Saturday, April 30, 2011

Growth Before Our Eyes

I've got some corn growing in my earthboxes and I'm enjoying watching it as well as my other vegetable plants as they grow each day. Sometimes it seems like they change and shoot up overnight while I'm asleep and not looking.

It amazes me how quickly this process unfolds. While it seems like it was yesterday when I planted the cracked little seeds into the soil, I know that it has been several days now. The plants seem to continue to replicate and grow with each passing ray of sunlight and nourishment of water.

Yet, as I'm looking for the actual ears on the corn plants to emerge, I was beginning to wonder if they would arrive. Yesterday, I saw two places which just appeared to be leaves sprouting from the side of the corn stalk. I knew that those had to be the ears of corn forming. Today, when I went out and looked at the corn plants, I saw that there was much more showing up. Now, I see some silk and the resemblance of what looks like an ear of corn forming. Most of this happened in the overnight hours.

I can't help but wonder about how things grow. It fascinates me. Even though we cannot see a blade of grass growing inch by inch, we can see after several days that it does grow. In some parts of the world, you can see this growth much quicker than in other parts. The vegetable plants are the same way in that they grow a little each day but until there are big changes, it is hard sometimes to notice.

Life is like the growth of a plant in many respects. Often we don't see the changes that take place every day. We don't really feel like we are growing and evolving or moving along. Yet, when we look back and we see how far we traveled or grew, it is then that we realize just how much we've been growing.

If we didn't stop every now and then and take note of it, we would probably just try to harvest the fruit, without realizing the beauty of creation. The beauty of growth from creation is what helps us continue to move through life, learning, discovering and offering all that there is available to us.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/11/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Friday, April 29, 2011

Finding Silence In Our World

The other day I was at the park trying to record some nature sounds with my new H2 Zoom Digital Recorder. Right now, I'm loving that recorder but I've still got much to learn in getting exactly what it is that I want to record. I am amazed though at the quality of the recordings that I am able to capture.

Anyway, as I was sitting there in the park and quieting myself, I realized a couple of things. There was much more noise around me than I realized. Yes, I heard the occasional airplane go overhead and for some reason, it seemed like there were many that day. The interesting thing though is I really didn't hear these noises that distinctly until I went back and played the recording on my computer.

In the recording, I found there were various people noises around me that maybe I picked up but I did not hear plainly until I listened to the recording. The planes that I heard overhead seemed to be far off in the distant but on the recording, they were much more distinct than what I thought they were.

There are many projects going on where people are seeking completely silence. In fact, some of the people who record nature sounds will state that they struggle to find truly silent places with no noise. The areas in our world that offer this are becoming much more difficult to find.

Most of us go through our day and we fail to hear all the noises that surround us. From the hum of the florescent light and buzz of a computer fan all the way to the noises of cars, engines, motors and airplanes, we are surrounded. There is so much of these things that we have grown accustomed to, that we do not truly hear them. They exist in the distance to us.

Yet, I can't help but wonder just how much they impact the body and mind. They are noise clutter in our day an they crowd out things that are truly around us which are beautiful to hear. The nervous system has to react to these stimuli in one way or another.

At one time, we lived in a major city and there was constant noise all around us. Even if you lived a distance from one of the main roads, there was hardly a time where things really seemed quiet. Distant noises traveled for miles. Even though it seemed quiet at night or in the back yard, there was noise all around us.

As we find those quiet places in life, we will discover just how many birds and other nature sounds are around us. There is much more there than we can usually pick up on. I still think back to the day we were sitting out in the front of our house and the spring time birds were chirping wildly with joy. Yet, people who were out for a walk failed to notice the loudness of the birds.

Our body does need time for stillness and silence in order to reflect, ponder and create our tomorrows. If we constantly surround our life with noise, than we are robbing ourselves of one of the greatest parts of being human.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/11/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Thursday, April 28, 2011

White Light, Healing And Truth

Often, I'm around people who speak of the "white light" and it gets applied to everything from healing, forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, fear, protection, life's difficulties and situations and probably more things than I can even list here. While all of this is well and good, I have my doubts as to a majority of these people who speak about the "white light" really and truly know what it is all about. They say they do and they claim they do but there is evidence to the contrary.

In fact, I would offer up that most people really don't experience the white light around them. They visualize it and believe it is there but they truly don't see it. I'm sure that some reading this will vehemently disagree with me but I believe, the following statement applies, to thine own self be true. Many people who so quickly talk about the white light, do so in a way that seems to be more of a crutch than a personal relationship.

When I was in the hospital in 1991 for paralysis, I was undergoing tests that took me to the point of exiting this world. While I cannot remember and recount all that happened, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I saw the "white light" that so many see when they are slipping away into the next world.

It took me many years later to realize what I had seen and witnessed because I had no idea that an experience like this could even be real. When I made the connection one day in a healing session (without the therapist even realizing to this day that I had made that connection), the puzzle pieces began to fall in place.

The "white light" that I saw, experienced, felt and became part of , is so much different than that which I hear people talk about. People talk about it as if it is something they have personally witnessed and yet, what they talk about does not add up in my mind to what I have seen. I'm not going to go into details in this post because I don't want my experiences to be regurgitated facts for others to display at will. Maybe in the future I will speak more about this but for now, I'm not ready to do that.

I personally feel people need to be very careful in what they describe and share as fact, if they have not had the actual experience. I see people in churches do this all the time, and the new age, enlightened people do this as well. It is easy to tell others something that we seem to know and believe but if were not careful, we soon find out were all headed over the cliff and there is nothing but a drop off below us.

At times, I listen to people describe some of the things like the "white light" and I think, wow, they know a lot. As I dissect what they are saying, questions start to arise in my mind. The one thing I have learned in life is that you do not have something to share because you heard it from someone else that passed it down from some long line of people. The truth that you have to share is because of your eyes being opened and your direct experiences to that piece of truth.

Of course, it is important to note as well that if we believe something, than it is true in our world. However, if we teach this to others, is it really true for their world? Or are we forcing it to be truth for someone else?

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/9/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Are We Human?

These days, I feel tired and worn out with what goes on in the world around me. I see a bunch of greedy people all out for themselves hoping to either score "goodies", "lawsuit wins", "rewards" or "more control". It feels like no one is really even thinking about what lies ahead or what our actions will bring about tomorrow. In case you misunderstand me, this post is not about politics. It is much greater than that.

