Sunday, July 31, 2011

Feeling Unloved And Unwanted

Some days, I cry myself to sleep feeling so unloved and unwanted. My tears are silent tears that flow down my face. My heart breaks in two as I feel so far removed from everything and everyone in the world.

I'm writing this from the depths of my soul where it looks ugly and messy and confusing. I chose to write this instead of holding it in because I'm pretty certain I'm not alone in some of these thoughts. Yet, I fear that I will be judged for sharing these things.

There are reasons though that I feel this way and some of them are so deeply rooted in a life that is difficult at times to deal with.

From the moment I was born, I really wasn't wanted. Yes, my mom cared for me and loved me but it didn't seem like I fit in. My early days in the hospital were spent with the nurses taking care of me because my Dad had hepatitis and so my mom (from what I was told) had to make a choice to be around me or him. For some God forsaken reason, she chose him (well, I know why but don't wish to state that publicly).

So anyway, let's fast forward a few years. My older brother was always getting himself into situations where he demanded attention and my younger brother seemed to do enough to get the attention as well (he was the baby of the family after all). So here I come along and the only attention I really got was when I worked my butt off around the house/farm or when I was being abused. It should be noted that I was always told that because God loved me, my father was doing these things to me. Twisted, I know but unfortunately that's what my little mind was told.

I remember going to bed hungry so many nights early on in my life and sometimes wishing that I didn't have to endure the life I was born into. I remember sometimes going outside and finding boards or rocks or other objects and I would hit myself until it hurt so much that I would stop. All of it was because of what I was going through and because I felt unloved, unwanted, dirty and no good. Fortunately I was so afraid of blood from an early traumatic experience in my life because otherwise I would most likely have been cutting myself.

All my life I just never felt like anyone really loved me or wanted me. I felt alone and out of place in the world. In many ways, maybe I did live up to the nickname my family gave me at one point, - reject.

It's been hard even to this day because it is so difficult for me to know if someone truly loves me and wants me. I have such difficulty seeing it and telling it apart from those that just want to use me. Its a blurry line to me. Yet, I do know that I've got a couple of people in my life that really do care. However, these close people know that sometimes I fail to see this and it really wears thin on their patience with me.

In my life, I do see some people that just try to use me and some that for lack of communication, I'm not sure where I stand with them. Of course that feeds into my own self induced misery of feeling unloved and unwanted.

Much progress in my life has been made in healing these deep wounds but I would be lying if I said that there was no traces of these traumatic moments in my body and mind. I long for the day that I can say more progress has been made and I no longer question everyone and everything around me when it comes to feeling loved and wanted. It is my hope that I will continue to progress further in this area of my life. It is my hope!

Further Reading:
1) Hope And Possibility Through Trauma (Book By Don Shetterly)
2) Oprah - 200 Men on child abuse (Blog Post Oct 28, 2010)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/29/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pray Away The STUPID

We pause from our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news update! Please stand by for an important announcement!

And now, an address from our local news pundits of the day all speaking in unison which is a first for our world.

Researchers have just discovered that you can pray away the stupid. Yes, folks, you heard it here first. One individual that was drugged, tortured and manipulated went from being utterly stupid, to intelligent. It was a remarkable achievement and only took 6 months. The researchers are now writing books based upon these findings and treatment centers are expected to crop up in cities and towns all across our news land.

Just think of what that does for our world. No more stupid people! Everyone is intelligent! No longer do we have to operate to accept stupid people as we all know this can be changed. So rush all your stupid friends and family into these clinics so they can be treated and cured! We no longer have to accept that they live a stupid life! It is after all, a choice!

Of course - don't buy into what I just wrote for one minute! It really isn't true that you can pray away the stupid, although I wish it was at times. I know that many out there use this tag-line to talk about praying away the gay. That is as stupid as what I just wrote and even more stupid in my view. (Blog Post June 12, 2011 - Anti Sissy Therapist).

We all spend our time watching and listening to what the various news channels, newspapers, commentators and pundits say. We've all got our attractions to the various points of view and that's where we go for our information. However, if you took the 30 day challenge, I would almost guarantee that life would begin to look different. (Blog Post April 8, 2011 - Clutter In Our Life, 30 Day Challenge) We are so taken in by the glitz of what is on TV, that inherently, our brains shut down. Yes, we can argue the points of the day based upon what the TV pundits we watch are talking about but does that really make us intelligent?

There is so much more to us as humans. We truly can evolve and become more aware of who we are and the role we are to play in helping advance the universe as a whole. However, we aren't going to find that listening to the current pundits of the day. In many ways, we have almost made the TV and the news that it purports to display, out to be the God we pray to. It has been a subtle shift over the years and the only fix is to take 30 days and stop watching the news on TV. Your life will be forever changed (in a good way).

We apologize for this interruption to your life and now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Please come back at 11 for the important news of the day.

Further Reading:
1) Anti Sissy Therapist (Blog Post June 12, 2011)
2) Clutter In Our Life, Part 1 (Blog Post March 29. 2011)
3) 30 Day Challenge (Blog Post April 8, 2011)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/28/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Unified Therapy

This is a video of Dr. Paul Canali discussing not only his work but the concepts behind his work. It is very informative but almost 14 minutes long. As discussed in the previous blog posts on Conversion Disorder and highlighted in my book, Dr. Paul Canali is one of the few that truly understands how to heal the body.

