
Friday, December 11, 2015

Feel To Heal

So often we do exactly the opposite of what we need to do to heal our body and our mind.  We shut down and numb to everything going on.  In order to heal, we must feel.  When you feel, you heal.

Honestly, that's one of the major truths in life and it isn't because I'm writing a fancy slogan.  Numbing out is a way of disconnecting from all that is going on.  Feeling is a way of listening to the messages of your body and your mind.

Numbing takes you further into despair and pain and illness.  Feeling takes you out of those things.  Yes, I know that in order to feel, you will need to go in and confront the ugliest parts of life.  Its a built in biological mechanism that is truly there for us.

If we were feeling, we would see that there is so much that we have numbed in our body.  In fact, most of the time we are so numb, we can't even being to see this.  It is when you stop and listen and sense, that you will be able to see this.

As we numb, the body accumulates more and more into the cells, tissues, muscles and organs of our body.  Our neural pathways work overtime as they form reroutes to keep us functioning.  Messages that should be able to get from various parts of our body to our brain are now circumvented and often misdirected.

As the information is misdirected, we begin to develop all kinds of disturbances in our body that shows up in conditions from anxiety to muscle aches and pain.  It even shows up as body shut down.  The only way most of us know to survive this is by numbing more and more.

To wake up the body system, we must feel to heal.  Without our physical feeling and senses, we are just dead to the world.  We become less than and take our aggression out on others through many different ways.  All one has to do for evidence of this is to view the world political stage and the violence and wars that are showing up.

When you feel, that is when you get the opportunity to discover so much more that exists in this world and for your body and mind.  It is when you begin to find a deeper joy and peace that transcends so much of our everyday existence.  When you feel, you begin to grow into the person that you can be, not what you feel you have to be.

Remember that when you feel, you heal and to heal, you must feel.

Blog Post And Images (c) 12/1/15 by Don Shetterly

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