For the most part, m
In order to hopefully help others that are dealing with severe itching that does not seem to go away, I wanted to share a couple of the things that I am doing.
First of all, there is most likely an underlying emotional or stress response that is connected to the itching. Even though it may appear in physical form, one has to look much deeper than the outward physical signs that you see.
Trying to not freak out when the itching starts is a good first step but one that I know is so difficult to do. For anyone that has ever had some itching, see how long you can ignore it. I'm sure it won't be long before you'll be digging your fingers into it. It is a common reaction for us to scratch an itch. But trying not to freak out and go into the hysterics of it is a good start to dealing with the itching and getting it to stop.
Another major thing that needs to be worked on is dealing with stress, trauma and anxiety that is coming up. If you are ignoring these things, they will find a way out and often itching is one way that they will do this. Working on deep release of trauma and relaxation will help to start working through these things.
For me though, when the itching does start in, I've learned that there is one way I can get it to lessen. I'm not sure if it will work this way on everyone but each person needs to find their own way that works. I'm very connected to my body and I sense a lot. But here is what I do to help lessen the itching when it gets cranked up.
On an area of my body somewhat adjacent to where the itching is taking place, I take my hand and slowly and ever so lightly rub over a part of my body where there is no itching at that moment. It is a very light touch where you are maybe touching the hairs on your body but that is as close as you get. It is so gentle and soothing. The speed of your hand movement is very slow and sedative. Your goal is to connect with the slow movement of your hand and feel all of it. Give it time for your mind to connect to what it feels like on your body as you move your hands around in this fashion. You might give yourself a few minute or two rests in between your movements.
Hopefully what you'll notice in a few minutes is that it helps sedate yourself and it helps your mind connect with an area that isn't itching. You are not ignoring the itching but you are giving yourself another message - another option to feel something different. When i've done this, I don't necessarily feel the sedation immediately but once I stop and let myself just absorb what I did, than the sedation begins to set in.
If the itching comes at night which it often does, and if I do this procedure, usually I can fall back to sleep. It has taken me a little time to figure out how to do this on myself but I just kept experimenting with it because out of desperation, I had to find a way of giving myself some relief. Keep trying and expirimenting on things that work for yourself because there is usually a key to finding some relief from the itching. We just have to search for it!
1) Into The Itching, Through The Pain
2) Itching Skin And Oatmeal Bath
3) Sleeping With Night Sweats And Fears
*For more articles, check out the Mind Body Thoughts Blog
Just came accross this website and love it. I am very much into the mind body connection and currently am struggling with a slight rash so wanted to get some positive reinforcement for this connection. I google "itch mind body" and this site poppe up. The itch on your arm in 2010 is very similiar to the itch on my back. And the recent itch on your hand is exactly what I had a couple of years ago during a very stressful time.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try and "send out love and see what happens."
God bless!
One of the things that I am understanding more was not that I necessarily said those words, but the words helped to shift my energy/perspective and took me inward. While that may sound subtle, I believe it was extremely important. The one thing in both situations is that there was some underlying "emotional" or "stressful" event that I was holding in and not releasing. Once those things surfaced and I allowed them to surface (even through the fears of the subconscious that were present), than my rash started to heal. I also think that saying "I Send Out Love" helped me believe in a power greater than the fear that I was feeling or the "hopelessness" I was experiencing. In my case, and most likely in others, there is a biological/physical connection to either an emotional stress or some situation or past event in our life. When we are able to release those moments, than things can truly change. The statement I made helped move the energy of those moments through my body as I focused on my body within. Hope this helps a little more to explain what I did, because I'm still trying to fully understand it as well. I send you love and compassion as well because I know this can be a very rough time.
ReplyDeleteI found your site(and this post) by googling something similar to what that other guy(or girl) did, and I have to say that it actually helped a bit :). Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnd also I am in to a lot of "FasterEFT"(search it on youtube) and what you say about there being some kind of mental or emotional attachment is definitely true :).
Thank you for this! I have hives almost all the time because of my allergy. I tried your method and it worked very well. I'm sorry you had a severe case of the "itchys" I hate them. They distract me 24/7.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!