I'm not trying to be all self righteous in that statement and I don't make the statement because of a feeling of loyalty or anything else. The reason I am able to make that statement is because of how his work as truly healed my body in ways I never imagined. Dr. Canali has helped to heal my body from the trauma that I went through in my life.

I was interviewed about his work but so far they have not posted that video. I hope that they will one day. Please read some of the links below for more information about what I have went through in life and the healing that I have experienced.

YouTube Video:

Further Reading:
1) Battle With Conversion Disorder (Blog Post July 27, 2011)
2) Hope And Possibility Through Trauma (Book by Don Shetterly)
3) Why Is My Pulse High? (Blog Post April 1, 2010)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/28/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Danielle's Journey with Conversion Disorder

While I do not know who Danielle is, I found this video through another blog (which I introduced on yesterday's post - "Battle With Conversion Disorder" ). Please take a moment to go and read this previous post and check out the other blogger I introduced.

This video for me is tough to watch because of what I went through. However, I know that there is healing and that gives me hope! My heart goes out to this girl, Danielle because I know how frustrating and frightening this entire ordeal can be.

As you will see in the video, there is a lot of trembling and shaking that she goes through. For me, the trembling and shaking was there but in a much more violent way, almost like a seizure. When these shaking moments would come, they would get so violent that if I was in a chair, I would almost fall out if someone didn't hold on to me. They would not stop until my body was exhausted and my muscles had no more energy to move.

What I have now learned and experienced through my own healing is that the shaking is the body's natural way of releasing the trauma and the stored energy that is locked within the muscles and nervous system. If the right person is able to accompany you through this and keep you from going into what is known as the "fear mode", than healing can be a result. However, in a conversion disorder, it is all too common and too easy to get taken in by the fears that come up. Please keep in mind that the fears are not always conscious but often they are unconscious. While this may sound difficult to understand, I have experienced the healing side of these things through the work of Dr. Paul Canali.

So here is the video. I hope you will check it out because people really need to be educated about this. This does not just apply to the medical field but to regular people as well.

YouTube Video: Danielle's Journey with Conversion Disorder

If you have suffered through a conversion disorder or know someone that has, please feel free to contact me. I'm very open and willing to talk to anyone about my experiences and healing.

Please come back tomorrow for another video about some of the work that Dr. Paul Canali does and the work I am learning to do as well. My hope in life is that I can help others heal from Conversion Disorders and the traumatic experiences that lead up to them.

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/25/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Battle With Conversion Disorder

I know first hand what it means to battle with a Conversion Disorder. When I went through this experience in 1991, I was not sure at age 26, whether I would ever walk again or be normal again. In those moments, I was not even sure if I would be alive to see another day.

Of course for me, I found healing and recovery. If you saw me today, you would never guess that I was paralyzed, barely able to speak, not able to feel anything and my brain was nearing complete shut down. I still notice the effects but they are minimal and I am able to live my life without them impacting it.

The real part of all of this is that I found a way to heal and recover. Many people don't find that because the knowledge of what is going on does not exist to much degree and if someone does know that this is happening, usually treatment is a hit and miss nightmare.

I want to introduce you to another blog of someone who is trying to get the word out there on Conversion Disorders and her experience with it. When I went through this in 1991, there were no resources. In fact, I've gone years without being able to connect with anyone that has these experiences. I'm sure there are many more people out there who suffer from this, but often they are hidden from view.

Please go and check this blog out called "just me"

My heart goes out to anyone suffering through this or who has gone through it. However, I will tell you without a doubt that I know there is healing from this. There is a life beyond this! Keep holding on to hope!

Please feel free to contact me via email if you want and I'll be more than happy to talk about what my experiences were and how I came through it. I'm actually a massage therapist now and specializing in trying to help people who have been through traumatic experiences or conversion disorders. Thanks to the healing by Dr. Paul Canali of Miami, I've begun to learn what he has done with me and my hope is that I can help others in a very deep, profound way to heal.

One final note - the picture in this blog is of me in the early stages of the conversion disorder. It was taken on a good day and at a good time when I was alert. Please do not be mistaken by this picture because most of the experience was much more difficult than can be shown in this picture.

And come back tomorrow for a link to a video about one person's journey through a Conversion Disorder. It is a must see video!

Further Reading:
1) Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (Blog Post July 11, 2011)
2) Hope And Possibility Through Trauma (My Book on Amazon)
3) (more info on Don and his work)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/25/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Note From Erick

Remember how at one time we would get letters in the mail. It was something that everyone looked forward to. Of course, there was no email, cell phones or Facebook accounts at the time.

Today, I received a letter in the mail from my sponsored child, Erick of Children International. It warms my heart to read the few words that they write and that someone translates. The pictures he colors or draws just gives me a smile.

In this picture, he drew some beautifully colored mountains with clouds around them and a sun that had a lovely smiley face. The crayon drawing had images of people which I assume are his family and birds flying and it was in a gorgeous color of green.

The message was transalated as follows.

I want to tell you that I'm in good health also I tell you that I like to play soccer and I like to ride bike. I want to tell you that I am in second grade and my favorite subject is math and I learned sums and I want to tell you that I like an animal named procupine because I like its hair because it is like needles and I have seen them in the zoo and I hope you like this letter and I send love. Signed Erick


It just warms my heart to read these little letters and know that even though I am able to help in a small way, it means a lot to these children and their families. I've been with Children International since 1995 and this is my second sponsored child. It is a wonderful organization that I've had the pleasure of getting to know and meeting some of the staff and other sponsors.

