What if we met the person where they were instead of where we thought they needed to be. Yes, i know many give lip service to this being at the forefront of their interactions. Yet, if we were truly honest with ourselves, we would see that more often than not, this is not the cas
Often through our words, actions and projections on to others, we tell people what we think they should hear! We project our feelings, emotions, fears and body language on to them as if it were their greatest moment in life.
Often, our fears which we may or may not realize that we hold within our bodies get in the way of how we interact with people. These fears impact others in profound ways. We tend to put on the cloak of being knowledgeable or the face of acting like we are so happy and nothing is bothering us. Sometimes we are loud and forceful in our views either online or face to face.
Stop for a moment and think about this. If you are sharing yourself in an open way or struggling through a moment in life, do you want people coming down hard on you and making you feel as if you have no clue in life? More likely than not, you don't! I'm not talking about sharing something with someone that maybe needs to be said. Heavy handed interactions should occur with a lot less frequency than they do in life.
Contrast the heavy handed interaction with an ear that listens, a heart that accepts and eyes that see the best in the people around you. How would that make you feel if you received this versus the heavy handed interaction? It has been stated that listening is critical to how good a therapist can be in counseling. Many people just want to be heard and in our busy and hectic world of noise, no one is there to listen.
May we rise above ourselves and meet people where they are at, not where we think they should be. May we learn to listen more and talk less. May we truly appreciate and respect others as we learn to appreciate, love and respect ourselves while owning up to the fears present in our life. Once we understand this, than we will become more human than we have ever been.
Further Reading:
1) If You're Talking, You're Not Listening (Blog Post 6/16/11)
2) Quiet Please, Just Listen (Blog Post 5/12/11)
Blog Post & Images (c) 6/21/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.
Often through our words, actions and projections on to others, we tell people what we think they should hear! We project our feelings, emotions, fears and body language on to them as if it were their greatest moment in life.
Often, our fears which we may or may not realize that we hold within our bodies get in the way of how we interact with people. These fears impact others in profound ways. We tend to put on the cloak of being knowledgeable or the face of acting like we are so happy and nothing is bothering us. Sometimes we are loud and forceful in our views either online or face to face.
Stop for a moment and think about this. If you are sharing yourself in an open way or struggling through a moment in life, do you want people coming down hard on you and making you feel as if you have no clue in life? More likely than not, you don't! I'm not talking about sharing something with someone that maybe needs to be said. Heavy handed interactions should occur with a lot less frequency than they do in life.
Contrast the heavy handed interaction with an ear that listens, a heart that accepts and eyes that see the best in the people around you. How would that make you feel if you received this versus the heavy handed interaction? It has been stated that listening is critical to how good a therapist can be in counseling. Many people just want to be heard and in our busy and hectic world of noise, no one is there to listen.
May we rise above ourselves and meet people where they are at, not where we think they should be. May we learn to listen more and talk less. May we truly appreciate and respect others as we learn to appreciate, love and respect ourselves while owning up to the fears present in our life. Once we understand this, than we will become more human than we have ever been.
Further Reading:
1) If You're Talking, You're Not Listening (Blog Post 6/16/11)
2) Quiet Please, Just Listen (Blog Post 5/12/11)
Blog Post & Images (c) 6/21/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.
Hear,hear! Pun intended.