It comes from a time where he was part of the protest for the 99% and whatever you think of that, I support those that stand up for what matters. I think his song and lyrics makes excellent points and I'm encouraged by those that show up to the arena as Brene Brown would say.
In the movie, "I Am" by Tom Shadyac the entire premise is about how we can make a difference in a world where greed and power and control have run amuck. There is more to the movie than this. One point the movie makes though is if we all work together, society survives. If we try to accumulate the most, society is doomed to fail.
Please take a moment and check out his blog post and song. He is a very talented singer, song writer, and guitarist. He is extremely insightful and cares deeply about the world he lives in. His name is Trevor Marty.
Check out his Blog Post on this song.
Blog Post And Images (c) 2016 by Don Shetterly
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Thanks Don!