Most people don't even bother to ponder what life is about or why they are here. Some go to church once a Sunday and then exclaim they have the answer. Others, feel like they should deviate from the church and religion, only to bundle spirituality up into something that resembles that which they long to flee. You've got others that chase every ounce of snake oil offered up in philosophies, facebook forwarded messages and tabloid magazines. Yet, there are people who chase the corporate dream, hoping to save enough money for later years that they can enjoy if a heart attack or some other disease doesn't take them out first.

At the end of the day, we as humans spend very little time on what truly matters in life. We walk around with our heads in the clouds, acting as if we have the answers. We forget that life is more than just having the answers. Life is about searching, evolving and discovering all there is to know.

We can listen all day long to the speakers of our time and our location but if we fail to listen to what is within, what have we profited. We end up with a head full of regurgitated facts and a body so out of touch, that life is forever altered. The messages we seek are there within us, but yet we look to so many others, so many systems and so many ways of thought to find them.

I hope that we will begin to wake up as a human species and really and truly begin to understand that there is so much more out there. We are not the sum total of all that we can be. In fact, in many ways, we have only begun on our journey of discovery. My hope is that we as a human species will learn to harness the power of fear so that it will transform us into a more evolved human.

We should never settle for what we know today or what we think today is all about. For tomorrow may not come as we think it will. Life can change in the blink of an eye and the more we understand our purpose, our role and the process, the more we truly will become human.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/9/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Medication Side Effects, Part 5

This is a continuation from part 4 of the Medication Side Effects series. It is the final part in this series. Please read part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 before reading this part so this particular blog entry will make sense. Again, this is for information purposes and is not meant to be considered as medical advice. Please read the disclaimer below for more details.

While I realize I am not a medical professional and that I don't know all there is to know about health and medications, the one thing I do know is that when you look at all the drug advertisements on TV, the list of side effects is frightening.

According to, health care costs rose 2.3 trillion dollars in 2008 from 714 billion dollars in 1990. This equates to about $7,681 per resident and about 16.2% of the nations GDP. It is among the highest of all industrialized nations. Those numbers are so staggering that one can hardly put them in perspective.

Yet, as we have spent great amounts of money to heal us and make us well in this country, we are still not healthier than we were back in 1990. We have continued down the same track and I would suggest that we have done this in a blind fashion.

You see, when we fail to take care of ourselves and heal our life from the inside out (the mind body connection), we then end up running to the doctor and hospital for tests to determine which type of medication we should be taking. Yet, in our quest to be "healed" and to "get better", we fail to see just how harmful the side effects of these medications are to our bodies.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers want you to keep coming back and they want you addicted to their drugs. For if you don't, than where will their profits come from for their shareholders and where will increased earnings come from for the stocks? When over 16% of our GDP is spent on health care, something is completely wrong with the picture.

I offer that we cannot continue down this path. There is going to be a point of no return for our civilization and our bodies. When you take some medicine to alter the function of one part of your body (get rid of the symptoms you are experiencing), you impact other body systems. The impact may go unnoticed for some time but eventually it will catch up with you.

We can continue to go down the path we are on or we can begin to wake up and question what it is we are doing in our life and to our bodies. Accepting the status quo or going along with what the establishment tells you to think is no longer good enough. It does not support optimal health. Of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know deep down inside but of course when fear gets ahold of you, these words become nothing more than garbled noise.

My hope through this series of blog posts is that it will being to wake you up to medications and how we treat our bodies. I'm not asking you to immediately stop taking any medication you are taking. That is not my intent. My purpose is to get you to look at this and begin using your conscious brain to make the best choices possible for your life.

Within humans, we do have the genetic code to produce healthy cells but every time we douse them in poor nutrition, habits, exercise and health care, we are altering how our cells function. We can continue to spend trillions each year on the latest health care fad or we can begin to change who we are and evolve our awareness. This is up to each one of us to discover but if we sit there on our butts, we'll be like a long lost voyager lost at sea.

Here are the links to each of the parts of the series on Medication Side Effects.
Part 1 (Posted 4/22/11)
Part 2 (Posted 4/23/11)
Part 3 (Posted 4/24/11)
Part 4 (Posted 4/25/11)
Part 5 (Posted 4/26/11)

Further Information:
2) - The Most Popular Prescription Drugs
3) High Pulse Rate and Heart Disease
4) - US Health Care Costs

This blog post series is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant for you to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor. You should always make those decisions with a qualified medical doctor. I am merely pointing out information my own study of a different way to view the body. Remember, the more you understand about how your body works, the more impact you can have upon your life. Just to make this crystal clear, consult your medical professional before making any changes with your medications and health. This is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/7/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Monday, April 25, 2011

Medication Side Effects, Part 4

This is a continuation from part 3 of the Medication Side Effects series. Please read part 1 , part 2 and part 3 before reading this part so this particular blog entry will make sense.

In the part 1, we showed what the top 15 medication prescriptions were and how they ranked. In part 2, we discussed Hydrocodone, Simvastatin, Lisinopril and Levothyroxine. Part 3, we discussed Azithromycin, Metaformin, Lipitor, Amlodipine, and Amoxicillin. In part 4, today, we will discuss Hydrochlorothiazide, Omeprazole, Alprazolam, Furosemide, Metoprolol tartrate and Atenolol. This is not a complete source of information and should not be construed to be an official source. In part 5, I will conclude this series with some of my own overall comments.

10) Hydrochlorothiazide (high blood pressure) - 47.1 million prescriptions
Commonly used as a first-choice blood pressure or edema treatment.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #3 regarding high pressure

11) Omeprazole (heartburn) - 45.4 million prescriptions
The purple pill for heartburn, a.k.a. AstraZeneca's Prilosec, was once the bestselling drug in the world. It is still widely prescribed even though it is also now available without a prescription.

- - Side Effects
Diarrhea; gas; headache; nausea; stomach pain; vomiting. Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; unusual hoarseness); bone pain; chest pain; dark urine; fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat; fever, chills, or sore throat; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; seizures; severe diarrhea; severe stomach pain or cramps; swelling of the hands, ankles, or feet; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual or sudden weight increase; unusual tiredness; vision changes; yellowing of the eyes or skin.

