
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Helping Others Helps Us

I've been facing my own demons lately and I had a therapy session to give, but I thought I would not be up for it.  The only thing that motivated me to continue with the therapy session, was that the person was counting on me and really needed it.  Sometimes helping others when life is tough is not easy.

Going into that session, I wasn't sure if I could be there for that person.  I wasn't sure if I would have enough to give to make a difference.  I saw the issues in my own life more than I saw the possibilities.

Yet, what I found after I got done with the sessions, I actually felt better about my situation.  It was almost like (in fact it was like) by going in and being there for the other person, I actually helped heal myself as well.

When I went into that healing space with them, I was part of that space that helped heal me.  It was like there was plenty for everyone and all I had to do was to step in the moment of helping others.  When I did, it helped me.

I believe there is great power in helping others and by doing so, we elevate the world to a higher plane.  If we just focus on our horror stories and illnesses and pain, we are only seeing one dimension.  By expanding that one dimension and helping others, we allow ourselves to go into greater possibility.

Even when we feel we are at our own weakness, it may be in that moment that we are so powerful to another person.  We just need to open our heart up to another and realize that by helping others, we are helping our own life.  I'm not advocating that we ignore our suffering and fail to take care of our own life, but we are not shying away from helping others in a balanced way that enhances our life and theirs.  As healers, we absolutely need to heal ourselves.

Go ahead - test it and see if you find it to be true as well.

Blog Post And Images (c) 12/1/15 by Don Shetterly

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