These days I see so many people lying as if it were a normal and acceptable practice. In fact, throughout our society and the world, lying seems to have replaced honesty. Truth has become truthiness. Each day, whether it is in political ads, advertisements, or everyday communication, lying has become the source of our communication. Yes, I know there are some honest people left in this world, but the dominating force of what we see in a day, falls short of what we used to know as truth.
At one time I worked for a boss by the name of Ron. Ron was overall an upstanding person, but he had this flaw that really bugged me. You see, if he was trying to get someone to do something, he would say whatever he needed to in order to make that happen. His justification was that if someone believes what he is saying, than its the truth. Unfortunately, that is skewing life so badly that reality is nothing but a blurred image. Of course in the end, he manufactured a "lie" against me that got me dismissed. I always thought it was ironic how he had no desire for the truth, but he used the truth against me as a sword.
Growing up, my older brother knew nothing about telling the truth. I remember my Dad shoving a bar of soap in his mouth every time he was caught lying and even though the punishment was horrible, he still continued to lie. The lies would often be about things that really didn't matter and I would sit there dumbfounded as to why he was lying. On the other hand, I could not lie because anyone could read my face and see it as plain as day.