Thursday, January 31, 2013

Favorite Blog Posts Jan 2013

Favorite Blog Posts Jan 2013 - At Home In Our Bodies
I always love reading things that are consciously connected thoughts on pain.  In this blog post from, an interview was conducted with Jon Kabat-Zinn.  I became aware of Jon through a video at a Google meeting in their corporate office where he talked about mindfulness.  You can see more on the post I wrote, Mindfulness With Jon Kabat-Zinn.

In this blog post, he talks about using the Buddhist practice of meditation to help treat chronic pain and illness in our life.  While I am not here to promote one practice over another or specify the specific procedure one should use, what I found interesting was how he viewed pain.  In fact, what I have learned in my own life is very similar when it comes to pain and illness.  I arrived at the same point in a different way which doesn't really matter, but the insight he gives is what is important.

In the following statement, he puts pain in perspective that we so often don't do in our own lives.  "Physical pain is the response of the body and the nervous system to a huge range of stimuli that are perceived as noxious, damaging, or dangerous."

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Holding On or Letting Go In Healing

Holding On or Letting Go In Healing
It seems like we as humans can sometimes miss the forest for the trees and even if someone points this out, we cannot even see it.  All too often in healing, we are holding on to all that is not healthy for our life, but letting go of it is like asking someone to climb the tallest mountain.  Most likely it isn't going to happen.  You can stand there in plain view of what needs to happen, but because life is so entrenched in what we have been taught to believe is true, we lose site of the forest for the trees.

When I have gone through some of my most challenging moments in life, I did not always want to let go.  Even though I gave lip service to that fact and tried to make people believe I did, in all reality, I was just holding on.  Letting go was scary even if what I needed to release was not helping me progress in life.  When something is scary, we often pull back in and retreat, hoping the fearful moment will soon pass.  It is easier that way in life, but it does not move you forward.

We can claim all day long that the doctors have it wrong, or the therapist does not know what they are saying.  We can claim that a diagnosis is anything but correct for us and we can continue to demand answers, but in the end the reality will slap us in the face.  Acting as if you have your life together and everything is going fine, will most likely not get you to the answers you need for your life.  They may make you feel safe and secure, but sometimes we need to be shoved out of the nest so we can learn to fly.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life Works Out

Life Works Out
Louise Hay
Starting In Publishing
It is amazing how things sometimes work out and stare us in the face, while we keep seeking and searching for answers. If you're like me, I sometimes am so thick headed that I can't see or hear what is being told to me. It is like I go up and hit my head against the proverbial brick wall, then wonder why I'm not getting anywhere.

For some time now, I have been trying to figure out what the next step is in my life. I have felt bored, unchallenged and stagnant. Nothing has giving me meaning for the most part and I'm more than ready for a change. I finally told the angels the other day to speak louder and be more forceful because I wasn't hearing what they were trying to say.

Then I had a dream during a meditation time that I heard knocking at the door. In this time, I felt like I was supposed to be alert to something coming my way that was maybe a little out of usual. I didn't think too much more about this experience but kept my eyes open. Several days later an experience happened that really opened my eyes up.

I was on the internet and somehow stumbled across the following video of Louise Hay talking about how she started in publishing. In this video, she talked about flukes in her life that ended up being exactly what she needed to do in life. In much the same way, stumbling across this video was a fluke that feels exactly like my next step - writing my book.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Daily Angel Meditations January 28

Daily Angel Mediattions

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of January 13, 2013.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

January 13, 2013 (Sunday)

Topic: No Blog Post
Celebrate the power within yourself and see the power you hold in your life.  You are much greater than you realize, but know that this is part of the process of learning.  It is part of your journey. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Experience A Different World

If we do not step outside of all that we see, we will never experience a different world than what we know. - Don Shetterly

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The More We Love Ourselves

The more we love ourselves, the more we can love the world.  This is so true.  Right now, the world needs so much love.  How can we not learn to truly love our self more each day.  It is essential that we do this, so the world will become a more conscious place.

