
Monday, August 29, 2011

This Moment Now

Rainbow August 2011
In these difficult days throughout our world and our country, there are many seeking answers to life's problems.  Whether it is health, unlimited abundance or assistance in the direction to take, many feel lost, hopeless and full of despair.

While we can turn to others and various organizations for the truth we seek, we often find that we get nowhere.  So many of these places mean well and have great intentions, but they get lost in themselves and as a result, they cause their followers to wander aimlessly.

It is sad to watch people fall prey to these places, sometimes spending hundreds and thousands of hard earned dollars, only to be let down once again in life.  Of course, the people that fall prey to these places, also have a responsibility to think with eyes wide open, rather than closed.

So, where does that leave us?  How do we find our way and make choices that are best for us?  The answer lies in being content in the moment you are in, the now.  At this point, you have no control over the future and you are not able to change the past.  All you have to work with, is this one single moment in time.  It is the moment you are in and some have referred to it as the "now".

Once you realize that the moment of now is your greatest leverage to move forward, you will begin to understand just how powerful you are.  As you begin to understand this, you will see all kinds of opportunities, resources and directions for your life that you most likely have not seen up to this point.  As you embrace these opportunities, resources and directions, your life will take on a new meaning and the questions will begin to be answered.

We often overlook that which is before our eyes, because we are so busy searching and expecting what it is that we want, to come in a brightly wrapped package.  We are so determined to create what it is that we feel we are looking for, that when it does show up in a different package, we often miss it.

If you are looking for unlimited abundance, health or direction, why not try giving up the pretty package you expect to receive.  Be where you are at this moment, in the now, and focus on what you can do in this moment.  Be open to things that you would not be aware of or generally think were something you would not seek out.  Look at the things that energize you, motivate you and interest you.  Follow those things that connect deep inside for they will show you the way through.

You will be amazed that if you allow yourself to give up all the ready made ideas you have for your existence, your days will begin to change.  They may take you totally by surprise where you will look back and see that by letting go, you found your way.

Related Blog Posts
1)  Abundance Or Wealth (Posted June 30, 2011)
2)  US Health Care Costs Skyrocket (Posted Nov 30, 2010)
3)  Health Care (Posted July 23, 2009)
4)  Find The Answers (Posted June 8, 2009)

Blog Post & Images (c) 8/22/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

Please ask for permission before reprinting this article. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. so true..I also try to be grateful for what I have and not always dwell on what I want..because, being grateful is a positive emotion and wanting is just neutral..and the positivity places me in balanced mind also. Of course, I work hard to earn those things I do want, but in return I realize that by giving more away I feel more happy too..not just giving away material stuff but also my time and love to people..which is priceless..Now is the magical time..not to dwell in the past or in the future..for when I focus on those..I don't live in the present..thank you Don for all your wonderful blogs, I always enjoy and value them.