- - Comments
How often have you had hearburn after something you have eaten. Yet, you continue to eat these same type of foods over and over. Or how often have you had heartburn when times have been very stressful for you and there is very little you can eat that won't give you heartburn. Of course, I'm sure you stop there and change your life habits, right? According to the number of prescriptions, we obviously aren't getting the message and listening to our bodies. If we did, much of this could change. Just think, there might be a way without all the constant medication. Of course, until a person begins to explore lifestyle changes and habits, there won't be an ounce of hope.

12) Alprazolam (anxiety) - 44.4 prescriptions
Originally manufactured by Pfizer under the name Xanax, this anxiety drug surpassed Valium in popularity in the late '80s; it has been generic for more than a decade.

- - Side Effects
Changes in appetite; changes in sexual desire; constipation; dizziness; drowsiness; dry mouth; increased saliva production; lightheadedness; tiredness; trouble concentrating; unsteadiness; weight changes. Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); confusion; decreased urination; fainting; hallucinations; loss of coordination; memory problems; menstrual changes; muscle twitching; new or worsening mental or mood problems (eg, depression, irritability, anxiety); overstimulation; red, swollen blistered, or peeling skin; seizures; severe dizziness; severe or persistent trouble sleeping; suicidal thoughts or actions; trouble speaking (eg, stammering, stuttering); yellowing of the eyes or skin.

- - Comments
I remember a time in the not so distant pass that I suffered so badly from anxiety. At that time, I thought the entire world was crashing in on me and if it wasn't for Xanax, than I don't know if I would have made it through those times. However, here's where the difference comes in. I never accepted that this was the only way I could deal with anxiety. I had doctors and psychologists tell me that this is what my life would come to expect. I never bought into that. In addition, Xanax and many of these drugs are so addictive that you often go through serious withddraw symptoms when you stop taking them. Since this time, I've found many ways to deal with the anxiety and heal from it. I no longer am bound to anxiety attacks like I once was. Meds are not the answer to all the problems of life. Yes, they can help but it should be a temporary stop gap measure, not a cure all.

13) Furosemide (high blood pressure) - 42.8 million prescriptions
The diuretic, or water pill, was sold under the name Lasix because it lasts six hours.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #3 regarding high pressure

14) Metoprolol tartrate (angina, high blood pressure) - 40.5 million prescriptions
Best known as Toprol, an AstraZeneca brand, used for treating chest pain and heart failure.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #3 regarding high pressure

15) Atenolol (angina, high blood pressure) - 38.6 million prescriptions
Used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain, and heart failure.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #3 regarding high pressure

Please come back tomorrow for part 5 in this series about medication side effects.
Part 1 (Posted 4/22/11)
Part 2 (Posted 4/23/11)
Part 3 (Posted 4/24/11)
Part 4 (Posted 4/25/11)
Part 5 (Posted 4/26/11)

Further Information:
2) - The Most Popular Prescription Drugs
3) High Pulse Rate and Heart Disease
4) - US Health Care Costs

This blog post series is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant for you to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor. You should always make those decisions with a qualified medical doctor. I am merely pointing out information my own study of a different way to view the body. Remember, the more you understand about how your body works, the more impact you can have upon your life. Just to make this crystal clear, consult your medical professional before making any changes with your medications and health. This is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/7/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Medication Side Effects, Part 3

This is a continuation from part 2 of the Medication Side Effects series. Please read part 1 and part 2 before reading this part so this particular blog entry will make sense.

In the part 1, we showed what the top 15 medication prescriptions were and how they ranked. Yesterday, we discussed Hydrocodone, Simvastatin, Lisinopril and Levothyroxine. Today, we will start showing each individual one with some of the side effects listed from . The list for today includes Azithromycin, Metaformin, Lipitor, Amlodipine, and Amoxicillin. This is not a complete source of information and should not be construed to be an official source. Tomorrow, we will discuss the remaining medications from the original list.

5) Azithromycin (antibiotic) - 53.8 million prescriptions
Popular because of its convenient dosing and few side effects. Brand name Zithromax.

- - Side Effects
Diarrhea; headache; loose stools; nausea; stomach pain; upset stomach; vomiting. Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; unusual hoarseness); bloody stools; changes in hearing or hearing loss; chest pain; eye or vision problems; irregular heartbeat; muscle weakness; pounding in the chest; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; ringing in the ears; seizure; severe diarrhea; stomach cramps/pain; trouble speaking or swallowing; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

- - Comments
I shudder at the thought of how we turn to antibiotics so quickly when we are feeling a little under the weather. So often they are over prescribed and with the emergence of superbugs out there, if no antibiotic works, what will we do then? If we took better care of ourselves and did not work ourselves to death, things might be different. We spend very little time relaxing and resting or eating the foods we should eat. Then, our body's immune system cannot keep up with us and on top of that we've got deadlines to get done, emails to read, soccer practice to get the kids to among many other things. So instead of taking a sick day or being allowed to take a sick day, we run to the doctor and beg for some meds to get us going again. We know that the world will not continue to function without us. Of course, we spend very little time truly taking care of ourselves through what we eat and most of the food we consume is processed, frozen, or fried giving it very little nutritional value. If we learned to take better care of ourselves and rested and relaxed as well as exercised, maybe we could cut back on the antibiotics we consume.

6) Metformin (diabetes) - 52 million prescriptions
Brand name is Glucophage. Regarded as one of the best drugs for lowering blood sugar levels.

- - Side Effects
Cold-like symptoms; diarrhea; headache; indigestion; mild weight gain; nausea; stomach upset.Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blurred vision or other vision changes; bone pain; chest pain or discomfort; dark urine; difficult or painful urination; dizziness or lightheadedness; fainting; fast or difficult breathing; feeling of being unusually cold; general feeling of being unwell; muscle pain or weakness; pale stools; persistent loss of appetite; severe or persistent headache, nausea, or vomiting; shortness of breath; slow or irregular heartbeat; sudden unexplained weight gain; swelling of the hands, ankles, or feet; unusual stomach pain or discomfort; unusual drowsiness; unusual tiredness or weakness; yellowing of the eyes or skin.

While there are people who are born with diabetes, type II (type 2, adult onset diabetes) is rising at alarming rates. In a nutshell, this means we have overloaded our bodies with so much sugar that they no longer function in the way they are intended to function. Yes, I realize it is much more complicated than what I have stated. If you look at the amount of sugar we consume these days, it is no wonder. Between the soft drinks, flavored juices, junk food and so many products where sugar is added, we are killing ourselves through a slow death. Just look at how choclate sales have increased over the past several years and that is an indication of how much more sugar we are consuming. There are energy drinks loaded with sugar and coffee drinks now that are consumed as if there was no tomorrow. Some sugar is nice but we've gotten to a point where we are so addicted to it in our society that we are poisoning ourselves.

