In yesterday's blog post (May 19, 2011), "Dream Of Bears And Horses", I decided to investigate and see what it means to dream about bears and horses. Today, I'll discuss what I found regarding bears and tomorrow, I will talk about horses.

According to Dream, a bear can symbolize independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal. It is stated that you are undergoing a time of introspection and thinking. If you are being pursued or attacked by a bear, this denotes aggression or overwhelming obstacles in your life. It could also mean that you may find yourself in a threatening situation.
In the Dream Dictionary website, a bear has much to do with overwhelming competition in pursuits of every type.
On the website, Dream, when being attacked by a bear suggests that there are mounting barriers in your way. You might be in a dangerous situation. Bears represent the cycle of life and this could be a moment that requires self-analysis and deep thought.
According to the website, Dream Lovers, bears are more solitary animals that generally are not predatory which matches up to what I was telling the people in my dream. They may represent introspection and depression. In the case of dreams with bears, it may indicate that the introspection and depression is the part of the healing cycle where the dreamer has retreated into himself to find himself. Bears are usually associated with danger and aggression, but this is a very narrow view of this powerful dream symbol.
In the dream I posted about on May 19, 2011, the bear seemed to startle me but yet I felt as if i expected it to happen. It was like, I was speaking about it and lo and behold, it came to pass. The screaming out in my sleep was more of a startle I think, than feeling like I was in danger.
Further Reading:
1) Dreams Of Bears And Horses (May 19, 2011 Blog Post)
2) Bears In Dreams (This blog post May 20, 2011)
3) Horses In Dreams (Blog post on May 21, 2011)
Blog Post & Images (c) 5/11/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

According to Dream, a bear can symbolize independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal. It is stated that you are undergoing a time of introspection and thinking. If you are being pursued or attacked by a bear, this denotes aggression or overwhelming obstacles in your life. It could also mean that you may find yourself in a threatening situation.
In the Dream Dictionary website, a bear has much to do with overwhelming competition in pursuits of every type.
On the website, Dream, when being attacked by a bear suggests that there are mounting barriers in your way. You might be in a dangerous situation. Bears represent the cycle of life and this could be a moment that requires self-analysis and deep thought.
According to the website, Dream Lovers, bears are more solitary animals that generally are not predatory which matches up to what I was telling the people in my dream. They may represent introspection and depression. In the case of dreams with bears, it may indicate that the introspection and depression is the part of the healing cycle where the dreamer has retreated into himself to find himself. Bears are usually associated with danger and aggression, but this is a very narrow view of this powerful dream symbol.
In the dream I posted about on May 19, 2011, the bear seemed to startle me but yet I felt as if i expected it to happen. It was like, I was speaking about it and lo and behold, it came to pass. The screaming out in my sleep was more of a startle I think, than feeling like I was in danger.
Further Reading:
1) Dreams Of Bears And Horses (May 19, 2011 Blog Post)
2) Bears In Dreams (This blog post May 20, 2011)
3) Horses In Dreams (Blog post on May 21, 2011)
Blog Post & Images (c) 5/11/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only
If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.
I had a dream about bears last night. First, i was dreaming that i dreamt about them. there were five chasing me, but never caught up. Then i woke up and one, a white one (but not a polar bear) chased me up my back porch, where the door was conveniently locked. But once i was standing there, cornered, he didnt hurt me. He just stood there, staring.
ReplyDeleteInteresting - have you inquired within as to how the dream applies to your life. Sounds like there are some major glimpses into your life in the dream.
DeletePerhaps these bears represent something you feel is a threat yet it is not an actual threat-the bear being the manifestation of fear yet a reminder to go into one's inner dimension to seek an answer-the bear is a reminder and symbol of ironic calming-to show you that things are not as bad as you may have previously perceived them to be.
ReplyDeleteIn my dreams they were after me and Darren. In my first dream I was attacked and Darren was trying by save me and he got hurt too we were walking on a dark trail and we knew there were black bears and it was dangerous so he gave his pocket knofe only the tip was broken and it was dull. When I got attacked I was trying to defend myself and it was only making the beqar mad. Darren was trying to pull the bear off of me., When we got in the house I was slashed up all over the place and then Darren took his shirt off and his chest was slashed and he fainted. Then I woke up. In my second dream on the second night (last night)they were everywhere and I was scared of them. Darren had to help me into a big jacked up pickup to "stay sfae" and I was scared once I got to where I was gong because he wouldn't be there to help me.
ReplyDeleteI have had 2 dreams about bears recently, the most recent being last night. I was outside and there was banks of snow beside the drive way and stairs to climb up on a deck to get into the house. It was night, I was outside with someone, I do not remember who, and I sensed that a bear would be out there in the dark and I was afraid. I heard a bear and then I saw it, it dove through the snow embankment and came crashing through the other side and we were running up steps to get into the house. We got in and closed the door and the bear was trying to bust through the glass door to get to us. I felt that he could smell food from where I cooked and that was why he was lured to the house. The dream I had before that was similar in the sense that the bear chased us up steps and I was reaching out for someone who was faster that me, to grab my hand and pull me up the last few steps and get me in the house away from the bear, which was right behind me. Again the bear was trying to get inside by shaking the glass door. So scary!!
