It was truly one of those days. Just hours earlier, I was really feeling pretty roughed up in life, struggling to make sense of some things. They tend to be normal things, but nevertheless they are my beloved and hated twins. Most of the time, I can tough it out, act strong and act as a man while muddying through it. This day though, things were just building a little too much for me.
So I had some alone time and I sat and talked to the angels, as I call it. Most people may think I am a little strange here or if they saw me, they might think I was really losing my marbles because it would appear I was talking with no one. Call it what you may or what you must, but to me it is talking to my angels.
Anyway, I expressed my concerns, frustrations and anger. Normally, I don't hold back and I just say it as I see fit. It is what seems natural and normal to me. I do remember when people used to tell me in church, you shouldn't get mad and scream at God. Oh really, well if God or the angels or the universe (however you look at it) isn't big enough to handle all of this, than they really aren't that powerful and wonderful in my eyes. I digress though.
So yesterday we went to check out a massage school. I wanted to make another contact in the area, get a small bottle of massage oil and check on CEU classes. While we were getting ready, a thought popped in to my mind to go to the store, Guitar Center, and see about an audio interface for recording music. You see, since I got my new laptop, I have been struggling to record music from my keyboard on it with a good quality sound. When I bought the laptop, little did I know that together, Dell and Microsoft and the Recording Industry, would try to prevent something as simple as this. I've spent more hours than I want to think of trying to resolve this.
Anyway, back to the journey. The massage school was different than what I was used to and no classes were in session but I found the massage oil I wanted and got some information. It was a nice connection but I really do miss the school I went to.
We then headed to Guitar Center and when I showed the sales person what I was after, he said, that is not going to do well for what you are doing. I'm like, ok.. so what will that isn't real expensive because some of these items get pretty expensive. He pulled out a cheaper one but it would only allow me to record one channel in stereo which wasn't ideal. Than I asked him, what is the best solution and he pulled out another which was about $50 more. I'm thinking ok.. I record music. I want to do this and I want it to be right. Of course, the business account didn't have enough to cover it but there's always plastic right. So I then wasn't really thinking but noticed I asked him if there was a discount for a couple of places connected to my music distribution. He said no on the one but went to the computer, punched in a few keys and said, I can give you a discount of $25. I'm like...cool. I'll buy it! Later when I checked online, neither of these music services I mentioned had any discount with this place. He didn't have to give me the discount but he did. I'll finish the rest of that story in a moment.
So on the way home, I got a call from a good friend of mine who works with Dr. Canali. I've been struggling lately to find others who are consciously aware of life in the way that I am and Dr. Canali is. I've missed him and my friend a lot and I just needed that connection. Right now, to make a trip to Miami, hotels are at the peak of the season and are extremely expensive. So it really isn't an option at the moment. Anyway I found out they were coming to a place about 90 miles from us this weekend to do a seminar/workshop for another therapist I know. I'm like...smiles, hi 5's and the whole works! Just to reconnect with them and be around this will be worth more than a government bailout package! I had tears in my eyes just knowing that I would get to see them again. These are two people who have been with me through so much and next to Jeff, they hold a very special place in my heart.
Anyway, I got home and told Jeff I needed to try the massage oil out. Of course he happily agreed to letting me try it out on him. I gave him a 45 minute back massage which I haven't done on anyone in some time. I was kind of amazed that I still remembered what to do but when I finished, you could see it in his face that not only did he enjoy it but he was relaxed. A big confidence booster it was just knowing that I still had the touch.
So on through the rest of the story. I got home and started to hook up the new audio interface to my computer not really sure what I was doing. Jeff helped me with moral support. And then it happened! I recorded the first sounds through the new device and when I listened to the recorded sound, I was blown away. The sound was so crisp, clear and of a quality that I had never heard come out of a recording before. It was beautiful and I have a feeling this will give me the added edge my music has been lacking. I knew it was missing something but I didn't realize what I had been missing all this time. I'm glad I struggled through this issue and ended up buying the device that I bought. It was like it was meant to be and I was just a little slow to figure it out!
As I was thinking though when I went to bed last night, so many things happen in our days and if we're not careful, they will pass us by without even noticing them. The joys from yesterday were great and were the pick me up, I needed. They were the confidence booster, the new insight, the revolutionized way of creating future music! They were examples of knowing that I'm not alone and that I have so much support out there. It was a day of letting me know, that they, the angels, are listening. Indeed it was an abundant day of blessings.
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