Lately I've been looking for answers to many questions that I have and struggling to find my footing on what seems to be a treacherous path. While I know that the times of discomfort and aloneness are moments which lead to a greater awareness, they are often difficult. It is a journey and I'm not one that is afraid to travel down the difficult paths. Yet, sometimes I am afraid of the fears that show up along the way.
After a much needed week of time off from the daily routines and spending it with some wonderful friends doing everything from fun events to exchanges of healing, my mind is much more focused than it has been. I needed this time of renewal. It was like pressing the reset button in life. I was hoping for this and I was given much more than I could have ever hoped for during the week. It was a gift that touched my heart deeply and impacted my life in ways that will ripple beyond my current moments.
So today, I am marking the point where instead of getting up in the morning and starting my daily routines, I'm going to spend a few moments in meditative silence being open to all that is within my consciousness and listening to all that is waiting for me to receive. Today's post is about what came out of that which is my starting point for shifting my focus into the world I desire to connect with instead of the perplexing world I live in. I realize that in order to shift things and to flee from feeling stuck, that defining what I'm looking towards is key. I hereby offer the following up as my moment of drawing the line in the sand.
What Would My Healing World Look Like?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Helping others heal from lifelong trauma in a way that not only enlightens and helps them to evolve but helps me do this in myself as well as anyone connected with the work or with me. It is permanent life changing work available to anyone regardless of their ability to pay for it. The necessary time and resources to enjoy life are available in the way that I need them at any given moment.
1) Not every day bodywork sessions – plenty of downtime, rest and time to myself – would allow me to set the pace and schedule of my day. Feeling of ease and not being overwhelmed.
2) Mix of bodywork sessions, workshops I give, time for me to write, learning and maybe teaching. Most likely it would involve drumming, music, angel therapy. Would keep me grounded and growing. Would involve all kinds of bodywork, energy healing, book discussions, workshops, speakers, seminars, creative expressions, health practitioners, experimental concepts, regular exchanges between body workers
3) Regular bodywork done on myself
4) Some air travel but limited driving and limited time away from home
5) Feel connected to the ocean and also long for the mountains
6) People who are spiritual and grounded that can support my own growth, work or endeavors that I can learn from and grow with. Connections to other health practitioners who share the same vision.
7) Feel very connected to nature – outdoors – trees – animals
8) Creative Idea oriented but details left to someone I trust with the same vision
9) Facilities/building in a place like Oviedo – peaceful, wooded area with lake, connected to nature, plenty of windows to make the space open but secluded for privacy, quiet and spacious.
10) Ability to offer work to anyone whether they can afford it or not. Money would not be a motivator. Anyone who needs healing could come. Workshops would be inexpensive like QiGong seminars.
11) Would provide for our needs in life but not asking to be extremely wealthy or barely surviving in life. Wanting a healthy income that allows us to enjoy life and do things we would love to do. Work would be self sustaining financially for us.
12) Would allow me to continue writing as I do now but with someone that could edit it as I write
13) Would allow me to be creative in all that I do as I currently do
14) Would include close friends that were nearby who share a similar view and vision for the world.
15) It would touch all corners of the world
Dear Universe:
I offer this up. I am anxious but patient to see it unfold. I am ready to do my part and take my place in all of this so the world may heal and grow. I am ready to embrace my fears and take the step into the unknown.
*For more articles, check out the Mind Body Thoughts Blog
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