
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Experiences With Unlimited Abundance

My Experiences With Unlimited Abundance
All too often, there are things in this world, and the new age movement, that just make my head spin.    When it comes to my experiences with unlimited abundance, I can't help but wonder about some of the individuals and organizations out there.  Instead of abundance becoming a spiritual practice of awakening to a greater consciousness, it ends up being a buzzword of commercialism.  Abundance is much more than this, but all too often, it is only what we see.

Abundance is not just about making a wish list and selecting items that you "WANT" for your life.  Most likely, many of us did that as children, and we hoped that Santa Claus brought us what we wanted.  However, that's not abundance in my opinion.  What you want and what you need for your life's purpose are two different things.  In my view, abundance lines up with your life's purpose and how conscious and aware you are, not what you think you want for your life.

The first time I became acquainted with Christie Marie Sheldon and Unlimited Abundance through Mind Valley, I did not embrace it.  In fact, at that time, the cost was around $999 for the Unlimited Abundance program.  While I do realize that at first, it was more of a limited one on one program for a large group of people, it was still way beyond my budget.  After all, in my mind I can't help but struggle to reconcile how someone that needs financial abundance is able to spend $999 on a program.  Regardless of how great it may be or how many people will benefit, if you don't have that kind of money lying around, how do you participate? It becomes an exercise in futility.

Initially I wrote a very scathing blog post about this, which caught the attention of an assistant to Christie Marie Sheldon.  Even though I had not been very nice, compassionate, or understanding, they did try to reach out to me and did not seem to be offended.  I was impressed.  I feel bad now that I wrote this initial blog post because it was pretty harsh.  Yet, I was being very honest in how I felt, and how many others feel about things like this.  In fact, the blog post became one of my highest ranking posts.

Later on, Mind Valley put out a home-based program with 25 different sessions that were based upon what Christie Marie Sheldon did in the initial $999 program.  This time, though, the price was much more reasonable.  While it was still higher than what I could pay, at least it was closer to what I could afford.  I still struggle with those who cannot afford something like this but need it so badly in their life. 

There are so many things out there promising so much that it gets hard to know what is a scam and what is real.  I've had many questions directed to me on this subject, and all I can do is share with you what my experiences with Unlimited Abundance are for my life.  The rest of it is up to each person to decide if it is something for them or not.

One thing I learned through this was that sometimes the things that bother me the most and irritate me to no end, are the things that I really need in my life.  Often when there is an energetic charge this great, it means there is something in our life that we have not fully checked out or dealt with.  While that doesn't make this process any easier, it is something that I found out I had to listen to and I am glad I did.

A year ago, I finally made the decision to give this program a try.  They repeated one of the live seminars and then gave a discount after that.  It was enough to help me bu.  While I was very reluctant to pay the money, I thought if it was not worth anything to me, I could try and get my money back.  Fortunately, though, from the moment I started listening to the program, I could see that it was something I really needed for my life.

As I look back over the past year since I started on it, I'm really shocked to see how much my life has changed.  Again, I'm referring to the entire concept of abundance, and not wealth only.  My life has improved financially, but it has also changed and I have grown and evolved in ways I didn't realize were possible.  In fact, I'm getting ready to start going back through the program a second time and to pick up things I missed.   In the next blog post of this series, I will share more of how the Unlimited Abundance program worked for me in my life.

Additional Note

This is the third part of this series on unlimited abundance.  You may want to visit the Feb 15 blog post, Unlimited Abundance - If Money Wasn't An Issue.  Please check back on Feb 21, 2013 for the next blog post, Does Unlimited Abundance Work?

Click Here For Details

Blog Post And Images (c) 2/18/13 by Don Shetterly

  • Permission required before any part of this blog post is reprinted, reworded or used in any form. 
  • You are welcomed to share the LINK to this blog post.  


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