Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Does Twitter Endorse Porn?

This subject really gets under my skin.  It doesn't seem like anything is being done about it and if I try to contact Twitter, I get absolutely no response.  So, I have to conclude that in the absence of action, twitter endorses porn.  They allow it on their site and they do very little to stop it.  That to me, is an endorsement!

I don't intentionally go and follow people who display porn on their timelines.  In fact, when I check them out, I often don't see any porn whatsoever and lo and behold, later the porn pictures start popping up on my twitter feed.

Of course, I know you can report them and block them, but it doesn't do anything to solve the problem.  I have a feeling that twitter (if they actually do anything) comes along and deletes the picture.  The individual just does it again and again, sometimes deleting the images I think so when twitter goes to look, they see nothing.  I may be wrong, but in lieu of proper responses from twitter, how do I know they are actually doing anything about it.

Twitter fails to respond...

You can direct message them or tweet them and they absolutely fail to respond.  You can block these people all day long and it seems like they spring up again and again with the very same pictures you were seeing before.  No one seems to do anything to get rid of it, but hey twitter makes sure you know how to mute people that are annoying.  Never mind that this doesn't solve the issue.

I've had moments where I've been in a public place or on an airplane checking my twitter feed only to have one of these porn pictures displayed.  Its rather embarrassing especially when its the close up shot.  Imagine if a child saw that.  There's no way for me to stop it other than not being on Twitter!

Imagine if we went around all day showing these images in our streets.  What would be the reaction?  Yes, there would be an uproar.  In the case of twitter, its just business as usual.  They just don't care!  Twitter seems to endorse porn, or so it seems.

Twitter sacrifices a society norm...

It almost seems that twitter wants as many users as it can get, so it sacrifices what should be a norm in our society.  We don't need pornographic images forced into our twitter feeds all day and all night.  There's hopefully a much better usage for social media than that, but Twitter has to get serious and do the right thing.

We already have enough problems with human trafficking and child porn and child sexual abuse.  We already have enough problems with scammers.  Why is it then that Twitter does not do anymore than they do in this area of porn.  That is why I feel Twitter endorses porn!

Sure, you can set your settings to not see all of that, but it still shows up.  I cringe at the thought of a young child looking at twitter.  These are images they do not need to see.  It is wrong in every sense of the word.

Maybe if Twitter wanted to be a serious competitor to Facebook and other social media sites, it might consider cleaning up its own house first.  Maybe by having a "quality" system, they could be better than they are today.  Yet, it seems their main focus is on how many people you can follow in a specific undocumented time frame, rather than keeping the porn off of the news feed.

I believe we can do better with social media.  I think this platform has potential, but it is often saturated with too much that does very little good for anyone's day.  We can do better on social media!

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