To see the full sized picture, go to the Facebook page, Corey The Orange Cat.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Getting Straight A's

Getting Straight A's
While this story may be a little bit of a deviation from my regular blog postings, I felt it was important to share.  In many ways, I think it may help others and so in that reference frame, this blog post is keeping in the tradition of a purpose of helping others.  It is a personal struggle that I went through many years ago and as I begin to consider graduate school in my future, this subject came up with a friend of mine who teaches at a university.

Growing up, I did struggle with math and I found ways to compensate or overcome those obstacles.  Yet, math was never easy for me.  I took the required classes I had to in this subject and then moved on to other things that I enjoyed more.  Throughout high school, I did fairly well, graduating tenth in my class.  In many respects, I could have done better, but since high school was not a challenge to me, I just got by in my classes.  Unfortunately as a result, I never learned how to properly and efficiently study and learn from classwork.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Beware Of Massage Email Scams

Beware Of Massage Email Scams
The other day I saw something that got my attention in my inbox.  Yes, I know we all get scam emails, but this email was directed towards massage therapists and it almost seemed real.  Even though I know to beware of email scams, this particular one seemed almost believable.   Once I started to look at it closer though, I could see a couple of things.

In what appears to be this massage email scam, they write to an unsuspecting massage therapist acting as if they are trying to set up a series of massage appointments for some wealthy celebrity or model.  As you read it, you kind of feel special that someone would be contacting you and of course dollar signs begin to go off in your head.  They sound all friendly, nice, and anxious to get this lined up with you, but if you fall for this, I'm sure you won't be very happy because by all accounts it appears to be one big scam. I cannot say with 100% certainty that it is a scam, but many factors point to this and so the best word of advice is to beware!

First of all, the reply address is a completely different address than the one the email came from.  Red flags should automatically go up all over the place in this scenario.  There is no legitimate reason to have one email address that this is sent to, but a reply address that is different.  It is not considered to be standard business practice. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Consciousness Of Joy And Pain

Consciousness Of Joy And Pain
The moments of joy in our life are the ones that make it easy to fully live in our day.  However, when we hit those low points and we struggle, that is when it gets difficult to remember the moments of joy.  Of course, we can't have joy without struggle and we can't have comfort without pain.  Both of these things are equally important to our daily life of growth, awareness and consciousness.

All too often, we either numb ourselves to the pain we face in our life and body, or we only embrace happy thoughts and feel good mantras.  Neither is healthy for the mind and body if we are oblivious to the opposite that exists within us.  It is not wrong to have mantras or happy thoughts, but if we have numbed our mind body interface so that we do not fully experience life, then we are trying to exist on a diet of water only in our life.

Balance between joy and struggle, comfort and pain, stress and rest is essential for us to evolve.  It is in the balance that we allow both sides of our present moment to show up, unattached to the outcome in possibility.  You may try all you want to have one side without the other, but in many ways you are only attempting to fool your mind and body.  In all reality, your mind knows, but as we cut ourselves off from the mind body connection, we are disconnected from our mind and our body.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

When Healers Miss The Big Picture

Every new age spiritual enlightened person out there most likely would easily agree that healing does not come from humans.  It comes from a power greater than ourselves.  Each one might have a different name or terminology for what brings forth healing, but I'm almost certain that everyone agree it does not come from any particular individual.

Of course, when you look at many modalities, healing practices and organizations, anything but what I just wrote becomes the truth.  Usually no one will admit it or even acknowledge that it happens within them or their group.  There is a blind eye that is turned towards the truth.  Although it remains an unspoken thing within individuals and groups, it is present.

All too often in the bodywork field we build up organizations and put certification procedures in place.  While that may sound like a worthwhile cause and justifiable at the time of its creation, it often comes from a place that is not as pure and conscious as the individual would hope that it does. It may start out with good intentions, but at some point it degrades into the human ego making decisions and forming committees to take care of man-made issues that arise.

