This month I thought I’d talk about oracle cards and spiritual readings. In my readings, I prefer to work with oracle decks since they feel like they are higher vibrational and a little more straightforward than the tarot decks that you usually see out at parties.
I’m talking about the Rider-Waite Decks, not that there’s anything wrong with those, but I just haven’t found one I’ve connected with yet. However, my friend has just moved and found a deck of the Rider-Waite cards in a wooden box which she is gifting to me. Maybe this is the deck that’s meant to come to me. I did purchase a Rider-Waite deck a while ago, but I just haven’t connected with it, so it sits with my other decks and I don’t use it.
My favorite oracle deck is the Ascended Masters deck by Doreen Virtue. I use it in all of my readings and for all of my free online readings that I do over on my Facebook page (shameless self-promotion alert!). I find that I resonate the most with this deck. It’s one of the first decks I purchased and I remember standing in the store where I purchased it and feeling the cards calling to me and practically buzzing in my hand. If you are going to purchase cards of any kind, I recommend “feeling out” each deck. Which one feels good to you?
What is the difference between Oracle and Tarot cards?
In the traditional Rider-Waite tarot decks there are 78 cards. The cards are divided into the major arcana and the minor arcana. The minor arcana are divided into suits: cups, wands, swords and pentacles. Tarot decks have more structure and I think a lot more room for interpretation. Oracle cards are usually in a 44 card deck and are usually themed (angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, lovers, etc.).
Oracle cards also usually (but not always) have messages written right on them, or key words that explain the essence of the cards. It can jog your memory when you are reading them for a client, but you should make sure that you are primarily using your intuition to read the cards. How does the card make you feel? Do you feel compelled to say anything to yourself or the client?
It’s normal to look at the guide book for your oracle cards and to disagree with what’s written as the card interpretation. These are tools for you to use in your own intuitive practice and the cards may have a different meaning for you than they did to the creator of the deck. Go with your intuition and your readings will be authentic.
I also like oracle cards because I don’t have to remember any fancy spreads or the significance of each card in the spread. You can give effective readings with a three card spread or even a one card spread. When I do readings, I usually use my cards at the end just to confirm everything the client and I have discussed and it’s interesting that those cards often do reiterate the key points highlighted in the reading.
So why should I get a reading if I can do this myself?
You don’t have to get a reading. You could go out and purchase a deck of cards that feels good and start your intuitive journey tomorrow if you want.
Heck, if there’s a place open right now, get out there and open yourself up to the wonder of card reading.
Aren’t psychics just snake oil salesmen who want to take my money?
I don’t like the term “psychic”. It smacks of con artists and charlatans and things on fishing wire floating around the room. It makes me think of séances, which is totally not what I do by the way. You should feel comfortable with the person that you’re asking to do your readings. If you find that person on the internet, look for a website with testimonials. Go ahead and call the person for a more in depth discussion of what they do.
The person should be open to answering your questions and if they determine they aren’t the correct person to do your reading, they can refer you to a practitioner more suited to your needs. A genuine spiritual medium (that’s what I call myself) wants the best for you and wants you to get as much as possible out of your reading. I would rather send you to someone who is a better fit and let them read you than do a poor job myself.
Remember that the medium’s job isn’t to convince you that mediumship is real and your own intention contributes more to the outcome of the reading than mine does. If you come in and you’re closed or skeptical that I am worth my salt, you’re going to be very effective at blocking the information coming in.
Getting The Most Out Of Your Reading
To get the most out of your reading, come in open and ask ahead of time for any spirits you are hoping will come through to come through. Write a list of questions for your practitioner so that you will get the most out of your session as possible. In most cases, readings last about an hour, which can really fly by once you get going!
Readings can help you by giving you a perspective from someone outside yourself. Practitioners have suggestions for taking care of your mental health and your spiritual health that can be helpful and can show you a perspective or solution you may not have considered before coming. Perhaps you have unresolved issues around a person you have lost or you are struggling to deal with grief over a loved one you’ve lost.
In my readings I have three goals:
- To provide as much comfort as possible to my client;
- To provide as much closure as possible to my client; and,
- To provide as much clarity as possible to my client.
There’s a lot you can get out of a spiritual reading and tons of ways they can help you. Remember that your practitioner is glad to be of service to you and wants you to walk away with the best experience possible.
Go in with an open mind and an open heart, and I’m sure you’ll walk out optimistic and comforted, perhaps with a brighter outlook and different perspective.
- Amanda (Metaphysical

To learn more about her and see all her other articles, go to Amanda's Page, A Happy Medium.
Blog Post And Images (c) 2017 by Don Shetterly and Amanda
- Permission required before any part of this blog post is reprinted, reworded or used in any form.
- You are welcomed to share the LINK to this blog post.
Amanda, I love your writing style. Great article.