7) Lipitor (high cholesterol) - 51.5 million prescriptions
Pfizer’s sales of Lipitor were $11.4 billion in 2008, down from $12.7 billion in 2007.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #2 regarding high cholesterol

8) Amlodipine (high blood pressure) - 50.9 million prescriptions
The calcium channel blocker to treat high blood pressure is better known as Norvasc from Pfizer.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #3 regarding high blood pressure

9) Amoxicillin (antibiotic) - 49.2 million prescriptions
Amoxicillin is a mainstay antibiotic used by pediatricians and others. Millions of kids get it for ear infections, even though most ear infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
Refer to #5 regarding high cholesterol

Please come back tomorrow for part 4 in this series about medication side effects.
Part 1 (Posted 4/22/11)
Part 2 (Posted 4/23/11)
Part 3 (Posted 4/24/11)
Part 4 (Posted 4/25/11)
Part 5 (Posted 4/26/11)

Further Information:
2) - The Most Popular Prescription Drugs
3) High Pulse Rate and Heart Disease
4) - US Health Care Costs

This blog post series is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant for you to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor. You should always make those decisions with a qualified medical doctor. I am merely pointing out information my own study of a different way to view the body. Remember, the more you understand about how your body works, the more impact you can have upon your life. Just to make this crystal clear, consult your medical professional before making any changes with your medications and health. This is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/7/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Medication Side Effects, Part 2

This is a continuation from part 1 of the Medication Side Effects series. Please read part 1 before reading this part so this particular blog entry will make sense.

Yesterday, we showed what the top 15 medication prescriptions were and how they ranked. Today, we will start showing each individual one with some of the side effects listed from . This is not a complete source of information and should not be construed to be an official source. Please see disclaimer at the end of this blog post.

1) Hydrocodone/acetaminophen (painkiller) - 128 million prescriptions
A painkiller available as a generic and also sold under the brand name of Vicodin.

- - Side Effects
Light-headedness, dizziness, sedation, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, mental clouding, lethargy, impairment of mental and physical performance, anxiety, fear, dysphoria, sychological dependence, mood changes, constipation, ureteral spasm, spasm of vesical sphincters, urinary retention, respiratory depression Hearing impairment, permanent loss, Skin rash, pruritus.

- - Comments
What I find interesting on the pain killer is that all of these things are in effect numbing the body. The body tries to get our attention and yet if we numb it long enough, we will be telling the messages where they can go. All of these side effects that may or may not show up just to numb the pain when in all reality, if you go into the pain, you can alleviate much of it on your own. We truly do have a medicinal factory inside of us that we can tap into or more importantly, we can work to go to the source of pain and not be forced to take pain killers on a regular basis.

2) Simvastatin (high cholesterol) - 83 million prescriptions
Brand name is zocor and also in generics. The most widely prescribed cholesterol drug.

- - Side Effects
Constipation, headache, mild stomach pain, nausea, severe allergic reactions, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; chest pain; dark urine; muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness; pale stools; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; severe or persistent stomach pain; yellowing of skin or eyes.

- - Comments
I still remember the one drug rep many years ago with one of the leading pharmaceutical companies telling me that cholesterol medication was more hyped than it should be. I'm sure he would have been fired for telling me that but he was being honest. From my understanding, cholesterol is one of the substances our body manufacturers when we are under stress. Stress of course can be events in our day, avoiding relaxation, dietary or other conditions. So, instead of working to help alleviate stress in our bodies, we turn towards a drug. We may or may not follow the doctor's advice on our diet because we feel the drug will do the trick. However, we usually forget that stress and unresolved trauma is often behind high cholesterol. If this is too strong of a statement, than at least acknoledge that stress plays a major role in high cholesterol. There have been many research studies to indicate the interaction.

3) Lisinopril (high blood pressure) - 81.3 million prescriptions
Sold under brand names of Prinivil, Zestril.

- - Side Effects
Cough; diarrhea; dizziness; headache; tiredness, severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the hands, eyes, mouth, face, lips, or tongue; hoarseness); chest pain; dark urine; decreased urination; difficulty swallowing; infection (eg, fever, chills, persistent sore throat); irregular or slow heartbeat; stomach pain (with or without nausea or vomiting); symptoms of low blood pressure (eg, fainting, severe dizziness, lightheadedness); yellowing of the skin or eyes.

- - Comments
As I look at the list of side effects for this high blood pressure medication, I'm horrified at what I see. Yes, I know the medical establishment can give all sorts of reasons and fabulous names for why someone has high blood pressure. However, if you think about this for a moment, you might see a different picture. If you constantly push your body and pound yourself against the wall day in and day out, or you harbor long held anger, does it not make sense that you are making your blood boil. If that doesn't make sense, how about overworking yourself on a treadmill for an hour and see what happens to your blood pressure/pulse rate. Your body is only reacting to that which you do to it, that which you have moved on from and the role you force your body to in your everyday life. If you change your life style, more often than not, your health will also change.

Link: High Pulse Rate And Heart Disease

4) Levothyroxine sodium (thyroid disorders) - 66 million prescriptions
Thyroid hormone supplements are taken when our bodies do not produce enough on their own.

- - Side Effects
Please see for the side effects of this drug.

- - Comments
I do not feel qualified in my limited knowledge to offer comments on thyroid disorders so I'll leave that up to you to google search more information.

Please come back tomorrow for part 2 in this series about medication side effects.
Part 1 (Posted 4/22/11)
Part 2 (Posted 4/23/11)
Part 3 (Posted 4/24/11)
Part 4 (Posted 4/25/11)
Part 5 (Posted 4/26/11)

Further Information:
2) - The Most Popular Prescription Drugs
3) High Pulse Rate and Heart Disease
4) - US Health Care Costs

This blog post series is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant for you to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor. You should always make those decisions with a qualified medical doctor. I am merely pointing out information my own study of a different way to view the body. Remember, the more you understand about how your body works, the more impact you can have upon your life. Just to make this crystal clear, consult your medical professional before making any changes with your medications and health. This is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/7/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Friday, April 22, 2011

Medication Side Effects, Part 1

If you watch TV for any length of time, you will see advertisement after advertisement for medications to heal your life and make everything well. The promises and claims that these medication advertisements make on TV and the media astound me to no end.

