Sometimes we go through life looking for a solution that fits our current mindset. In all reality, we often find that the lenses which we are viewing through is not how things necessarily work out for our life. Life happens in unexpected ways and is usually a surprise to our day.
Many times we try to fit life into what we want it to be and we beg the universe to help us. It isn’t until we realize that we if we impose our thoughts upon our future moments, that we are actually hindering what is possible. By our very act of trying to force the creation of possibility, we are standing in the way of it uncovering in the way that it needs to happen.
Lately I have seen that as I step out of the problem and allow the universe to unfold in the way that it needs to, life happens in unexpected ways. I have been surprised so much at how the answers I was seeking all of the sudden showed up. For me, I just decided to ask for help and step out of the way.
In addition, I realized that if I was asking the universe to help me, I needed to listen and be observant of what it was giving to me. When I got rid of the preconceived ideas of how it should look, I was able to view all that was being sent my way. Yes, it was in a different format then I expected, but once I opened up to that, it is like standing on the top of the mountain and seeing for many miles.
My life is happening in a way that I didn’t expect, but I can more clearly see a path forward, rather than being stuck in the days of despair. As I embrace this, I am strengthened and encouraged to keep moving ahead in my life. I am given the energy for what I need in this moment. As long as I honor the fear inside of me and realize that as I conquer it, I will find my way to where I need to go. If I succumb to the fear, I will not see life happen in unexpected ways.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many times we try to fit life into what we want it to be and we beg the universe to help us. It isn’t until we realize that we if we impose our thoughts upon our future moments, that we are actually hindering what is possible. By our very act of trying to force the creation of possibility, we are standing in the way of it uncovering in the way that it needs to happen.
Lately I have seen that as I step out of the problem and allow the universe to unfold in the way that it needs to, life happens in unexpected ways. I have been surprised so much at how the answers I was seeking all of the sudden showed up. For me, I just decided to ask for help and step out of the way.
In addition, I realized that if I was asking the universe to help me, I needed to listen and be observant of what it was giving to me. When I got rid of the preconceived ideas of how it should look, I was able to view all that was being sent my way. Yes, it was in a different format then I expected, but once I opened up to that, it is like standing on the top of the mountain and seeing for many miles.
My life is happening in a way that I didn’t expect, but I can more clearly see a path forward, rather than being stuck in the days of despair. As I embrace this, I am strengthened and encouraged to keep moving ahead in my life. I am given the energy for what I need in this moment. As long as I honor the fear inside of me and realize that as I conquer it, I will find my way to where I need to go. If I succumb to the fear, I will not see life happen in unexpected ways.
Blog Post And Images (c) 10/24/12 by Don Shetterly
- Permission required before any part of this blog post is reprinted, reworded or used in any form.
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