At some point an organization or individual may realize that in order to validate the healing work that they do, procedures need to be put in place.  In many ways this is admirable, but more often than not this process goes awry.  Soon humans are evaluating other humans and passing judgements based upon factors outside of their consciousness.  As time goes, more procedures are put in place to help balance the process out, but of course they are made up by individuals who are judging what needs to happen.  At the end of the day, more committees and procedures reflect very little, how the initial process that begun with the healing modality.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Daily Angel Meditations January 21

Daily Angel Mediattions

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of January 5, 2013.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

January 6, 2013 (Sunday)

Topic: No Blog Post
Today is but one moment in time, just one part of our life and a connection from this moment to the next.  We should never look at this moment as the sum total of our life, but as one possibility to glimpse and jump into the next moment. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Helplessness And Hopelessness

Helplessness And Hopelessness
But when people don’t have this experience of knowing that they will be able to move through anxiety, chaos, and fear, this can lead to sensations, feelings, and postures of helplessness and of hopelessness. (Pg 40, Freedom From Pain by Peter Levine)

Please check out Peter Levine's book, Freedom From Pain on Amazon.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

No Blame - Just Understanding

When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look into the reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or our family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like lettuce.

Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change. - Thich Nhat Hanh

I saw this quote on facebook and it is attributed to Thich Nhat Hanh.  While I'm not certain if he said it or not, I'll give him credit for it until someone comes along and sheds further light on its origin.  It says so much and just too good to pass up sharing on this blog especially in light of an experience that happened yesterday where I walked away from engaging in argument with this place of "so called love".

Friday, January 18, 2013

Love Is More Than Words

Love Is More Than Words
Recently I had an experience where some new age spiritualist preachers of love showed me anything but love.  They were extremely judgmental in their approach and when I tried to point that out, they were extremely condescending and preachy.  If love is their sole reason for existence by the practice they proclaim to do, they failed miserably.  What is more sad is that they are not able to even see what it is that they did.

By jumping to conclusions and judging something I said before I could have a chance to respond, that does not sound like love to me.  By acting as if my explanation really didn't matter, that only their view was the right one, it did not sound like love to me.  It is easy of course to proclaim how much you love everyone and how much you practice love in your life, but if your actions don't back up your words, you are like this passage in the bible in First Corinthians 13.  It is one of my favorites because it says so much in so few words.

In the first section below, it really states that words or tongues without love, is nothing more than a noisy instrument.  Even if you have all this insight into humanity or life, but you don't practice what you preach, your words mean nothing.  Yet, so many - especially those that put themselves up on a pedestal - do exactly what this is saying gains you nothing in life.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Walk The Talk

Walk The Talk
There are far too many things on the internet and in real every day life that just aren't what they claim they are.  You know the places that talk the talk, but don't walk the talk!  I'm not probably telling you something you don't already know, but in the new age movement, there is so much of this.  Granted, I probably write about things on here that some people just roll their eyes or quit reading.  Of course, that is each person's choice to do that, but if we all just absorb that which we agree with, will we ever move beyond our current place in life?

Recently, I was visiting a webpage that talked about love. At first, I thought they did walk the talk, but I soon found out that they just practiced doing talk the talk.  While I didn't necessarily agree with all of what the writer said, it was often something good to think about in a day.  I try to find the nugget of gold within stuff, even if it is something you want to roll your eyes at.  I think the individual that is writing this website page honestly wants to be real, but unfortunately the people running his site are way too thin skinned or are so fragile that they cannot accept anything but those that praise them.  It is sad, because it turned a good experience into a bad experience as a result of their actions.  Of course in trying to be open and honest with them, they just continued their condescending attitude back to me which was sad as well. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Good Meditation Music - Missing In Action

Missing In Action - Good Meditation Music
I wonder these days if true creativity connected to the mind and body has just disappeared.  I mean, it seems like the majority of music is missing depth when it comes to creativity.  Yes, I realize that everything is digitally synthesized these days and that is what everyone is accustomed to, but it really is lacking in depth.

Today I was searching for some good meditation music and I clicked on a link to a song, but my ears could not even stand two seconds of it.  It had some type of drum beat in it, a whooshing type of sound, some other instrument trying to play a melody and then someone singing.  The sounds clashed together kind of like clanking symbols.  Instead of being music you wanted to listen to, it was so irritating that screeching fingers on a chalkboard would have sounded better.