I just had to share this today as it brought a smile to my world and I hope it gives you a smile as well.

For More Information On Children International

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/16/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Monday, July 25, 2011

You Do Unto Yourself

We've all heard the statement, what you do unto others, you do unto yourself. It's been passed around from person to person, through email, across facebook, twitter and many other places. It is a nice statement that we all love to hear. Yet, does it really mean anything to us?

Take for instance if you read comments on an article in the newspaper. If you read those, most of the time, they turn pretty mean spirited or nasty. I cringe at some of the things that get said on there and then I can't help but think of what we do unto others, we do unto our self. Of course, if you're not one that comments and this doesn't apply to you, read on.

How about the curt word that you give to someone on the phone, in the office or on the street that you may or may not know. Maybe it is some employee in a store or a restaurant that you demand something from or a driver you disagree with on the road. Maybe the scowl or angry stare that you offer to everyone around you. Just consider once again, that what you do unto others, you do unto your self.

Let's take this in a different direction for a moment. How about the healer that attempts to heal the client when their own fears are masking the true nature of the situation. Yet, the healer has decided not to evolve in awareness of how their own fear impacts the work they do on others. Again, let us consider what we do unto others, we also do unto ourselves.

I could continue with many examples of this that we all encounter in every day of our life. Of course, we can choose to act as if the pretty statement that is repeated many times over is our mantra rather than the way we live our life. I'm not talking about each of us being perfect in all that we do. What I am stressing here is that we truly own up to that which we do in our day to others instead of living in an oblivious state to how we truly are impacting others and our self.

Further Reading:
1) Needing To Be Right (Blog Post 2/20/2011)
2) Mindful Words (Blog Post 2/2/2011)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/16/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

White Noise and Ocean Waves

Recently, I released a CD called "Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds". This is a CD of ocean waves that I captured. While a friend of mine immediately said "white noise" when they heard this CD, after some research, it might not be strictly defined as white noise.

However, I have been playing this CD at night and it really helps me relax and sleep while it cancels out the background noises. I have often used various white noise CD's when I was traveling to help me sleep to mask the noises of people talking in a hallway or doors slamming.

I was playing the ocean waves CD yesterday while working in my office, and my orange cat was so relaxed. At first he wasn't sure of the sounds but it didn't take him long to come over and lay down next to me. Yes, I do realize that cats can really zone out but my cat was beyond what he normally is when he is relaxed. It had a strong effect on him.

The term white noise comes from a reference to white light. In either white noise or white light, white refers to the full spectrum of sound or visible wave lengths. The key point here being that it is the full spectrum.

It is the equal distribution of light or sound waves or a noise that is produced by combining all possible tones or frequencies together. White noise generally is a soothing and relaxing sound that blocks out unwanted sounds or background noises.

In addition to white noise, there is pink noise. Pink noise is defined as pleasant sounds that are relaxing and fill the mind with unstimulating distractions much like white noise. However, with pink noise, it does not cover the full spectrum of sound frequencies and so it does not mask background noise as well as white noise.

There are many purposes and uses for white noise. White noise is great for sleep (insomnia), concentration, reading a book or just relaxing. It is often a help to those that suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears). White noise is also being used in offices to help cancel out background conversations from people working in adjacent cubicles or offices.

When I recorded the Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds CD, I wanted to get the full dynamics of the sounds I heard on the beach. I did notice that while I relaxed on the beach, it seemed as if time stood still. Although there are many CD’s out there with the sound of ocean waves, many of them do not really capture the true experience and present an environment that connects the mind and body together.

Sources Of Information:
1) Wikipedia - White Noise
2) - Do White Noise Machines Help You Sleep?

To Purchase "Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds" CD
-- iTunes
-- Amazon
-- Napster
-- Rhapsody

For More Information on Don Shetterly's Music

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/16/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

An Ocean Picture Meditation

To enhance the power of this ocean meditation, you may want to download and listen to one of my CD's called "Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds". The sounds on this CD were recorded from the place you see in these pictures.

Since the ocean is one of my favorite places, every time I go, I always take pictures. For me to walk along the ocean, feel the salt mist and ocean breezes, it is breath taking to me.

I'm always captivated by the sounds of the waves and the roar of the ocean. If you ever have the chance to go to the ocean, do it! It is an experience you'll never forget. On the other hand, if you have been to the ocean, I hope these pictures will reconnect you with the sites and sounds you feel in your body and mind.

Just notice the rolling waves, and the ever so peaceful appearance of the waters that seem to stretch for miles and miles. The shoreline filled with its many grasses and plants that changes as the shoreline changes. If you travel for miles up the coast, you'll notice quickly how the shoreline changes, yet it is all connected.

Gazing into that deep blue horizon, it is like nothing else matters. No matter what is going on in life, it is like all is very insignificant to this moment that I am seeing. A point where I am standing there in this big world and while I'm connected to it, I feel as if I've drifted far beyond the earthly plane.

As the waves crash to the shore, I often see them bringing in what I need in life and taking away that which I don't need. I picture myself releasing all those difficult moments in life to the waves. The ocean is big enough to take these things, wash them away and carry back much needed peace to the shore.

Knowing that the shoreline I see at this particular minute and hour of the day, will change into something new, and unseen and that does not exist at this point in time. The low and high tide changes the landscape with each wave that crashes onto the shore. The depth of water and the water's edge display a landscape that cannot be imagined.