ReplyDeleteIn my dream, I was searching the internet to find this one gay guy that took a picture with me randomly on the streets contacts so I found him and met him. Then I hugged him in a legs wrapped around his waist kinda way and he walked deeper and deeper away from the house to this weird place where the was a house being constructed with nobody there, but there was a open prarie and a steep mountain thing behind. I saw the bear, but the fantasy lover didnt, so I told him it was there and to not move so it doesn't attack, but he kept moving, so it kept attacking, but I did not get hurt, maybe he got hurt? idk
ReplyDeleteLast 2 nights my wife Dreamed A Dragon Was Attacking Me And My Wife Was Trying To Defend Me. last Night I Dreamed I was with my wife in a field and it was dark suddenly there was a big black bear it ran straight to me after starring at me for not 5 seconds. It started attacking me as I was on the ground trying to wrestle with him not to bite me I guess it might of turned into a dog after wards.??
ReplyDeletea big black bear attacking me as I was on the ground wrestling with it not to bite me. It suddenly turned into a black dog still fighting with me to bite me.
ReplyDeleteLast night I dreamt of two young but big bears playing with a dog. I knew these bears were tames, kind of domestic ones, belonging to our family but still whenever they approached me I felt scared of them.
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting... I... have a question for you though... I dreamed that I had woken up in bed, and after rolling over, instead of my perfect boyfriends face next to me, there was a bear, just, lying there, in the covers, looking at me, now I dont think I need to tell you how terrifying of an experience this was. But what does this dream mean?
ReplyDeleteMy dream last night was that I was sitting in my driveway and a bear appeared out of no where and started to attack me. I had thrown my purse down in hopes it would distract the bear and give me time to get away, but I ended up being attacked badly in my dream. I played "dead" but the bear continued to attack. I ended up wrestling the bear down in my dream and my father appeared and shot the bear. In my dream, I felt like I was going to die but tried to remain strong as we made a journey towards the hospital. Then I woke up...very weird dream. Felt so real.
ReplyDeleteIn my dream I am walking outside trying to find someone or something. I'm walking to a house and find myself in a clearing and there are trees all around me, suddenly there like 6 or 7 bears that come running out of the trees and come towards me. I start praying in my dream to the Creator for protection and something in my dream tells me not to run, because that was my first instinct to run. So I stand there and the bears circle around me a few times, then they stop and I can feel them breathing and looking at me then they run back into the trees. This dream was in color and surreal.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream about a bear outside my window and it walked around to my front door to my living room and came through the door like a ghost. and I looked over my shoulder out the window beside me and seen a cub climbing my house (outside). My son was with me and wanted to go pet the bear. but I grabbed him and made him keep quiet. the bear didn't see us, it went down the hallway so that gave me a chance to put my son on my shoulders and grab my pistol from the kitchen. I went to the entrance to the hallway saw the bear outside the bathroom door I aimed took my time and shot. the bear came after me while I ran for the front door to get away ( with my son on my shoulders) it scratched my back when I got out the door. I was trying to close the door but its head was in the way I was trying to kick it out of the way it kept clawing my leg to pieces. finally I kicked back and closed the door and I ran with my son on my shoulders. Then I woke up. This dream was scary. I was terrified during and when I awoke.
ReplyDeleteLast night i had a dream about hugging a big white bear. The bear is sleeping.I hug the bear and i feel like i loved the bear so much. I don't know why but untill now the feeling still inside me. I really want to know what this dream mean to me and to my life.
ReplyDeleteHad a dream where I looked in mirror notice I had bear slash on my chest. But no interactions with one before. ( in my dream). Thought about it. Thinking of a spiritual significance
ReplyDeleteWoke in tears this morning. From a distance I saw a bear chasing a dog. It was in a school field. Children were already let out of school. My grandchildren 3 of them were walking home with their mother.the bear stopped chasing the dog and turned to my daughter and grandchildren. When I got to them the bear had already atacked them. I was holding my oldest grandson in my arms. They were all severely to critical injuries. Then I woke up...crying. so now I'm awake 2 hours before I need to be and refuse to go back to bed. I can't get the picture out of my head. Please help me with this. I've searched and can't find any reason for it. Now more then ever I will be worried about them.
ReplyDeleteHad a dream last night black bears were chasing me up trees after I hopped a fence to hang out with a boy. Beyond the academy were zombies which was why the academy was walled. I thought the school was walled up because of the bears. When I ventured farther out it was my neighborhood but totally in apocalyptic ruins.
ReplyDeleteI have a recurring dream of brown bear trying to enter my front door and we struggle with the door me pulling shut while bear tries to pry it open. I can see its huge claws in the crack of the door. My kids are screaming and my husband is not at home. I keep trying to make sense of this?!