The tired and worn out thought, we support you but let's not talk about it, makes me weep for humanity. I've seen this a million times. Whether its throughout the healing journey of child sexual abuse or an organization ripping apart at the seems, it is heard loud and clear. Whether it is in a job where you stand up for what is right or you stand up to the bully in the workplace or even if you get married and it goes against the beliefs of others, there is no mistaking it.
Are humans that fickle? Are humans so wrapped up in themselves that they offer support but yet they don't? These are tough questions, but each and every person should ask them and ponder them because it happens across the board in one way or another. It happens across every city and town of every country on this planet. I've watched it play out so many times and in so many circumstances that my eyes are weary with pain.
Can we not be real with one another...
Can we not be real with one another? Can we not show compassion and love to one another without using our ego and judgment to cloud the waters? Are we not better as humans to understand love, compassion, consciousness and awareness.
Unfortunately, I would like to think humans have a greater capacity to love, rather than judge. I would love to see where humans have a better awareness of what is right and just in this world, rather than turning a blind eye and being an accomplice in what is happening before them. I still have hope for humanity. I still try to have faith in humanity.
Actions speak volumes...
This business about supporting someone but then acting as if it doesn't exist or you don't want to talk about it, shows what is truly in your heart. These actions and words speak volumes about what you really mean. You can't just go to church on Sunday or embrace the new age thought patterns and let your actions say one things, while your mouth says another.
Maybe you think you don't do this and if you don't, my hat is off to you. However, look long and hard because you might be missing the ways that you do. It is not out of the question to not see that which you do.
Supporting one another is a basic part of being human. If we fail in this, we have failed those around us and we have failed ourselves. We cannot claim to support, but then hide it under the carpet. We cannot claim to support and then talk about the stuff in a degrading way. We cannot claim to support but hold back showing this, even in the slightest of ways.
My hope is that instead of hiding our heads in the sand, we will learn to become better humans. Humans that are aware and conscious and walk the walk. To be anything less, is to short change the human race and the world.
Blog Post And Images (c) 2016 by Don Shetterly
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