I saw this posted on the Angel Therapy board (Dr. Doreen Virtue) in the Feb 2009 issue of the Angel Therapy Newsletter.
To increase your secure feelings about money, try these methods:
1. Write your worries or concerns and put them in a special box (I call it a God Box) as a physical demonstration of “letting go and letting God” help you with the issues.
2. Write a letter to God, spelling out all of your feelings and what you need help with. Put this letter face-up on your altar or the location where you most-often pray. I’ve had miraculous results over the years with this method.
3. Write any fears on a piece of paper and then put that paper in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator. When you “freeze the fears,” the problem is rapidly resolved.
4. Keep asking yourself: “What is the blessing within this situation?” There’s always a silver lining to every seeming problem.
5. Use my favorite Louise Hay affirmation: “Out of this situation, only good will come!” The more that you affirm this, the more peaceful you will feel. And a peaceful mind attracts and creates wonderful solutions.
Note: Picture courtesy of Don Shetterly. A rare glimpse of Don's creative side with chalk.
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