I know first hand what it means to battle with a Conversion Disorder. When I went through this experience in 1991, I was not sure at age 26, whether I would ever walk again or be normal again. In those moments, I was not even sure if I would be alive to see another day.

Of course for me, I found healing and recovery. If you saw me today, you would never guess that I was paralyzed, barely able to speak, not able to feel anything and my brain was nearing complete shut down. I still notice the effects but they are minimal and I am able to live my life without them impacting it.
The real part of all of this is that I found a way to heal and recover. Many people don't find that because the knowledge of what is going on does not exist to much degree and if someone does know that this is happening, usually treatment is a hit and miss nightmare.
I want to introduce you to another blog of someone who is trying to get the word out there on Conversion Disorders and her experience with it. When I went through this in 1991, there were no resources. In fact, I've gone years without being able to connect with anyone that has these experiences. I'm sure there are many more people out there who suffer from this, but often they are hidden from view.
Please go and check this blog out called "just me"
My heart goes out to anyone suffering through this or who has gone through it. However, I will tell you without a doubt that I know there is healing from this. There is a life beyond this! Keep holding on to hope!
Please feel free to contact me via email if you want and I'll be more than happy to talk about what my experiences were and how I came through it. I'm actually a massage therapist now and specializing in trying to help people who have been through traumatic experiences or conversion disorders. Thanks to the healing by Dr. Paul Canali of Miami, I've begun to learn what he has done with me and my hope is that I can help others in a very deep, profound way to heal.
One final note - the picture in this blog is of me in the early stages of the conversion disorder. It was taken on a good day and at a good time when I was alert. Please do not be mistaken by this picture because most of the experience was much more difficult than can be shown in this picture.
And come back tomorrow for a link to a video about one person's journey through a Conversion Disorder. It is a must see video!
Further Reading:
1) Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (Blog Post July 11, 2011)
2) Hope And Possibility Through Trauma (My Book on Amazon)
3) DonShetterly.com (more info on Don and his work)
Blog Post & Images (c) 7/25/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Of course for me, I found healing and recovery. If you saw me today, you would never guess that I was paralyzed, barely able to speak, not able to feel anything and my brain was nearing complete shut down. I still notice the effects but they are minimal and I am able to live my life without them impacting it.
The real part of all of this is that I found a way to heal and recover. Many people don't find that because the knowledge of what is going on does not exist to much degree and if someone does know that this is happening, usually treatment is a hit and miss nightmare.
I want to introduce you to another blog of someone who is trying to get the word out there on Conversion Disorders and her experience with it. When I went through this in 1991, there were no resources. In fact, I've gone years without being able to connect with anyone that has these experiences. I'm sure there are many more people out there who suffer from this, but often they are hidden from view.
Please go and check this blog out called "just me"
My heart goes out to anyone suffering through this or who has gone through it. However, I will tell you without a doubt that I know there is healing from this. There is a life beyond this! Keep holding on to hope!
Please feel free to contact me via email if you want and I'll be more than happy to talk about what my experiences were and how I came through it. I'm actually a massage therapist now and specializing in trying to help people who have been through traumatic experiences or conversion disorders. Thanks to the healing by Dr. Paul Canali of Miami, I've begun to learn what he has done with me and my hope is that I can help others in a very deep, profound way to heal.
One final note - the picture in this blog is of me in the early stages of the conversion disorder. It was taken on a good day and at a good time when I was alert. Please do not be mistaken by this picture because most of the experience was much more difficult than can be shown in this picture.
And come back tomorrow for a link to a video about one person's journey through a Conversion Disorder. It is a must see video!
Further Reading:
1) Recovery From A Conversion Disorder (Blog Post July 11, 2011)
2) Hope And Possibility Through Trauma (My Book on Amazon)
3) DonShetterly.com (more info on Don and his work)
Blog Post & Images (c) 7/25/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.
Thank you for sharing my blog on your site, I appreciate it more than you know!!!! I try to direct as many people to your site as possible because I do believe that recovey is not only possible, but imminent. Again, thank you very much!