Fish Oils according to the Mayo Clinic website from multiple studies, there is evidence the recommended amounts of DHA and EPA in the form of fish oil supplements lowers triglycerides, reduces the risk of death, heart attack, dangerous abnormal heart rhythms, and strok
es in people with known cardiovascular disease, slows the buildup of athersclerotic plaques and lowers blood pressure slightly.
For more information on about Fish Oils, check out my earlier blog post, Omega 3 Fish Oils (Posted January 27, 2010)
Some interesting information that I found from Total Health Nutrition Center was appropriate to share as it has helped me understand what to look for when it comes to buying Fish Oils and what the right dose is for me to take. I take Arctic Oils (OmegaPure 600 Enteric Coated).
What To Look For in Fish Oils? (Source: Total Health Nutrition Center)
The best fish oils are derived from small fish that are toxin free of Mercury, PCB's & Dioxins such as anchovies and sardines. Some of the cheaper fish oil in discount stores doesn't specify the source.
A few years ago a major manufacturer said their oils were obtained from Tuna, Swordfish or Shark which are big fish loaded with toxins. They stated that they followed government standards for cleaning fish oils of toxins but this government standard does not require the fish oils to be 100% toxin free.
Most of all the high quality fish oil in health food stores and the physician only market is toxin free. They are cleaned with molecular distillation. Do not be fooled by the fish oils that say there are low levels of detectable toxins or wording similar to that effect.
For more information on Mercury, PCB and Dioxin Toxins, read the blog post on 06/15/11)
What Is The Right Dose? (Source: Total Health Nutrition Center)
The right dose is referred to as 2,000 mg a day. So if you had 600 mg of EPA plus DHA in one pill, you would need almost 4 a day to be effective. Some of the products sold out there are 1000 or 1200 mg per gel.
Enteric coated gels (not soft gels) are rated to equal 3 gels of regular fish oils. This means you could take a 700 mg enteric coated pill and get the benefit of 2000 mg regular gels. This is due to the fact that the fish oils are delivered directly into the intestines for optimum digestion.
Are There Side Effects Or Interactions?
You may want to do a search on the internet or check out at the following webpage on Fish Oils.
Further Reading
Although the person that appears to have written this website does endorse one particular product, they do have some very good information on this page. I have no way to evaluate whether what this person is saying is true or not compared to all the other experts out there. I am just providing it for your reference and to present as many facts as I can on this subject. The webpage is
Whatever, you do, make sure you are taking the highest quality fish oils you can take. Trying to take the cheap discount pills may not be doing anything good for you. You need to research the product you are taking and make sure you are convinced it is the best thing for you. Anything less than that and you're wasting your time and money!
Legal Disclaimer: Sources are cited so that you can read the full story. Of course like anything else that you read, please do your own research and draw your own conclusions. This is not meant as medical advice but is stated here for informational purposes. Since I am not a scientist, I can only share what I have read and have no way to confirm if the following is 100% accurate. Always consult appropriate medical practitioners and be informed before taking any supplements.
Blog Post & Images (c) 6/9/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

For more information on about Fish Oils, check out my earlier blog post, Omega 3 Fish Oils (Posted January 27, 2010)
Some interesting information that I found from Total Health Nutrition Center was appropriate to share as it has helped me understand what to look for when it comes to buying Fish Oils and what the right dose is for me to take. I take Arctic Oils (OmegaPure 600 Enteric Coated).
What To Look For in Fish Oils? (Source: Total Health Nutrition Center)
The best fish oils are derived from small fish that are toxin free of Mercury, PCB's & Dioxins such as anchovies and sardines. Some of the cheaper fish oil in discount stores doesn't specify the source.
A few years ago a major manufacturer said their oils were obtained from Tuna, Swordfish or Shark which are big fish loaded with toxins. They stated that they followed government standards for cleaning fish oils of toxins but this government standard does not require the fish oils to be 100% toxin free.
Most of all the high quality fish oil in health food stores and the physician only market is toxin free. They are cleaned with molecular distillation. Do not be fooled by the fish oils that say there are low levels of detectable toxins or wording similar to that effect.
For more information on Mercury, PCB and Dioxin Toxins, read the blog post on 06/15/11)
What Is The Right Dose? (Source: Total Health Nutrition Center)
The right dose is referred to as 2,000 mg a day. So if you had 600 mg of EPA plus DHA in one pill, you would need almost 4 a day to be effective. Some of the products sold out there are 1000 or 1200 mg per gel.
Enteric coated gels (not soft gels) are rated to equal 3 gels of regular fish oils. This means you could take a 700 mg enteric coated pill and get the benefit of 2000 mg regular gels. This is due to the fact that the fish oils are delivered directly into the intestines for optimum digestion.
Are There Side Effects Or Interactions?
You may want to do a search on the internet or check out at the following webpage on Fish Oils.
Further Reading
Although the person that appears to have written this website does endorse one particular product, they do have some very good information on this page. I have no way to evaluate whether what this person is saying is true or not compared to all the other experts out there. I am just providing it for your reference and to present as many facts as I can on this subject. The webpage is
Whatever, you do, make sure you are taking the highest quality fish oils you can take. Trying to take the cheap discount pills may not be doing anything good for you. You need to research the product you are taking and make sure you are convinced it is the best thing for you. Anything less than that and you're wasting your time and money!
Legal Disclaimer: Sources are cited so that you can read the full story. Of course like anything else that you read, please do your own research and draw your own conclusions. This is not meant as medical advice but is stated here for informational purposes. Since I am not a scientist, I can only share what I have read and have no way to confirm if the following is 100% accurate. Always consult appropriate medical practitioners and be informed before taking any supplements.
Blog Post & Images (c) 6/9/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.
Just a trivia guys.. The best source of Omega 3 is derived from fish that have been taken from the Northern Atlantic where the water is colder and cleaner. Just got that on Discover Channel. More and more research is being done on the health benefits of Omega 3 fish oil. And, the results have certainly been outstanding, but to receive the most from fish oil you need to consider the source.
ReplyDelete- Caren Rose
You are so correct. I can't believe I left out that fact about the colder/cleaner water. Thanks for pointing out my omission.