There are times that it is hard to explain but we know deep down inside of us, that it is something we must do. We feel it in ways that it is clearly evident to us. Often times, we feel as if we stand alone as we prepare to take action, all the time knowing, we must do this.
It is often scary and unknown. There is usually no road map or a detailed list to guide our way. Soemtimes, even the objective is unclear at the moment we start. For us to look forward, it can be unimaginable how far this path of action will lead us.
While it can be easy to feel discouraged by the fear and worry of the unknown, we must remember to stay in the moment of now. We may not see how individual and unconnected points fit together as they come by. It may be sometime before we can view how all parts of our life moments fit together into a beautiful story.
We should never cease to dream or fail to live our dreams. For through the dreams, we open ourselves up to all that is possible. By opening ourselves up, we find that which excites us. Honoring that which excites us, moves us to action. It is at that point, where we truly find our feet on our path.
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