While it would be nice to only have days of sunshine in our lives, we do need the clouds and the rain. Imagine what the world would look like without clouds and rain. It is the same in our life. It allows us to compare and contrast feelings, emotions, and experiences. Being able to compare and contrast gives us the opportunity to not only experience sorrow but recognize when happiness is around us. One without the other would leave us unbalanced.
Yes, it can be difficult to deal with the rough moments in life. Sorrow feels draining and never ending at the time we are experiencing it. However, if you look back on those difficult moments in your life, you hopefully will notice that you made it through them. Even though at the time it felt like you were being pulled under, you did make it. You made it through with flying colors.
It does not mean that these times were easy or short in duration. It just means that through your creative wisdom and personal discovery, that you found a way beyond them. Often it is the darkest just before the dawn. So to, is it some times the most difficult before we realize just how much we are growing.
Life sometimes is harder to understand while you're looking at one individual moment. However, if you can widen you viewing angle, you may very likely be surprised at just how it changes. It took very little effort on your part just to see what was happening even in the midst of the difficult moment.
May we have eyes that can never close. May we have a desire to be more than we are today. May we allow ourselves to reach deep within for the energy, the strength and the courage we need in life. And may we give thanks for each and every experience in our lives. For without them, we would not be who we are today.
*For more articles, check out the Mind Body Thoughts Blog
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