Mike Lew is also the author of the books "Victim No Longer" and "Leaping Upon The Mountains" They are excellent resources, help and encouragement especially for male survivors of child abuse. I am actually quoted on Page 199 of Leaping Upon The Mountains.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We have many interesting events on the 2010 calendar. For more information, please visit our Web site at http://www.nextstepcounseling.org
This email contains a quick rundown of currently scheduled events. We hope to see you at one or more of them.
There will be 2 weekend workshops at Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania.
The first, Healing Together: A Recovery Weekend for Female and Male Survivors, will be held January 22-24, co-led by Louise Kindley and Mike Lew. This is the first such event at Kirkridge.
August 13-15 2010 will mark our 20th annual LEAPING UPON THE MOUNTAINS: A MEN'S RECOVERY WEEKEND co-led by Thom Harrigan and Mike Lew.
For further information and/or registration, contact Kirkridge at http://www.kirkridge.org/welcome/homepage/kirkridge-programs-176-166.html or 610-588-1793
March 18-21, 2010 New York, NY - MaleSurvivor Conference
Mike will be facilitating a day long workshop for male survivors on March 18th 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM as a pre-conference institute. It is open to non-offending adult male survivors. The cost of the workshop is $100.
He will also be moderating and international plenary panel on Friday, March 19th 6:15-7:45 PM, and will offer a workshop on new directions for male survivors in recovery that is open to all on Saturday, March 20th 3:30-5:00 PM. For further details about this and other conference offerings, visit: http://www.malesurvivor.org/conference-2010.html
April-May 2010, Australia and New Zealand
Following on the successful recent events for professionals and male survivors in Australia, plans well along for Mike's return visit to "Oz" and New Zealand. Events will be co-sponsored by South East Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA), Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA), and Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT)
Planned events are as follows:
April 8th - Professional Training Day in Sydney
April 9th - Day long Male Survivor Workshop in Sydney
For information about the Sydney events, contact Susan Leith-Miller at susan@asca.org.au
April 15th - Professional Training Day in Melbourne
For information about the above event, contact Peter Pa'aPa'a at Peter.PaaPaa@southernhealth.org.au or Carolyn Worth at Carolyn.Worth@southernhealth.org.au
April 16-18th - Our 4th Male Survivor Residential Weekend Workshop in Maldon, Victoria
For information about the weekend, contact Max Clarke at Maxwell.Clarke@southernhealth.org.au
April 23rd - Professional Training Day in Perth/Fremantle
April 24th - Day long Male Survivor Workshop in Perth/Fremantle
For information about the events in Western Australia contact Peter Wright at pwright@asca.org.au
April 27th - Professional Training Day in Darwin
April 28th - Day long Male Survivor Workshop in Darwin
For information about the Darwin events, contact Geoff Bahnert at gbahnert@asca.org.au
April 30th-May 2nd - our 3rd Male Survivor Residential Weekend Workshop in Christchurch.
For information about the workshop, contact Ken Clearwater or John Prince at mssat@survivor.org.nz
May 5th - Professional Training Day in Hamilton.
For information about the training day contact Mike Hollway at smaffezs@xtra.co.nz
ASCA (Adults Surviving Child Abuse) in collaboration with SECASA, is pleased to announce the Mike Lew 2010 Tour Downunder. Mike Lew is a world authority in men’s recovery from childhood abuse.
In April 2010 Mike will be running several one-day workshops around the country as well as a three-day residential retreat for male survivors of child abuse in Melbourne.
Mike will also conduct a series of one-day workshops for health professionals working with male survivors of child abuse.
For more information and/or to register please visit www.asca.org.au/mikelew
For sponsorship opportunities please email Susan Leith-Miller at susan@asca.org.au
Susan Leith-Miller
Executive Officer
Adults Surviving Child Abuse
ph: 02 8920 3611
Events in early planning stages:
Thom Harrigan and Mike Lew will be giving a series of lectures in Japan during the Fall, 2010. Details will be posted on the Web site as they develop.
Please help spread the word about these events. I hope to see you at one or more of them.
All the best,
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