Of course, if you really watch closely, you'll see the long list of side effects that each medication has. In fact, it seems to be a badge of honor to these pharmaceutical manufacturers to have the side effects. It is almost the more side effects you have, the better your drug. If you take it one step further, if it includes death, than it seems to be more important in their advertisement.

The thing I wonder is just how much anyone thinks about all of this. I'm sure I could answer this by seeing how many times the advertisement gets aired and the sales that are generated by these companies. We really need to step back in this country and in our world and listen to these advertisements for the medications. They are not as innocent as they appear and we all know that but we are choosing to ignore it.

This 5 part blog post series is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant for you to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor. You should always make those decisions with a qualified medical doctor. I am merely pointing out information my own study of a different way to view the body. Remember, the more you understand about how your body works, the more impact you can have upon your life. Just to make this crystal clear, consult your medical professional before making any changes with your medications and health. This is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

According to, the following are some of the most popular prescription drugs in the US in 2009. I'm sure the list has changed by now since there is a mad dash in our country to turn out new drugs and benefit the bottom lines of the pharmaceutical companies. Of course, it doesn't matter what the name of the drug is, the list of side effects a mile long will still be there and people will still not be thinking clearly about what they put into the body.

1) Hydrocodone/acetaminophen (painkiller) - 128 million prescriptions
2) Simvastatin (high cholesterol) - 83 million prescriptions
3) Lisinopril (high blood pressure) - 81.3 million prescriptions
4) Levothyroxine sodium (thyroid disorders) - 66 million prescriptions
5) Azithromycin (antibiotic) - 53.8 million prescriptions
6) Metformin (diabetes) - 52 million prescriptions
7) Lipitor (high cholesterol) - 51.5 million prescriptions
8) Amlodipine (high blood pressure) - 50.9 million prescriptions
9) Amoxicillin (antibiotic) - 49.2 million prescriptions
10) Hydrochlorothiazide (high blood pressure) - 47.1 million prescriptions
11) Omeprazole (heartburn) - 45.4 million prescriptions
12) Alprazolam (anxiety) - 44.4 prescriptions
13) Furosemide (high blood pressure) - 42.8 million prescriptions
14) Metoprolol tartrate (angina, high blood pressure) - 40.5 million prescriptions
15) Atenolol (angina, high blood pressure) - 38.6 million prescriptions

If you look at the list above, you will notice that there out of the 15 drugs listed, 6 of them were for high blood pressure, and 2 were for high cholesterol. Pain killers were at the top of the list. Here's the breakdown of the conditions that rank in the top 15 by number of prescriptions for 2009 according to the article on .

1) Pain Killer
2) High Cholesterol
3) High Blood Pressure
4) Thyroid
5) Antibiotic
6) Diabetes
7) Heartburn
8) Anxiety

Please come back tomorrow for part 2 in this series about medication side effects.

Part 1
Part 2 (Posted 4/23/11)
Part 3 (Posted 4/24/11)
Part 4 (Posted 4/25/11)
Part 5 (Posted 4/26/11)

Further Information:
2) - The Most Popular Prescription Drugs
3) High Pulse Rate and Heart Disease
4) - US Health Care Costs

This blog post series is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant for you to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor. You should always make those decisions with a qualified medical doctor. I am merely pointing out information my own study of a different way to view the body. Remember, the more you understand about how your body works, the more impact you can have upon your life. Just to make this crystal clear, consult your medical professional before making any changes with your medications and health. This is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/7/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dare To Change

This is a wonderful video on YouTube about us confronting change in our life. Another way to look at it is how we grow in our awareness and evolve. So often we sit back and say, this is all there is, I don't know how to move forward. The answers are usually right in front of us hiding just behind the fear.

The video moves a little slowly at the start but hang with it and keep your eyes open. There is a lot to reflect upon and think about in this entire video. Replay it a couple of times if you need to in order to capture the whole thought behind it. Kudos to the person who put this together!

Link: Dare To Change, YouTube Video

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Impact Of Body Connections

Have you ever taken a moment to see just how much effect one drop of water can have on a pool or lake or container of water? If you put a drop of water into a container of water or pool, you will see the ripple effect through the little waves it generates. You can also picture someone skipping a rock across a lake and just watch the ripples of the waves go out from where the rock hits the water.

If you keep watching the ripples of the waves, you will see how the waves go to the opposite shore or edge of the container and then bounce back. As they come back, if you create more ripples, those will bounce into the returning waves. You could go on and on playing with this concept and in fact, if you have a body of water close by, go out and play with it. Study it from all perspectives and see just how much impact one tiny little rock, touch to the water or water droplet has on the water body you are playing with.

As you will see, the water begins to carry a life of its own, deeper and deeper into that which we cannot see. We can tell that the surface effects are there, but so much of it we miss with our eye. The events are too subtle and quick for us to see it. In one video on YouTube, you can see just what happens to a drop of water. Check this video out from the Jan 19, 2010 blog post, A Drop Of Water.

In many ways, this is how we impact the body and others around us. One little touch, one little word or action can have significant impact far beyond that which we can see. It can generate a life all to its own in the body which then goes on to have a much greater impact.

Something said out of love, honesty or in a positive way will be different than something said out of hate, negativity or leading someone on. Imagine a touch of support rather than a swat on the backside of a child and how that impacts the body. What about actions that say you honor and respect someone rather than using them to further yourself or your ego along? What impacts would each of these moments have upon not only the person or body you connected with but all the others that this person connected with?

I'm not writing this to make anyone feel bad for anything they have done. That is not my intent. The reason I write this is to be aware of your actions, words and touch in how it impacts other people. What may seem benign to you, may in fact be a tidal wave to someone else. While you cannot always go around in life watching every little minuscule thing you do, you can be sensitive to others and loving when you realize that you have harmed someone.

All too often, we worry about our own ego and our pride which keeps us from connecting with others in the way that we should. We hurt others because of our own fears and insecurities while not being human enough to own up to these things. Our words, actions and touch can either be a staff of support or a sharp knife of hurt and pain inflicting wounds. It is all up to us and how we get in touch with our own ego and fears as to what we will send out to other people.

