Time and time again I heard and witnessed the phrase "I'll Teach Them A Lesson" by members of my family. In this post, I'm more speaking out for the animals. If the dog or cats didn't do exactly what some member of the family thought they should do, they were disciplined and taught a lesson.
These lessons were taught in the way of the cats being hurled up into the air as they went sailing out the front door. More severe lessons were taught by closing the cats in the basement door or drowning them in a river. Of course there was the normal beatings that they would get in my house for just about anything. A cat in my house didn't dare jump up on a table or counter. That was like a major sin unto God. Apparently God condoned this type of behavior in our house.
The dogs were not immune to the lessons either. Shoes would be thrown at the dogs, or they would be held by the collar while they were beaten and kicked for whatever crime they committed. Sometimes they would be locked up for a long time in the garage and tied to a chain to show them just who was boss. Its important to note that we were not supposed to go out and see the dog until the imposed sentence was served. I would sneak out and take the dog part of my meal and water. Heck, the dogs would even be shot at as they ran down the road. If all else failed, it was up to our father (the patriarch) of the family to have my younger brother go out and shoot his dog because he didn't like the dog.