Unfortunately the example I just gave from my search of good mediation music is not an isolated example.  It happens constantly and in fact with the sensitive ears I have, it is almost impossible it seems to find music I can connect with and enjoy.  I know there is music out there, but it is so hard to find these days.  Also, I do realize that not everyone has the same taste in music that I do have or the same sensitivity.  I will say though, the body does know the difference even if your ears and your brain don't pick it up on a conscious level.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ringing Phone And Angel Numbers Dreams

Ringing Phone And Angel Numbers Dreams
Last night I had one of those "strange and unusual" moments while I was sleeping.  For a more accurate description, I could call it a dream, but I'm not 100% sure that fits in this case.  While I know I was in a dream state, it feels like I was awake in that moment.  It gets difficult to tell the awake moments between the dream moments at times for me.

The dream actually startled me out of bed with a ringing phone sound.  It was not a sound of any phone that we have in the house, but it was clearly a digital phone ringing sound.  I noticed that no one in the house heard it but me.  It was enough though to startle me out of a deep sleep and I could have sworn it was just as real as an actual phone ringing.

The next thing I remember is that I had someone whispering into my ear to look at the time on the clock.  So, I kind of haphazardly looked at the time and thought okay, be quiet and leave me alone (to whoever was whispering in my ear).  Just let me go back to sleep.  Once again though, they told me to look at the clock.  This time, instead of seeing 2:58 am, I saw 2:59 am.  I'm thinking at this moment, so what?  Why is this even important for me.  Just let me go back to sleep.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Daily Angel Meditations January 14

Daily Angel Mediattions

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of December 30, 2012.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

December 30, 2012 (Sunday)

Topic: No Blog Post
Argument gets us nowhere because the more we try to argue with someone, the less either side is listening.  There is never a winner, because neither side is intent on listening or understanding.  It is only when we listen to someone else and try to understand from their perspective what it is that they are trying to say, that we begin to actually hear them and see them through the eyes of love. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lightworkers and High Pitched Ringing In Ears

Many lightworkers report hearing a high-pitched ringing sound in one ear. It’s a shrill noise that can be painful and intrusive. When checked by a physician, tinnitus (a disturbance of the auditory nerve) is usually ruled out. That’s because the ringing is of a nonphysical origin. It’s a band of woven information, encoded in electrical impulses. Heaven downloads guidance, assistance, and information through this bandwidth, which sounds like a computer modem hooking into the Internet. (Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We Shift Into The Freeze Response

Freedom From Pain by Peter Levine - We Shift Into The Freeze Response
We human animals, however, often cannot escape or fight back, and have been conditioned not to allow our bodies time to “shake off” the aftermath of threat. We then often shift into the freeze response. Remnants of the fight, flight, or freeze response, when not released from the body, leave us in these heightened and inhibited physiological states. In order to try to integrate back into society (where we often receive the message to “just get over it”), we try to suppress these urges to fight back or flee.  (Pg 5-6, Freedom From Pain by Peter Levine)

Friday, January 11, 2013

How I Avoid The Flu

How I Avoid The Flu
While many people seem to view getting sick as a part of life because everyone else is getting sick, I don't subscribe to that philosophy and belief system.  After all, it is a belief system whether anyone wants to agree with me or not.  Our human body is designed to be healthy, but when we throw external factors and stressors against it constantly, can we expect it to be healthy?

Many people feel that doing a few things like eating some warmed up frozen vegetables or maybe a salad here and there is being healthy.  Often people think that if they take a walk once a month or visit a fitness center regularly, that this is healthy behavior and all they need to do.  While these things are good things to do, they are just one part of the whole when it comes to the health of our body.

Too many in our society believe that they are healthy, when in reality they only do healthy behaviors as the need or time arises.  If everyone was truly practicing healthy behaviors, our fitness centers would outnumber the Walgreen stores in our cities and our grocery stores would be selling much different products than they are.  If you don't believe me, count up how many fitness centers are in your local community versus how many drug stores there are or take an inventory of how much space the healthy food takes up in a grocery store versus the junk food isles.