Just having the happy thought of sending out love is not enough. It can be a good first step but if you still go and hurt others through your words, actions and touch, than sending out love is not enough. It is like a clanging symbol instead of an act of love. All too often, the healing community and humanity in general fails to see this. Yet, each day of our existence, we hurt way too many in our path. Even though people act as if they have the highest intention possible for others, the body sees the authentic nature of the connection clearly and without distortion. Our body stores that as energy which will either move a person forward or become a moment of challenge that will need to be healed.

May we be more mindful of our actions, words and touch and may they be full of awareness. May we be more authentic with the words or rituals we do rather than just giving the false illusion of following regurgitated illusions. For as humans, we have the potential to evolve and grow in awareness if we allow ourselves to travel this path.

Further Reading:
1) A Drop Of Water

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/6/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Diving Into Cold Water Fears

When I read the article on, Diving Into Coldest Water On Earth, I was intrigued with some of the comments the swimmer, Lewis Pugh, shared. While I myself would most likely not look for the coldest bodies of water to swim in and I'm sure most people would feel the same way, there is much to be learned from this experience. For the entire article, you can read the article through the link below.

Lewis Pugh stated that "the most immediate thing you have to do is to just squeeze out the fear, because otherwise the fear will just paralyze you." He is so correct in this and I'm sure I am not stating anything that everyone does not already know. However, we as a human species tend to understand this intellectually but not consciously.

In fact, in healing the body and the mind, fear is the number one block to holding us back from true healing. While fear can be a powerful motivator for healing in our life, all too often, it becomes a paralyzing force. I understand that completely because of the Conversion Disorder (paralysis) that I experienced several years ago.

Often, we don't even realize the way that fear grips our every day life. In fact, most humans just see things they do as standard events in the course of their life rather than fear that is holding them back. It is much easier to accept the false illusions that life gives us rather than go in and ask the hard questions that we must all face. Fear is at the root of everything we do and we either learn from it or we cower in the corner as a result.

Then, we question why nothing happens in our life or why we still struggle with pain and despair. The result is just like Lewis Pugh stated, "I remember thinking to myself, if things go bad, I'll get out after 500 meters... If you think about a swim like that, that's the worst way of thinking. What you're doing is confusing your subconscious, because you're planning for victory and defeat at the same time."

You see, if we follow the healing modality belief system of the day whether it is current medicine, a new age sensation or a religious belief, we often keep ourselves from going deep into the fear. We claim we want to take the swim (dive into the fear) but then we look for ways out. We confuse the subconscious. It is not until we let go of the fears (the ideals and beliefs that we hold on to) that we will begin to see more clearly and really begin to heal. It is at that point where we will come to know ourselves. It is at that point where we are one with our subconscious.

Hiding in the belief system that is regurgitated at will in our world, gets us no where. Opening ourselves up and taking the swim into fear, is what will take us to our goal. Let us begin to question all that we do, all that we feel and all that we assume to be a part of us. Let us not accept it as fact but view it as a stepping stone to greater awareness.

Allow the fear to empower us and motivate us forward, rather than living in the past realm of hurt emotions, shut off sensing and rigid thinking. There is a greater world out there when we step outside of the fear and it is ours just for taking the steps into awareness.

Further Reading
1) Diving Into The Coldest Water On Earth
2) Conversion Disorder
3) Hope And Possibility Through Trauma

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/5/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Monday, April 18, 2011

Emotional Pain Is Physical Pain

According to a recent study conducted at the University Of Michigan, researchers discovered that the same regions of the brain that become active in response during pain are activated when there are experiences of social rejection or hurt (i.e. relationship breakups).

According to Ethan Kross, lead researcher of the study stated, that on the surface, spilling a hot cup of coffee on yourself and thinking about how rejected you feel when you look at the picture of a person you broke up with, may seem to elicit very different types of pain. According to Kross, his research shows that may be more similar than initially thought.

Through two tasks that induced the feelings from a relationship breakup in 40 participants, they found that regions of the brain were activated that are the same regions of the brain which are involved in physical pain sensation. All tasks were performed while participants went through a functional MRI scan.

In addition, they compared the results of this study to a database of more than 500 previous studies which again showed the brain response to physical pain, emotion, memory and resolution. The research team hopes that these findings will lead to new insights into how, intense social loss, may lead to various physical pain symptoms and disorders.

Personally, I am grateful to see studies such as this being conducted. Although, I have went through some very physical ordeals related to emotions, the more credible scientific research that backs up this normal part of life, the further we advance ourselves.

Pain is a direct result of what is going on in the mind and body of a person. All too often, we try to ignore it, numb it, avoid it or think happy thoughts hoping it will just go away. The part that matters though is not just recognizing that a connection between pain in the body and the emotions of the mind exist, but that we take proactive steps to learn from this and evolve ourselves in awareness.

When you connect the "felt sense" of the body to the what is going on in the person's life (or your own life) at that particular moment, that realization starts the process of healing. It is a powerful realization that may take us into moments of hidden fear and unknown spaces of our lives. If we allow ourselves to travel into these moments, than we can transform ourselves beyond just the pain. There is no greater gift we can give our self then to awaken and evolve and we do that by going into the pain, not by avoiding it.

These researchers have the right idea and a good first step. There is much more though to the healing process. It involves more than taking medications or numbing ourselves through alcohol or drugs or anything else that has become our crutch in life. We cannot think these things away because the connection is in the body and in order to heal it, we must feel it. Happy thoughts, religion, spirituality and new age practices may get us closer but until we go in and feel that which we do not want to feel, we'll still be searching for the answers to pain for a long time.

Further Reading:
1) Social Rejection Hurts Like Physical Pain -

2) Study Illuminates The Pain Of Social Rejection - University Of Michigan

3) Felt Sense In The Body (Blog Post on Nov 6, 2010)

Blog Post & Images (c) 3/29/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We Hear What We Want To Hear

I look around the world of humans and I see so much evidence of what humans want to hear is what they actually hear. Yes, we give lip service in our world to being open to other ideas and holding the space for others and being there but in many ways, we hear what we want to hear. Please note, that I use the word "we" and "they" collectively to represent humans as a whole.

Whether it is in politics, religious circles, new age healing practices or every day life, our ears are tuned into what makes us feel good, not what is actually being spoken or transmitted. With the internet, we bombard ourselves with so much noisy communication that we just numb ourselves a little further into the reality of illusions.

