Thursday, February 23, 2012

So What's In Your Food Pantry

What's In Your
Food Pantry?

If you have not had a chance to read yesterday's blog post, Do You Consume Too Much Sugar (2/22/12), take a moment and go read this blog post. It will help what is written here to make more sense. Even if you think you know what is in your food pantry, I've got a feeling you may be surprised by the ingredients if you look at individual items.

Even though we try to buy healthy food, I am still amazed at just what they put into these food products. It really makes me wonder about the intelligence of humans. Most likely as you will find, I was surprised at just what was in our food pantry.

So take a moment, after you have read the previous blog post, and take an inventory of the food products in your house. See which ones have sugar, high fructose corn syrup and various other substances that may not be helpful to the human body. If you are unsure of something, do a Google search on it and see what it is. This may very likely surprise you.

Please feel free to list what you find and learned in the comments below. I would love to know as well because you might just be teaching myself and others something we don't already know. Please don't use the comments to promote some product, but give it a genuine effort to share what is in your food pantry. Help enlighten everyone through what you learn. Let's make this a group effort!

I look forward to hearing from everyone on this.

Blog Post And Images (c) 2/20/12 Don Shetterly - use and reprint by permission only

You are welcomed to share the link to this blog post, but ask for for permission before reprinting this article. Thanks!


  1. A great challenge, Don and I may steal it (and give you credit) and ask my readers to do something similar! Here's what I found in mine:
    High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in Gherkins
    HFCS in BBQ sauce
    Vegetable Broth (who knows what's in that) in canned tuna
    Corn Syrup (not HFCS) in peanut butter
    Sugar in all natural granola cereal
    Sugar in dried cranberries
    Food dyes in BBQ sauce and pickle slices

    It's all just shameful!

  2. @Javelin Warrior
    I just went and looked at ours because we try hard to keep the HFCS out of our stuff. Lo and behold though, there were some things.

    Special K Cereal (that is supposed to help you lose weight...LOL) had high sugar.

    Ken's Honey Mustard Sauce = High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Tomato Soup - High HFCS - for the life of me, I can't think why tomato soup needs to be sweetened. Ugh! Food adulteration!

    Smuckers Jam had HFCS - while I love the stuff, I didn't realize it was in there.

    Just amazes me that sugar and HFCS is put in some of the things that it is. We do read labels but sometimes, it is hard to avoid it. Some days my time is so limited and I want those easy to prepare things to eat. We just try to limit that and eat as healthy as we can.

    Feel free to coop the idea!

  3. Don, I completely understand being in a rush and to be honest, I was shocked to find any HFCS in my pantry cause I really do try to avoid it. That and transfats. And evil of all evils, at some point Crisco decided to change their product from using no transfats (at all) to "no transfats per serving" - so there's still transfats in the darn stuff! And here I was using it, blithely thinking they were still making it without any of the darn stuff.

    Anyway, that's my rant for the night ;)

  4. @Javelin Warrior - it really gets difficult to not buy stuff with some of these things in it. I've got a feeling it is only going to get worse. I just hope people will pay more attention to what they buy. If everyone starts buying the more healthy stuff, I can guarantee that these food manufacturers will start changing their practices.






Blog Post And Images (c) 1/01/07 by Don Shetterly
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