So to is our life. It is ever changing and what we see today is not what will be there tomorrow. No two days are alike and no two moments are alike. We can choose to participate in whatever moment of our life we wish or we can choose to step back and be an observer to the bigger picture of life. Sometimes by observing where we are in the moment, we are participating in life in a way that no comprehension can achieve.

May we view the ocean or other places in our life with great observance to gain a deeper understanding of who we are and where we are in life.

Further Reading:
1) Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds (Blog Post 7/20/11)
2) Relaxing Ocean Waves (Blog Post & Video 7/08/11)
3) Ocean Waves (Blog Post 5/17/11)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/13/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thank You Atlantis and NASA

I stand in awe of what was accomplished by the people of NASA throughout the history and especially the space shuttle program. I'm inspired by all that they accomplished and all that we as a civilization learned from their experiences. The learning has not stopped because it will carry us into the future of our world and beyond.

I am saddened that today has come but I hope that this difficult time will lead to many more discoveries ahead and into worlds that we cannot even imagine. I hope that we will learn more about the possibilities that are beyond our comprehension and come to understand the things we all reside in, known as our body. May our minds never cease to stretch the boundaries and limits of all that there is. May we never stop reaching for the points that cannot be seen.

Photo by NASA/courtesy of

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/21/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ocean Waves Poem

This poem is one I wrote about the waves at the Ocean. The ocean is one of my favorite places and I could sit there all day long, every day of my life if there was nothing else to do.

As part of the new CD I just released, Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds, this poem connects with the creation of this CD.

To hear a sample of this CD on itunes, click the following link.
Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds for Sleep, Massage, Relaxation, Healing, Spa

Relaxing Ocean Waves
*by Don Shetterly

Gazing into the horizon,
Before the deep blue sea.
Breathing in the air,
Salt mist all around.

Gazing into the sunlight
As it glistens on the sea.
Sparkles of sunlight
Dancing all around.

The dark blue sky
Hovers above the water;
A never- ending sight
Ocean stretching beyond.

My shoes comes off,
my feet touch the sand.
I feel the coolness
As my toes dig in.

Water splashes around
As waves abound.
Water comes and goes
With secrets unknown.

The sound of the ocean waves,
the roar of the sea,
Draws me deep within
To where I cannot see.

A day is but an hour
As I'm lulled to the clouds,
While ocean waves
Sing unto the sky.

Ocean waves
Majestic and free,
Soaring to the sky
From the deep blue sea.

(c) 6/21/11 Don Shetterly - All Rights Reserved)

This poem and picture was taken at Canaveral National Seashore, New Smyrna Beach, Florida on June 21, 2011 (Summer Solstice).

Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds for Sleep, Massage, Relaxation, Healing, Spa - Don Shetterly

Blog Post & Images (c) 6/21/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds For Sleep, Massage, Relaxation, Healing, Spa

Imagine it is a warm sunny afternoon on the beach, with the sun shining down and a light ocean breeze blowing against you. At random times, birds go flying by as if they are effortlessly drifting along. As you relax on a beach towel, listen to the waves come in and go out, as the rhythm lulls you into a deep relaxed and meditative state. Spend some time and wake up feeling refreshed, renewed, and at peace within yourself.

Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds is a CD of ocean waves that was recorded at Canaveral National Seashore in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. It was recorded on the summer solstice at morning low tide (June 21, 2011).

The CD has very dynamic and full ocean wave sounds that will lull you to sleep, help you relax, meditate, or are just ideal for massage, the spa or any other relaxing and healing environment you wish to create.

Available now on iTunes, Rhapsody and Napster and Amazon.

The CD is 69 minutes in length (a 1 track single) and can be purchased on itunes for $1.99 or Rhapsody, Napster and Amazon for 99 cents.

It is available for mp3 download on these sites and the physical CD on Amazon will be coming soon.

I hope everyone enjoys the CD and I look forward to seeing the reviews online at the various download sites.

CD Title: Relaxing Ocean Wave Sounds For Sleep, Massage, Relaxation, Healing, Spa
UPC: 859706360099
Artist: Don Shetterly

For More Information

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Possibility In My Dreams

Some days my mind creates vivid story book movies of what life could be like for me. Some days I feel as if I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open.

In all reality, I don't believe these things are fictional movies of fantasy. I have a suspicion that they are a glimpse of my life's purpose, yet to be created into existence.

As I think on these things, I become excited at the possibilities. These dreams make me feel complete and fulfilled. They seem so real and so close to the touch that I am shocked when I wake up from my dream state.

Of course with any dream, there are many steps required to put everything into action. Some of these steps involve miracles of walking on water or climbing the highest mountain peaks. It is all too easy to become frustrated at the difficult tasks of unknown proportions that stand in the way. It is much to easy to be side tracked from the voices that surround my journey.

In the end, I must keep the faith and keep the eye on the goal. For if I lose site of the goal, I may find myself lost in the desert thirsting for water. My path and my purpose may not always be clear, but my hope is to not lose site of the way.

Further Reading:
1) Hope & Possibility Through Trauma - (Book Review Post 05/20/11)
2) Your Possibilities Are Real (Blog Post 03/02/11)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil

Please refer back to the introductory post about Tea Tree Oil using the following link (LINK) or see the list of topics below for all posts in this series. Previously in this series, we discussed the topic, "How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray".

Where Can I Buy Tea Tree Oil?

There are many places to purchase Tea Tree oil from your local health food store to places online. I buy my essential oils from Ananda Apothecary. (Please note that I do not receive any income from Ananda Apothecary for these statements).