Take for instance, the news pundits on TV. Do you think they truly sit there for a minute listening to the other side of the issue? I would suggest that they do not. Their position is already determined and is one of the reasons they are brought on the news show. If the pundits from both sides of the issue listened and agreed, most viewers would turn the TV off or switch the channel. We hear what we want to hear!

Observe the recent Quran burning by Dove Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida. I'm not going to attempt to get into the right and wrong of this event because there are many in the world screaming one way or another on this. What I want to point out though is that neither side is listening to the other. They have no intentions of listening to the other side. They don't care what the other side thinks as long as the other side comes around to their way of thinking. Again, what "we" hear is what "we" want to hear.

Often times we encounter moments in our life where we hear things from others that challenge us and make us step into a world that is not comfortable to us. Instead of wanting to hear these things, we often run back to our corner and hide where it is safe. Yet, we then continue to ask for guidance or blessings from whoever our source in life is, when it is standing right there before our eyes. Once again, we hear what we want to hear.

There are moments, that we ask and question all that is around us. We feel that we don't have the answers we need to move forward in life. Life becomes difficult and we struggle. Instead of going into ourselves and listening to that which we know is there, we seek answers out from all kinds of new age people, to ministers and churches, and to things such as numbing substances we consume. Instead of hearing the answers within ourselves, we hear what we want to hear and we don't hear that which we don't want to hear.

Yes, it makes us feel safe if someone tells us something we should do and it makes us feel valuable if we tell someone something that they should do. While there can be value to that, if we are not careful, we are giving up our power to something that is not whole and pure. I'm not denying that other people have insights and can help us find our way through the maze of life, but we have to be careful in what is being said.

Outside of learning to listen to others and hearing what is actually being said, we need to open ourselves to how we have built walls up to surround ourselves. Through the pureness of love, we need to open our arms to others that we don't want to hear and to things in our own life that we do not want to hear. They are our building blocks to greater awareness and evolving as a human is meant to evolve.

What if, instead of trying to tell the person what they should do, you actually just walk hand in hand with them so that they will find what it is they need to do? How about actually listening to what a person is saying without thinking of your position and how you will respond? What if you could just be there in that moment with another or yourself and allow the discomfort to push you forward rather than running for cover in your hiding place?

As I have written, we hear what we want to hear, and we do this not only with others but ourselves. We need to open our minds, our hearts and our ears to how this fits us in our life. It is more than what the "other" people do around us or what our "clients" and our "friends and family" fail to see.

It is about how we view the world and how we hear what truly is being spoken. For if we only hear what we want to hear, then we are not only holding our own evolution back but we are a drag on the rest of humanity.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/02/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dalai Lama When Asked What Surprised Him Most About Humanity

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man.... Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."
(Source unknown)

Check Out - Relaxing Piano Music by Don Shetterly

Friday, April 15, 2011

Plants Are A Model To Us

One of the things that I enjoy doing is growing vegetables in my earthboxes. While this looks like just something that is a hobby, it is more than that to me. No matter what is going on in my day, week or year, I can always count on my plants to be there, doing what they do best - growing.

So here are some pictures of my plants (just click on the links below). A few facts for the gardeners out there. These were all planted on Feb 19 and the growing zone is in Central Florida near the Atlantic coast. I have six earthboxes, 3 of which are planted with tomatoes, 1 with sweet corn, 1 with peas and 1 with cantaloupe.

EarthBox - Tomatoes Picture

EarthBox - Sweet Corn Picture

EarthBox - Cantaloupe Picture

EarthBox - Peas Picture

Growing vegetables and plants not only gives me a feeling of being connected to mother earth, but it helps center me when the storms of life hit the hardest. Just being out there around these plants gives me a feeling like no other can give. It is like nothing else matters in that moment. When the plants have finished their growth cycle, I find that sadness fills me as I see the end of their lives appear.

Just like plants, we too grow in cycles with our lives. We emerge and discover through the rocks, soil and weather conditions of the environment surrounding us. Hopefully we grow strong roots that can carry us through these various cycles. As we emerge, we head towards the light, learning and yearning for all that there is. Plants are a model to us and they are beacons of hope, living in that they encounter.

More information on the earthboxes can be found at . They are unique growing systems designed to maximize resources and provide an abundance of produce. They last for years and are very efficient systems. I have been growing garden vegetables with the earthbox for almost 4 years now.

Blog Post & Images (c) 4/12/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Healing Modalities Become Our Belief System

Lately I've had many body work experiences working on people, where I felt like I was doing absolutely nothing and yet, so much was going on. I was just there with the person, holding the space open with them, and allowing myself to be there in that moment.

My body, mind and my own spirit heard them and knew that with guidance, that their body realized I was there with them. I had no agenda but to work on the various planes of the body. I knew that in doing this, that I could help guide the mind to the point their own innate intelligence took over.

This is not about hookup, energy work or even about holding the space open. It is more than that. It is about helping the person to allow their own innate intelligence to express itself, in the way that is needed at that moment of time.

All too often, we as healers of the mind and body connection, are drawn to tools that become our belief system. There are many names for these tools and if you pick any healing work name, you will have found the tools I refer to. While many modalities (or healing work systems) are good, we all too often get lost in the belief system of the work. Instead of becoming one with the truth of what works from the healing system, we become a slave to the belief system of the work.

As healers, if we are not challenging all that we know or feel comfortable with, we have become one with our belief system. In order to heal, we must continue to travel into those difficult closets of our own life. Opening the doors and clearing the closets out, allow us to peel off layer after layer towards a greater awareness in our life.

Then and only then, can we see our evolution which is critical to our lives touching, helping and healing others. For if we cannot travel into the deepest parts of our own suffering, how then can we think or expect to do this with anyone else. The healing of our clients is dependent upon how far we allow ourselves to heal and evolve our own life. May we never think we have traveled as far as we can go and may we find a greater connections through our own struggles.

Blog Post & Images (c) 3/27/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

NASA Space Technology And The Body

I'm always fascinated by NASA, rockets, the space shuttle but more importantly by the technology advancements that have come from the space program. While I do realize that there are many who feel this is unnecessary spending, I'm am amazed at how space exploration has touched so many parts of our lives. I'm writing this just as an awareness of things that have been discovered and the impact upon our body. To me, these things are just cool!

So here are some of the technological advancements from space exploration.

1) UV Blocking Sunglasses To Guard Your Eyes
NASA researchers picked up on the fact that eagles and hawks have 5 times the photo receptors that humans do. In addition, they found that their eyes contain tiny oil droplets which filter out harmful radiation, letting through only specific wavelengths of light. This led to the development of sunglasses.

