Today in my inbox, was the daily email from The Universe. I read this and couldn't help but smile. At that moment, I knew I needed to share this. When we are children, we see life in a very unfiltered and uninhibited way. As we grow into adults, our experiences begin to shroud our view of life. Life takes on a new meaning and we lose that innocence we once had as children. So today I'm sharing the daily email from "The Universe" on Techniques Learned From Children. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, you can also subscribe free at
---------------Here are a few techniques learned from children, that will help anyone take their game, or their life, to a whole new level:
1. Once a day playfully imagine that you're already there.
2. Frequently speak in gratitude as if you've already arrived.
3. And, every now and then, physically do something you never would have done at the old level... like praise yourself, reward yourself, or cluck a few times with thumbs under your arms.
I'll never tell a soul,
The Universe
Blog Post And Images (c) 11/1/12 by Don Shetterly
- Permission required before any part of this blog post is reprinted, reworded or used in any form.
- You are welcomed to share the LINK to this blog post.
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Simple and fun, I loved this post and will definitely put it to work!