Ananda Apothecary has high quality oils, great customer service and fast shipping! Plus the prices are very competitive. They really back up their products and if you ever have a concern with them, they are there to help and listen.

While I know Young Living sells good essential oils as well, I have had bad experiences with them. At one time, I would not have purchased my essential oils from anyone but Young Living. I was signed up as a distributor for them until they inadvertently deleted my distributor account from their system. Instead of correcting their error, they demanded that I needed to sign up and buy the distributorship all over again. Of course, this was at my expense. Regardless of trying to point out their error, they would only say that they made a mistake and I had to resign back up as a distributor.

In my search for a new supplier, I found out that Young Living does not distill as many of their oils as one tends to think they do. Like everyone else, most of what they sell is distilled by other manufacturers. As I have found from first hand experience, the quality of the essential oils at Ananda Apothecary are just as good as Young Living, if not better. The prices are considerably better because there isn't the markup like there is with Young Living. There is no MLM marketing concept either like Young Living has.

Regardless of where you buy your oils, do your research and make sure they are high quality oils. Store them in a cool dark place away from sunlight. You don't have to pay and arm and a leg for your oils because in a case like Young Living, you're most likely buying the same oils that other distributors are selling. They may lead you to believe otherwise, but again, do your research!

List Of Topics
7/14/11 - Introduction to Tea Tree Oil Series
7/15/11 - Uses Of Tea Tree Oil
7/16/11 - Tea Tree Oil Cautions and Toxicity
7/17/11 - How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray
7/18/11 - Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil

Sources Of Information:
1) - Tea Tree Oil For Bug Repellent & Everything Else
2) Mayo Clinic - Tea Tree Oil
3) Mayo Clinic - Sources and References
4) Natural - Tea Tree Oil Spray
5) Ananda Apothecary - Essential Oil Supplier
6) Clean House, Clean Planet (Book by Karen Logan)

Disclaimer: Since I am not a licensed medical physician, please consult any necessary medical personnel before applying any of the information you read on this blog. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical health care provider before making any health care or medical decisions.

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray

Please refer back to the introductory post about Tea Tree Oil using the following link (LINK) or see the list of topics below for all posts in this series. Previously in this series, we discussed the topic, "Tea Tree Oil Cautions And Toxicity". Come back tomorrow for a discussion on "Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil".

How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray

Since tea tree oil is expensive, it would not be cost effective to use concentrated tea tree oil. Moreover, it is an oily liquid that you really don't want to spray it without first diluting it.

A 2% strength tea tree oil antiseptic spray is typically used. However, a 5% strength can also be made. (The 5% strength is often used to treat acne on the face).

To make a 2% solution (volume = 250 ml), measure 5 ml of tea tree oil and place in a bottle. Add 250 ml of distilled water to the spray bottle and shake well before each use. Tea Tree oil does not mix well with water and will separate.

If you want a 5% solution (volume = 250 ml), measure 12.5 ml of tea tree oil and place it in the bottle. Then, add 250 ml of distilled water and shake well.

Try to be as accurate as possible but here are some general measurements that may help you. 250 ml is approximately 1 cup. 20 drops equal approximately 1 ml. Using a syringe to measure this is much more accurate them using drops. 100 drop is of course equal to 5 ml or approximately 1 teaspoon.

Accuracy is important and great care should be taken to make sure you are mixing the right strength.

Make sure your bottle and equipment used to measure this is clean and free of anything that might contaminate the oil or solution.

To learn about other substances like creams, gels, massage oils or other substances that can be used as a carrier, click on the following link. Tea Tree Oil Dilution Techniques

List Of Topics
7/14/11 - Introduction to Tea Tree Oil Series
7/15/11 - Uses Of Tea Tree Oil
7/16/11 - Tea Tree Oil Cautions and Toxicity
7/17/11 - How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray
7/18/11 - Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil

Sources Of Information:
1) - Tea Tree Oil For Bug Repellent & Everything Else
2) Mayo Clinic - Tea Tree Oil
3) Mayo Clinic - Sources and References
4) Natural - Tea Tree Oil Spray
5) Ananda Apothecary - Essential Oil Supplier
6) Clean House, Clean Planet (Book by Karen Logan)

Disclaimer: Since I am not a licensed medical physician, please consult any necessary medical personnel before applying any of the information you read on this blog. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical health care provider before making any health care or medical decisions.

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tea Tree Oil Cautions And Toxicity

Please refer back to the introductory post about Tea Tree Oil using the following link (LINK) or see the list of topics below for all posts in this series. Previously in this series, we discussed the topic, "Uses Of Tea Tree Oil". Come back tomorrow for a discussion on "How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray".

Tea Tree Oil Cautions And Toxicity
(according to the Mayo site)

Always use this oil with caution. It is very strong and has been known to cause rashes in some people. If you use it on your skin, always dilute it with another essential oil such as jojoba. If used to repel insects in your garden, please be sure not to spray directly on plants as it can burn them and be sure to always dilute it before spraying. This oil is toxic if ingested. Be very careful when using around domestic animals and when using as an antiseptic in your mouth.

There are many reports of allergy to tea tree oil when taken by mouth or used on the skin. Skin reactions range from mild contact dermatitis to severe blistering rashes. People with a history of allergy to tea tree oil ( Melaleuca alternifolia ), to any of its components, or to plants that are members of the myrtle (Myrtaceae) family, balsam of Peru, or benzoin, should not use tea tree oil. Use cautiously if allergic to eucalyptol as many tea tree preparations contain eucalyptol.

