Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Evolving In Awareness And Consciousness

Evolving In Awareness
And Consciousness

Have you ever wondered what is out there? You know, the place beyond your own consciousness. Have you ever wondered what it is that you have not seen or understood yet? I'm not talking about seeing little green men walking outside your front door or believing in things because that is what the community you belong to dictates through osmosis. I'm talking about consciousness, awareness and understanding.

We as humans are much more than we see in ourselves and much more than we realize. Life is not just about arriving or feeling like we have found our place, although these are parts of it. Life is about growing and evolving in awareness and consciousness. It is about discovering a deeper part of our self each and every day of our existence.

All too often, we get busy in our day with a gazillion tasks to complete. We work to complete our tasks instead of getting to know why we are doing our tasks. We follow in blind allegiance what the community around us dictates is the way to live our life, through the assimilation of group think. We don't dare challenge the norm or the expected actions and beliefs of our community, for if we did, it may mean that we would be laughed at, ostracized or diminished.

Of course, I'm not suggesting that we need to do anything radical or strange or abrupt. What I am suggesting is that we don't know all that we think we know and unless we are going through discovery on a daily basis, we are holding ourselves back.

So many times, I've used the example of peeling an onion. If you peel one tiny layer off of the onion, what do you have? You have another layer! If you keep doing this, you will go through many layers until you reach the core of the onion. At that point, you could dissect the core of the onions further. The point is that the more you learn about yourself and the more you evolve in awareness and consciousness, the more you learn about who you are and what makes you tick.  The more you learn about yourself, the more present you are with everyone in the world.

We follow belief systems way too easily without being able to prove the tenements of our beliefs. Beliefs can be helpful, but only if they are founded upon truth and grounded in evidence, not just regurgitated at will. Whether it is religion, politics, new age movements or family and society roles, if we want to truly be human, we must stand our beliefs up against time. We need to test them, prod them, prove them and see if they can weather through the scrutiny of truth.

Much like our own body, if we choose to believe only what modern medicine instills upon our mind, than we will be missing the power of our body to heal, regulate and bring us peace. When you search for the answers outside of yourself, you've missed the most important part of healing which is within yourself. Our mind and body have such capacity to change, heal and grow, but all too often we are our own worst enemy.

My desire is not to tear apart any belief that you have in your life. Each of us has beliefs that we hold dear and they get us through our days. However, I'm attempting to get people to think beyond the box and see that maybe there is more than they currently know. It is a process of evolving through awareness and consciousness that gets us closer to who we are and allows us to see more of what we can become in this life.

If you are in the valley, there is no way for you to see over the mountain in front of you. However, if you climb to the top of the mountain by evolving in awareness and consciousness, you will see a vast new world before your eyes. It is then, that you will have begun your journey in life. It is then, that the journey will lead you forward if you keep taking steps each day.

To read more on healing being a Process, Not An End Point, click this link.

Blog Post And Images (c) 3/1/12 Don Shetterly - use and reprint by permission only

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Blog Post And Images (c) 1/01/07 by Don Shetterly
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