night 2:16, I'm awake on the Internet because of the doorbell just now. Wish there was an old wives tale or something like that, that would be a cue to what it is that the door bell means...
DeleteHi, there. It's was 2:30 am January 16th and I heard the doorbell and then a light bang noise that followed the doorbell. I know it happened because my wife who was with the baby in the other room was awakened by it.... So with that said, it freaked me out inside, I checked my house talked with my wife for a second, then obtained my pistol and checked the front door. No one there. So it shook me up some, but I just prayed, in my prayer I rebuked the devil in Jesus name, just incase. And began to search it on Google. Very surprised to see it happen to so many people. Today is not a significant day to me. I am s Christian, but different from what a main stream Christian in America is. I feel it's a sign of some sort. Jesus did say He is knocking an waiting on us to answer, I will keep my eye out for any deaths that might happen soon, or major changes in my lifestyle and repost if anything significant happens shortly from now. I hope everyone on here is able to find out what it signifies for them. Be blessed y'all.
ReplyDeleteThis is the 3rd or 4th time I was awoke by the doorbell . Nobody else wakes not even the dog who hears everything . The days are not significant to me. Twice around the same time 2:49am and nobody is there. I hope this is not a scary sign. I have been sick this week and pray nobody is going to pass. It's so real. I always check and nobody is there. It's starting to freak me a bit! Pd can't believe there's so many of us!
ReplyDeleteThis happened again this morning. It happens so often now it doesn't really bother me anymore - I just settle back down to sleep.
ReplyDeleteMy dog who sleeps at the foot of the bed would be yapping like mad if it was the actual doorbell.
My beloved Dad passed away three years ago but I'm not sure if the ringing started before or after he passed.
I had a funny thing happen last year, in the UK we have a built in answer machine on our regular telephone land lines which we access with pressing 1571. We also have a answer machine that we have never used on the base of our house phone. As I said before this handset base one is never turned on but as I was going to bed I replaced the handset to charge up over night, the answer machine turned its self on and a message from Dad played. I didn't know it was there. He just said that he would try to call me later.
I have dreams about quite a lot, we have conversations about this and that. He once showed me a new watch he had. It had a black face, black numbers and black hands. He was very pleased with it. He told me that thats what they have "there".
Also I been seeing 808 everywhere again. I used to see a lot in my 20's but it stopped. It pops up regularly again. Till receipts, clocks, adverts, number plates etc.
Thoughts anyone?
I have heard my the door bell ring at four A.M. three different times. I looked it up on,YouTube. There is a woman, who said, that what ever negative thing we talk about or think about , comes to us. So if we are thinking about death and talking about it. This spirit will come to us.So we need to close all the doors to these spirits. Rebuke all evil spirits in Jesus name. Pray over our homes. Ask God to fill our homes with his presence. Speak some scriptures out loud. Keep our thoughts clean and on the things of God. Evil thoughts are presented to us by Demond's , so we can either go with it, or reject it. I finally found my answer to this mystery.My thoughts were on death all evening and I heard the door bell ring at 4 A.M. .It scared me so bad, I woke up my husband. He didn't hear it. I reached for my 38 special and could barely sleep after that. I was crippled with fear. So I don't think it was a holy thing. I felt it was demonic.I'm still upset over it and that was 6 hours ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you have found something that works for you. I know for myself personally and others, it is nothing demonic. But take care of yourself and if you have found your answer for your life to it, that's a good thing. Thanks for sharing.
DeleteThank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our. ring doorbell pro review
ReplyDeleteDear Don Shetterly, Thank you for this post and for inviting the replies. It's helpful just to know other people have the phantom ringing and other phantom happenings.