Tea tree oil taken by mouth has been associated with potentially severe reactions, even when used in small quantities. Several reports describe people using tea tree oil by mouth who developed severe rash, reduced immune system function, abdominal pain, diarrhea, lethargy, drowsiness, inflammation of the corners of the mouth, slow or uneven walking, confusion, or coma. There have also been reports of nausea, unpleasant taste, burning sensation, and bad breath associated with tea tree oil use. Many tea tree preparations contain large volumes of alcohol.

When used on the skin, tea tree oil may cause allergic rash, redness, blistering, and itching. This may be particularly severe in people with pre-existing skin conditions such as eczema. Use of tea tree oil inside of the mouth or eyes can cause irritation. Animal research suggests that tea tree oil used on the skin in large quantities can cause serious reactions such as difficulty walking, weakness, muscle tremor, slowing of brain function, and poor coordination. When applied in the ears of animals, 100% tea tree oil has caused reduced hearing, although a 2% solution has not led to lasting changes in hearing. The effect of tea tree oil on hearing when used in the ears of humans is not known.

Not enough scientific information is available to recommend tea tree oil during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Animal studies suggest caution in the use of tea tree oil during childbirth because tea tree oil has been reported to decrease the force of spontaneous contractions, which theoretically could put the baby and mother at risk. Women who are breastfeeding should not apply tea tree oil to the breast or nipple since it may be absorbed by the infant.

List Of Topics
7/14/11 - Introduction to Tea Tree Oil Series
7/15/11 - Uses Of Tea Tree Oil
7/16/11 - Tea Tree Oil Cautions and Toxicity
7/17/11 - How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray
7/18/11 - Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil

Sources Of Information:
1) - Tea Tree Oil For Bug Repellent & Everything Else
2) Mayo Clinic - Tea Tree Oil
3) Mayo Clinic - Sources and References
4) Natural - Tea Tree Oil Spray
5) Ananda Apothecary - Essential Oil Supplier
6) Clean House, Clean Planet (Book by Karen Logan)

Disclaimer: Since I am not a licensed medical physician, please consult any necessary medical personnel before applying any of the information you read on this blog. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical health care provider before making any health care or medical decisions.

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Uses Of Tea Tree Oil

Please refer back to the introductory post about Tea Tree Oil using the following link (LINK) or see the list of topics below for all posts in this series. Previously in this series, we discussed the topic, "An Introduction To Tea Tree Oil". Come back tomorrow for a discussion on "Tea Tree Oil Cautions And Toxicity".

Uses Of Tea Tree Oil

Conditions that Tea Tree Oil may help when applied in a safe and proper manner.

Athletes’ foot
Jock itch
Nail fungus
Insect bites
Bee Stings
Cold sores
Gum disease

While numerous laboratory studies have demonstrated antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil (likely due to the compound terpinen-4-ol), only a small number of high-quality trials have been published. Human studies have focused on the use of topical tea tree oil for fungal infections (including fungal infections of the nails and athlete's foot), acne, and vaginal infections. However, there is a lack of definitive available evidence for the use of tea tree oil in any of these conditions, and further study is warranted.(2)

List Of Topics
7/14/11 - Introduction to Tea Tree Oil Series
7/15/11 - Uses Of Tea Tree Oil
7/16/11 - Tea Tree Oil Cautions and Toxicity
7/17/11 - How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray
7/18/11 - Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil

Sources Of Information:
1) - Tea Tree Oil For Bug Repellent & Everything Else
2) Mayo Clinic - Tea Tree Oil
3) Mayo Clinic - Sources and References
4) Natural - Tea Tree Oil Spray
5) Ananda Apothecary - Essential Oil Supplier
6) Clean House, Clean Planet (Book by Karen Logan)

Disclaimer: Since I am not a licensed medical physician, please consult any necessary medical personnel before applying any of the information you read on this blog. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical health care provider before making any health care or medical decisions.

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tea Tree Oil Introduction

I use various essential oils for purposes of cleaning to health related situations. Although I do not consider myself to be an expert in any way, I am learning. The information I am presenting here is from searching the internet.

Each day, I will address various aspects of Tea Tree Oil. Please see the following list with the date of posting and a link to each regarding the various topics that are presented. On each topic, I will make sure I give reference to the main source of information that I used. However, in many cases, there is most likely many sources I consulted before I wrote this blog post. Not all sources will be identified as you are free to search the internet for corresponding sources of information and verify the information from my own research.

Tea Tree Oil Series Introduction

Tea Tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant known as Melaleuca Alternifolia. Some cultures such as the Australian aborigines have used Tea Tree Oil for centuries as an antiseptic and anti-fungal treatment. It is also great as an insect repellent for both you and your garden.(1)

List Of Topics
7/14/11 - Introduction to Tea Tree Oil Series
7/15/11 - Uses Of Tea Tree Oil
7/16/11 - Tea Tree Oil Cautions and Toxicity
7/17/11 - How To Make Tea Tree Oil Spray
7/18/11 - Where To Buy Tea Tree Oil

Sources Of Information:
1) - Tea Tree Oil For Bug Repellent & Everything Else
2) Mayo Clinic - Tea Tree Oil
3) Mayo Clinic - Sources and References
4) Natural - Tea Tree Oil Spray
5) Ananda Apothecary - Essential Oil Supplier
6) Clean House, Clean Planet (Book by Karen Logan)

Disclaimer: Since I am not a licensed medical physician, please consult any necessary medical personnel before applying any of the information you read on this blog. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical health care provider before making any health care or medical decisions.