At one time, I used to get colds and flu just like everyone else.  When everyone was sick around me, I would pick the flu up at some point.  While I thought I was healthy, I have found out that I really did not understand what this meant at the time.  We can fool ourselves like I did much, but unfortunately in our society, we do not have healthcare.  We have sick care!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Impact Of Trauma On The Body

All of us have been through things in our life.  Some of us have experienced greater degrees of trauma than other, but as I always say, trauma is trauma.  It doesn't matter if you were abused as a child, witnessed a disaster, or been through some extremely stressful experiences.  Trauma is trauma.  The impacts of trauma on the body can have serious consequences to our life for many years to come if we do not fully integrate and release all that we have been through.

It is easy to carry these things with us through every day, almost ignoring the fact that they are resting upon our backs.  They keep us from experiencing all life has to offer and the joy that can be found in a day.  Many times, we don't even realize just how they are impacting not only our mind and emotions, but our physical body.  Often we are so numbed to their existence that they may be only a tiny little fragment of thought that barely becomes conscious in our day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Just Get Over It

Just Get Over It
I'm sure we have heard the following phrase at some point in our life whether it was at home in our family growing up, or in society through our job or social contacts.  If you haven't heard the phrase, "Just get over it", then you're one of the lucky few.

All too often when people go through extraordinary circumstances that are challenging, it isn't easy to move past those moments.  It takes time and it takes a lot of courage to get your life back.  Unfortunately people who are triggered by the stories of others or are just oblivious to what another person is going through, comes out in the way of this very insensitive remark, just get over it!

When confronted with threats and traumatic experiences, animals have the ability to fight back or escape whereas humans usually cannot do this.  In our civilized society, we are taught that we just move on in life after some experience has taken place and stuff our feelings and emotions deep inside of us.  If you're a male in our society, I think it is more difficult because men are supposed to be in control, show little emotion and just be strong.  To be seen in any other way is to be considered weak.  I'm sure females have similar experiences, but since I'm not female I cannot speak to that consideration.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Push Through The Fear

Push Through The Fear
I must push through it!  Yes, I must.   When I get ready to go into a healing moment, my fears rise up like a stormy sea desiring to bash me into the largest cliffs on the shore.  I must push through the fear for if I don't, the fear will overcome this moment.  It isn't easy, but I know I can do it.  It isn't fun experiencing these things, but then I know that out of these moments, there is a peace and calmness that awaits.

All my life, I have had fear in one way or another.  At times where I am expected to be there and "perform" (for lack of a better word), I head down the one way street of fear.  I struggle to hold the reins of these galloping horses as they speed off into the dark and stormy night.  No matter what I tell myself or what I do, the automatic pilot kicks into gear and my conditioned response plays out as if it knows what to do.

From the sick times of my abuser who used these healing moments as a sword against my life, I have struggled to separate out the good from the bad.  At one time, it was the thing that "started" the series of events where my body and mind would escape.  It was the point where my little brain could not begin to comprehend what was happening to me, and so I fled into a world where there was no pain.  It is in that moment that I must reclaim those fragmented parts of myself.  It is in this moment that I have to push through the fear.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Daily Angel Meditations January 7

Daily Angel Mediattions

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of December 23, 2012.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

December 23, 2012 (Sunday)

Topic: No Blog Post
Argument gets us nowhere because the more we try to argue with someone, the less either side is listening.  There is never a winner, because neither side is intent on listening or understanding.  It is only when we listen to someone else and try to understand from their perspective what it is that they are trying to say, that we begin to actually hear them and see them through the eyes of love. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

True Angelic Experience

The Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue, True Angelic Experience

A True Angelic Experience Involving Hearing

  • Sentences usually begin with the words you or we.
  • There’s a sense that someone else is talking to you, even if it sounds like your own voice.
  • It’s readily apparent how the message related to your immediate concerns or questions.
  • The voice is to the point and blunt.
  • The sound is loving and positive, even if it’s warning you of danger.
  • The voice asks you to take immediate action, including changing your thoughts or attitude to be more loving.
  • The voice calls your name upon awakening.
  • You become aware of strains of beautiful, disembodied “celestial” music.
  • You receive a message about self-improvement or helping others.

