I keep thinking that it is hard to stay positive at times when I feel battered by the storms of life. It feels like I am a ship caught in a stormy sea and the waves of life are battering me hard. I wonder if the ship can take it. Can I survive? I see the tall waves lashing high above the bow. The wi
nd howls and the torrents of rain pierce my body. The ship bounces up and down turning side to side as the waves and wind unleash their fury upon me.
Yet, how many storms last day and night forever as if there is no end in sight? Experience has shown me that at some unknown moment, the storm will exit just as quickly as it entered my life. There will be no announcement as to the storm's departure.
While the storms of life are hitting me hard, the fears of anxiety and uncertainty surround me. There is no way to know if the ship is built well enough to handle the storm. There must be trust and faith that the ship is strong and able to withstand these forces of nature.
Often, it is easy to fear that which is unknown and uncertain and unseen. It feels like tomorrow may never make its arrival. In the midst of the storm, it feels as if there is no end in sight. In fact, trying to convince otherwise, is often met with disbelief as it falls upon ears that are not able to hear.
The next morning as the sun rises, the seas become calm and the winds find a gentle flow. The storm becomes a memory and is soon forgotten. The fears and uncertainty are replaced by thankfulness of having survived the storm. Of course, it will be understood that there will always be storms in life but there will be greater confidence that they too shall pass.
Yet, how many storms last day and night forever as if there is no end in sight? Experience has shown me that at some unknown moment, the storm will exit just as quickly as it entered my life. There will be no announcement as to the storm's departure.
While the storms of life are hitting me hard, the fears of anxiety and uncertainty surround me. There is no way to know if the ship is built well enough to handle the storm. There must be trust and faith that the ship is strong and able to withstand these forces of nature.
Often, it is easy to fear that which is unknown and uncertain and unseen. It feels like tomorrow may never make its arrival. In the midst of the storm, it feels as if there is no end in sight. In fact, trying to convince otherwise, is often met with disbelief as it falls upon ears that are not able to hear.
The next morning as the sun rises, the seas become calm and the winds find a gentle flow. The storm becomes a memory and is soon forgotten. The fears and uncertainty are replaced by thankfulness of having survived the storm. Of course, it will be understood that there will always be storms in life but there will be greater confidence that they too shall pass.
(Above Picture taken at Deltona, FL - (c) 09/25/10)
*Read other articles on Mind Body Thoughts Blog
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