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Recovery From A Conversion Disorder, 3

This is part 3 of 3 parts on Recovery From A Conversion Disorder. In order to understand this blog post, please read part 1, posted on 7/11/11 and part 2, posted on 7/12/11

Fortunately, after a few weeks of not being able to take care of myself and traveling back and forth to doctors and tests, a neurologist put me in the hospital. Up until that point, the medical professionals just kept sending me home. More tests were run in the hospital but the neurologist finally began to ask me the hard questions about my past. It was at that point, where a psychologist was brought in and I began to take my first step again.

Many more days and weeks would pass by before life started to get back some resemblance of normal. I would suffer difficult moments both physically and in dealing with my traumatic past. There were times where the physical and mental anguish became too difficult and I attempted to end my life. Somehow through all of this and the support of some close friends, I made it out alive!

To those going through a Conversion Disorder or working with someone that is suffering through it, there is hope . I won’t promise it will be easy but I went from near death to fully functional in my current life. Yes there are still brief moments that I can see affects from this condition but they no longer pull me under.

Dealing with the trauma of the past and the fears associated with them as a result, my life has changed. I have found very few people in my life that truly understand how to treat someone with a Conversion Disorder or know enough about fear to help bring resolution. This isn’t something where you just change your mind and your thoughts. It requires much deeper healing and for one to go in and release those traumatic moments held within the tissues, muscles and cells of the body.

I know there is hope. I know there is possibility. Just don’t give up! Fight with all your might, strength and any ounce of strength you can find within your body.

Please see the links below for further reading and information.

Further Reading:
1) Part 2 - Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (7/12/11)
2) Part 3 - Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (7/13/11)
3) Book - Hope And Possibility Through Trauma by Don Shetterly
4) Conversion Disorder By The Mayo Clinic on CNN Health (2/10/11)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/10/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Recovery From A Conversion Disorder, 2

This is part 2 of 3 parts on Recovery From A Conversion Disorder. In order to understand this blog post, please read part 1, posted on 7/11/11.

Unless you have been through a Conversion Disorder, most people do not understand that to initiate movements in my body was almost hopeless. My brain could command my body to move and yet, it was like the muscles could not hear. It did not matter how hard I tried or how much I wanted to move, my body would just not initiate the movement.

Fortunately, I had some healing people that worked with me who would help initiate the movements. Once the movements were initiated, it was much easier for me to take over. The fear that I was experiencing and reliving as a result of a traumatic past was locking my muscles in place as if a split had been place upon them.

It was difficult for me to know what was going on and in 1991, very few medical professionals knew much about Conversion Disorders. I was passed from doctor to doctor, test to test and misdiagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Some type of steroid type drug was given to me which caused a very horrible reaction where I went into seizure like moments. I was rushed to the hospital at one point in an ambulance because I was unresponsive.

My early days of this ordeal were filled with a lack of energy to the point where I could barely keep myself awake for more than a couple of hours. Pain in my body would come and go, I had no desire to eat or do anything in my life. The fleeting moments of desire for anything vanished into thin air. Breathing was difficult and not something I really wanted.

For the continuation and conclusion of this series, come back on 7/13/11 for part 3. Please see the links below for further reading and information.

Further Reading:
1) Part 2 - Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (7/12/11)
2) Part 3 - Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (7/13/11)
3) Book - Hope And Possibility Through Trauma by Don Shetterly
4) Conversion Disorder By The Mayo Clinic on CNN Health (2/10/11)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/10/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Recovery From A Conversion Disorder, 1

As you can read in my book, "Hope And Possibility Through Trauma" or in some of the other blog posts mentioned on this site, I suffered from a Conversion Disorder (Hysterical Paralysis) in 1991. For me, it was a turning point in life, although it was a very rough one. At the time, I did not know if I would ever recover from this.

Today, you would not be able to tell I once was paralyzed with a memory that did not work, speech that was slow to non existent, feeling and sensation throughout my body that was lost, and movements that were difficult at best. It was some very dark days in my life filled with fear, uncertainty and despair unlike any other I had ever experienced.

I still remember thinking at the age of 26 as I looked at the ceiling of my hospital room, was this all I could expect in life? Was this everything that my life would be until I died? Will I ever recover and be normal again?

For me, life did almost shut down completely and as doctors explained later, my brain was in the final points of shutdown. Life as I knew it was becoming a dark blur of existence and even finding the strength to go another minute in life was difficult. It is my hope that by sharing these things on the blog, that others will know there is hope and healing.

In the following blog posts (Part 2 and Part 3), I will be sharing a few things that I remember from my experiences with the Conversion Disorder. Please see the links below for further reading and information.

Further Reading:
1) Part 2 - Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (7/12/11)
2) Part 3 - Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (7/13/11)
3) Book - Hope And Possibility Through Trauma by Don Shetterly
4) Conversion Disorder By The Mayo Clinic on CNN Health (2/10/11)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/10/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Voices From A Journey Through Words

Here is part of a poem from my poetry book of writings, "A Journey Through Words". This poem is called "Voices" and I wrote it on January 23, 1999.

While this poem called "Voices" was written with a different purpose in mind, I can't help but think of Caylee Anthony. In many ways, it fits for her voice as well because we will never truly know what happened.