- The Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Trauma And Chronic Pain

Freedom From Pain - Trauma And Chronic Pain
What we have learned over and over again in working with numerous types of pain is that whenever chronic pain is not resolving even when reasonable treatment has been used, inevitably trauma is the missing link. Once unreleased trauma is identified and liberated from the body, most conditions will then begin to resolve. - pg 23, Freedom From Pain by Peter Levine

Friday, January 4, 2013

Unlimited Abundance Works

A year ago, I purchased a program that I so adamantly fought against when I first heard about it.  If you read my initial blog post review on this, you can see I wasn't too friendly to this company or this program.  I thought Unlimited Abundance was just another scam on the internet, but I actually proved myself wrong.  It became a program that helped me start to lose some of those long held beliefs I had about money and get rid of those abundance building blocks.  Believe me, I had plenty of these blocks in my life!

One of the things that I first had to get rid of was that somehow to make money meant that this was a bad thing - maybe almost an evil thing to do.  I realize I have been given a healing ability and I thought that this was something that I had to do while remaining full of humility through being poor.  Yet, over and over I have learned that this is a long held belief that is not grounded or rooted in anything but the fear based teaching of traumatic experiences in my life.  All of us have a role to play on this earth and if we do our part, we function together as a civilization.  Part of that role is offering what we have to give and in return, seeing our needs met and our lives provided for.  It is a two way equation and without the flow coming into our life, what we can give to others is limited.  Unlimited Abundance is not about only depleting ourselves in our giving, but accepting what is being given back to us.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The 51 Percent Of The Time

The 51 Percent Of The Time
Is anyone out there a perfectionist?  If you are, will you readily admit it or not?  There are many of us out there that drive our demand for perfection almost every day of our life.  We push ourselves harder than most people can understand.  We don't give up because how can one allow this into their life.

Recently someone shared something with me in regards to perfection, that I found to be very helpful.  You see, I don't allow myself to make mistakes.  It isn't that I don't make mistakes, but I get very hard on myself.  It is almost like I don't forgive myself.  As a result, I tend to hold myself back from doing what I need to do in life because if it isn't perfect, I don't want to do it.  While that is a selfish and rather irresponsible view, if I am honest, I would have to admit I do this.  Most likely I'm not alone.

This person shared with me that if we are doing what we need to in the 51 percent of the time, then we are doing what we need to do.  In reality, it means that more often than not, you are right where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do.  We aren't going to get it right in life all the time and we are going to get knocked off our path at times.  However, if you are doing it 51 percent of the time, you're on the right track.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Way Or The Highway Says Ego

Recently I saw this statement on Facebook that brought me to write a blog post about it.  Don't worry, out of respect for the individual, the name is being withheld.  If they wish to disclose it, they are more than welcome to do this.

The reason I am using it in this blog post is because it needs to be a teaching tool.  Right now in our world, we encounter this my way or the highway type of attitude that comes from none other than the ego. I am not sharing it to make light of an individual or embarrass them in any way.  It is an observation that is reflected throughout our world and should be seen in this way.

Without further delay, here is the quote.  Please excuse the language in it, but I'm copying it in here just as it was stated. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Life Of Service Is A Life Of Joy

A Life Of Service Is A Life Of Joy
As we begin 2013, there is much to think about in the days and months ahead.  Of course, if you survived the Mayan apocalypse, then there is much to look forward to in this upcoming year.  I do say the Mayan Apocalypse with some sarcasm in the air.   To me, there is much more to do and much to focus on, then most of us inhabitants ponder in our day.

We can continue to focus on divisive issues of the day from politics to religion to personal beliefs or we can focus on the higher realms where we are actually serving each other in this universe.  It is easy to get caught up in the latest news story and debate of the day, but in the end it becomes nothing more than spinning your tires in a mud hole.

As I look at my own life ahead, I have been seeing for some time, the sentiment that life is about asking how we can serve and help others.  It isn't about what most of us deem to be important.  It isn't about how much wealth we can gain at the expense of others we interact with in our day.  It isn't about us staying unconscious to all that exists in life.  It is not about following new age beliefs that are not grounded in truth or failing to search for further awareness in our life.  


Blog Post And Images (c) 1/01/07 by Don Shetterly
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