
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Beauty That Surrounds Me

The green against the clear blue sky. What a contrast of colors. Different shades of green appear from dark to light and reflective to dull. The sun hits them as if to highlight a new hue every few moments.

Birds run and play, flying from one branch to another. Landing on a high wire they are suspended far above the ground. The occasional butterfly flutters past as the dragonfly hovers above the fence. Ever so vigilantly, the bird flies to the ground searching, hopping and looking around.

The air is still with the occasional slight movement of a tree leaf high above the tree. White flowers stretch out as buds from their branches. Purple flowers reach for the ground from what once was a bush taken under by frost.

Sounds from near and far drift by as a rustle of wind caresses my face. A bird chirps, then a few birds answer in return. A truck is near by while people chat as if is no tomorrow exists. A dog barks his voice into the background.

The air is warm and somewhat heavy. The shade from the sun is a momentary escape. The morning dew glistens on the grass as if a wake up call of nourishment has arrived.

The water is clear and calm. Reflections fill the edges as if someone painted what is there. It looks deep but yet it is shallow. The random vibration of ripples appear as if it is a magic trick to be played. The water is calm, but yet it acts as if it is full of movement and life.

Just sitting here and taking this all in is a like a breath of fresh air. It feels like a daily reset button in life. My body senses the lightness, connectedness of the flowing moments. I gaze at the morning sunlight caressing the landscape. My mind feels full in appreciation and awe.

May I carry this moment through my day. May I continue to feel safe and secure. My thankful heart rejoices in all the beauty that surrounds me. It is abundant.

*Read other articles on Mind Body Thoughts Blog

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