However, there are many other children in the world that are neglected, abused, murdered and left to fend for themselves. It is a familiar story to many and unfortunately we as a human race fail to respect and honor our children in the way that we should do without question.

Until this world sees children as valuable individuals and not something to be owned or in control of, our world will continue to see horror stories on display. May we all open our eyes, our awareness and our hearts and learn from these stories. May we one day see these things as a horrible infliction on our past, not something that we continue to repeat.

If you would like to read the entire poem, it is found in my poetry book that can be purchased on (Please see the links below for more information).


We are tiny little voices,
just waiting to be heard!

We are millions of voices,
with a message to tell!

We are silent voices,
kept quiet with shame!

We are broken voices,
beaten with pain!

But together our voices ring loud

Our message blankets the sky!

(c) Don Shetterly 1/23/99 All Rights Reserved

For More Information On This Poem:
1) (A Journey Through Words) - paperback, 59 pages, full color
2) (Book Information)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/9/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Space Shuttle, Job Well Done!

Today marks the last time that the space shuttle will launch from earth into space. I can remember being a very young child watching our black and white TV when some of the later Apollo rockets were blast into space. I was always amazed and awed at the site on TV.

When I was about 8 years old, we got to tour Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on a family vacation. At that time, KSC was half of what it is today. I still remember seeing an Apollo Rocket up close and being in total amazement.

When they announced the Apollo Space Program was coming to an end and that they would create a spacecraft that would land like an airplane, it seemed almost impossible. Yet that is exactly what they did.

I will miss being able to see the shuttle launch over our house but I will hold on to the fond memories I have of this great accomplishment by humans traveling into space.

While some may argue purpose and costs of space missions, I know that through Space Exploration, many things have been invented as a result. In addition, we have learned a great deal about the body, the mind and how it all interacts together. You can of course research these things on the Nasa site or through google and see just how far we've come as a result of what NASA has done.

A video was posted by Nasa today from the closet out crew on the shuttle. It is the last time they will do this task from this launch pad for the space shuttle. The video said so much and the link for it is here.

I'll leave you with the comment I left on the YouTube video. "Brings tears to my eyes. I commend you all for a job well done and for all that you've done which no one fully understands in the moment we call - today!"

Further Reading:
1) Nasa Space Technology And The Body (Blog Post 04/13/11)
2) Video from Close Out Crew at Nasa - Youtube Video

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/8/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Relaxing Ocean Waves

Here's a short little video of some relaxing ocean waves that I captured on video at Canaveral National Seashore in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.

One of my favorite places to visit is the Atlantic Ocean. Just sitting on the beach, next to the water lulls me into a very relaxed state. Just to hear the sounds of the ocean, the waves, the birds and gaze into the deep blue sea is very relaxing and soothing to me.

Often when I visit the ocean and hear the ocean waves, time flies by quickly. Before long, an hour or two has passed and it feels like mere minutes.

I love just walking up and down the beach next to where the waves and surf come in. Just feeling the water on my feet and watching the sea life run about, gives me a sense of awe and a feel of completeness.

When I can find areas of the beach that have very few people around, I really enjoy just being out in nature and being alone with my thoughts. There is no better way to spend a day when you just want to relax, think about things or enjoy a quiet moment of rest.

If you are not able to visit the ocean, than I hope my short little video will give you a taste of what I experience.

Further Reading:
1) Ocean Waves Poem (Blog Post 5/11/11)
2) An Ocean Meditation (Blog Post 8/13/10)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/3/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Illusion Of Emotions

I remember growing up and getting letters from my mom where she talked about "HOW" my Dad felt. It was like she was sharing his feelings with me instead of him sitting down and writing it in a letter or calling me.

While I do understand my father wrote extremely poorly and the couple of times he did write a letter to me, the words were blasting me with every baseless and false accusation under the sun. Regardless though, my father never shared his feelings with me or how he felt. Unfortunately, I longed for this connection with him instead of the illusion I received.

These days, our society seem to be fixated on the latest news story of the day. The more tragic, the more horror filled or scandalous, the more fixated we become. It consumes our every moment, conversation and the events that we choose to be a part of in our day. Of course, there is great money to be made in these things so those who follow the media day in and day out, willingly participate in the money grab.

We as a culture and society take these things one step further. We emote and release our feelings through these tragic events by sharing them on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. We comment as if we have a personal connection to the event unfolding. We align ourselves with a political persona to give a voice to what it is we feel inside. Last but not least, we comment on these news stories and we argue with others to prove our points. We press the like buttons, the thumbs up or thumbs down thinking the illusion really does matter.

Our comments, our alignment with politics and the things we constantly share in social networking are how we let our feelings out. These things have become our feelings in life. The awaiting disaster in all of this is that we still have these emotions locked within our mind and body, yet we give our self the illusion that by participating in the media culture of life, we are doing something positive.

Just like my mom in days past, by her speaking for what my Dad felt, it really had little connection to me. I longed to hear his words and connect with him. It was a false illusion that was reality to me just as our current day fixation on what the media or social networking sites feed us as truth. We have yet to figure out the illusion we are living but I hope that one day, it will be replaced with the reality of sharing real connections and feelings, not suppressing them.

Further Reading:
1) Commenting Online Without Thinking (Blog Post 06/07/11)
2) Anger In Our World (Blog Post 1/5/11)

Blog Post & Images (c) 7/6/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.


Blog Post And Images (c) 1/01/07 by Don Shetterly
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