
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Respecting One Another

I'm not sure why we humans do this.  We treat each other way too often as some object that has little value.  We use and abuse.  We put our own ego over that of another person.  Respecting one another is so foreign a concept to most these days and maybe we need a bumper sticker to get everyone's attention.

I get irked every time I see a husband or a wife talk down or degrade or put down the other spouse.  It can be innocent comments, but when you look at the other person as less than you or you treat them as if they aren't as smart or good or adequate or valued, it really is a sad day.  After all, if you dislike your partner or spouse so much, why are you with them?  If you're putting them down, you aren't respecting them or yourself.

I get upset when I see a company run over another individual.  Yes, some employees are more talented than others, but to use and abuse them is just plain short-sighted and selfish.  Why burn out your best employees and not deepen your bench of star players?  Give people the respect they deserve and maybe they will become your greatest asset.  Respecting one another should be more than a company slogan.

If we don't get our way in the political discourse of the day, we're ready to kill, hurt, protest, or rip apart others with our words and actions.  We don't take the time to listen to another person's point of view.  We don't take the time to see they are human.  I grew up in a family that put down everyone and talked about everyone behind their backs that didn't see things the way they did.  It was disgusting.  If we want others to respect ourselves, we need to learn how to respect one another.

In social media, it is much like the old online message boards where no one is anymore than a person behind the computer screen.  We have little respect for one another, other than to make our point or view known.  It doesn't matter at what personal cost it is to someone else as long as we come out victorious.  Respecting one another is just not practiced online in social media or message boards.

We have to be able to respect ourselves if we want others to respect us.  We have to be able to respect ourselves first, if we will ever be able to respect another person.  What we display to others, is how we view our inner life.  Every day we show it to the world.

Respecting one another is a basic human need and quality.  It is essential for the survival of our species and the world.  It isn't hard to see what happens in the world when we aren't respecting one another.  Let's begin to change what happens to others and in the world by learning how to value and respect our own self.

Blog Post And Images (c) 1/18/15 by Don Shetterly

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