2) Tang which was developed by General Foods in 1957

3) Memory Foam
Foam that absorbs shock while providing comfort and protection. It is used in helmets, prosthetic limbs, and the insoles of shoes. Memory foam can also be found in the seat cushions of airplanes, motorcycle seats, inside bullet proof vests to lessen the impact of a bullet, and ejection seats for the military. Foam is also used to help astronauts when they came back to earth by helping to increase the challenge of an obstacle course which helps them re-adapt to earth's gravity.

4) Algae Compound, Breast Milk And Formula
In researching algae, NASA discovered a nutrient that had only been found in human breast milk. The compound is important to eye and brain development. Now, it has found its way into much of the infant formula sold in the United States.

5) CATScans and MRI And The Medical Field
In the 1960's, NASA wanted to enhance the pictures of the moon. By doing this, they invented digital image processing. Eventually the technology found its way into many other applications like CATScans and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

These are just a few of the ways that we are impacted today by the research done at NASA and with space exploration. For more information, please go to the following link and read further about the impact of NASA on our lives.

Further Information:
1) Space Tech In Every Day Life
2) UV Blocking Sunglasses
3) Tang (Wikipedia)
4) Memory Foam For The Masses
5) Medical Diagnosis At A Distance

It is also important to note that NASA has just celebrated the 30th Year Anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program with designations of where each of the retired Shuttle Space Crafts will be going to be preserved as historical pieces for years to come. I believe Kennedy Space Center is getting Atlantis, Discovery is going to the Smithsonian Institute, Enterprise will go to New York City with the USS Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Endeavor will go to the California Science Center in Los Angeles where I undestand space shuttles were built. I personally hate to see the program come to an end but I hope in the very near future, there will be more space exploration taking place.

Photo by NASA/courtesy of
Blog Post & Images (c) 4/5/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Is About Hope And Possibility

As spring begins to arrive here in central Florida, the landscape changes and the sounds of nature come to life. What was once a sea of brown trees and vegetation has slowly but almost overnight, turned to green.

Just a few weeks ago, the view was more open as the leaves of the trees were not present. Then as the temperatures began to warm, the view began to transform. With a dash of rain, the green buds started to emerge.

While the mornings are still cool, you can feel the springtime air, the more direct sun and sometimes the forceful March winds. It is dry right now but soon that will change as the summertime rains take up residency once again.

Even though birds are always around, they are once again more abundant. The sounds of many different birds vary in pitch and intensity. It is as if they are calling out to their friends, that spring is here. They all sing in chorus as if some great composer is conducting a symphony.

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. After a cold winter, it signals warmth is on its way. It is a wonderful moment where new life is introduced to the world. Spring is a transition time from the old to the new and dormancy to growth.

To me, spring is about hope and possibility. It is giving us a moment that no matter what we left behind, we now create and grow our days in a new way. This time of the year is about wonder and amazement, miracles and the essence of life.

Blog Post & Images (c) 3/25/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life Looks Easy For Everyone Else

Life looks easy for everyone else. Me, I have struggled all my life and every moment has been tough. People have explained it one way or another as to why it has happened. At the end of the day, some things resonate and others I question. In fact, many I question.

I don't understand fully why I have experienced the things I have but yet, somehow I have made it this far in life. On all accounts, I should be dead but I was given a second chance. It was not my time that day in the hospital. With everything I have been through, the odds are not in my favor.

Sensitive sums up my life and the more I discover about myself, the more aware I become, I see just how far that goes to explain my life. I cannot even begin to describe what all I sense but it is often overwhelming. Many times I am frightened and confused by that which I sense.

Most just see me as knowing things but sometimes it is a living hell to me. I'm not always sure what to do with this information that I sense. Neither do I trust it fully. It is like a beloved and hated twin. At the same time, I want to know more, discover more and understand more of that which is around me and that which I sense.

There seems to be nowhere to turn. All the people who act as if they have the answers don't understand enough to really know what they are saying. Yet, it does not stop them from trying to offer or sometimes force their answers upon you.

I know that this journey I am on is one I must walk. I know I have to hold on to the courage and strength that I have deep within my soul. Deep down, I know there is a purpose for the struggles I have endured. However, it has not been fully revealed to me in full clarity. I sense it is not yet time for this to occur.

So, I continue to walk step by step hoping that as I do, all of this will be revealed more clearly. I attempt to keep my fears at bay, as I continue to ready my ship for sail.

Blog Post & Images (c) 3/24/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ask, Listen And Connect

There are moments in life where it seems more difficult than others. The struggle seems to prevail over the joys that are abundant. Even though life may look this way at times, the picture is being viewed upside down.

Often when it seems that things aren't going well, it is then that we need to stop and listen. For if we keep going, we may trip over the rock before us instead of noticing it in our path. Sometimes the rock is there for navigation purposes and not just an obstacle in our path.

Too often we see the cloudy day and forget that the sun has been shining for the past 100 days. We see the rain as ruining our plans instead of nurturing the earth. In fact, as we already know, both the sunshine and the rain are needed in our life to make it complete.

Just know that when you spend some time in your day asking the questions and listening for answers, you will be pleasantly surprised. You are not as alone as you sometimes feel. You are not wondering this path without support, guidance and love.

Take a moment to ponder these things and connect with how much is there for you. Let go of the doubts, fears, and worries for those things only slow down your journey.

Blog Post & Images (c ) 3/23/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things To Expect Going To A Therapist

Here is an article that Debbie Owen passed on to me, who is the creator the site, . Since it has some good information presented in a very simple format, I thought I would share it on my blog.

On the Couch: 10 Things to Expect When Going to a Therapist

Going to a therapist can be a difficult decision to come to. Movies and books make therapy out to be for crazy people and often put a bad spin on what goes on when you’re on the couch. While it may be hard to open up to loved ones, sitting down with a therapist gives you an opportunity to air your feelings in a judgment-free zone.

Don’t mistake therapy for something that has to go on for the rest of your life. Many do see a therapist for a number of years, but others see a therapist to deal with hard decision or crossroads in life. This means you can see a therapist for as few as three sessions or well into the next decade. Only you and your therapist can decide the right plan of action, but here’s what to expect once you sit down on the couch.

To read the entire article, click here.


Blog Post And Images (c) 1/01/07 by Don Shetterly
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