
Monday, February 18, 2013

Daily Angel Meditations February 18

Daily Angel Mediattions

Another website that I have created and write for daily is filled with positive and uplifting messages of growth and awareness.  It is called Daily Angel Meditation and is created from my morning meditations with the angels.  As I take time out in the beginning of my day, I record whatever comes to me.  I start out with a blank piece of paper and no preconceived ideas of what to write.  I then allow the words to fill the page, connecting with what my angels have to say.

Here are selected blog posts beginning the week of February 3, 2013.  I have tried to summarize them briefly and give the actual link to them.  To visit the website, just go to .

February 3, 2013 (Sunday)

Topic: No Blog Post
When we smile through our hearts in a genuine and warm way, others that pass by in our day, will experience an uplifting moment in their life.  Let us be a shining light for the world, thereby changing the world one person at a time. 

February 4, 2013 (Monday)

Topic:  No Blog Post

It is easy only to see what we already know, but it is more helpful to see that which we do not understand.  The more we seek and the more questions we try to answer, the more we will discover the fullness of life.

February 5, 2013 (Tuesday)

Topic:  No Blog Post
Let us open our hearts in understanding by healing the depths of our own heart.  Moments of feel good thoughts and statements need to come from our own healing, rather than our ego based attempts at finding our own path. 

February 6, 2013 (Wednesday)

Topic:  No Blog Post
Take a moment and stop to listen to the birds and trees.  Feel their energy and vibration.  Embrace what they give each one of us, because no matter how isolated we may feel in life, we are never alone.

February 7, 2013 (Thursday)

Topic:  No Blog Post
Our lives touch each other in ways we often fail to see.   Yet, the connections are profound, even to the people who are unknown strangers in our day.  Let us find ways to connect with the world, so that we are making a positive difference, rather than joining the destruction of the universe.

February 8, 2013 (Friday)

Topic:  No Blog Post
If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.  The solution does not mean you have all the answers, but it means you are searching for them in your life.  The more we think we know, the less we actually do.

February 9, 2013 (Saturday)

Topic:  No Blog Post
Everyone feels they must add their voice to the daily screaming of what is right and wrong.  Yet, if each one of us began to listen to one another through a heart filled with love, we would find that the screaming gets us no where.

Blog Post And Images (c) 12/23/12 by Don Shetterly

  • Permission required before any part of this blog post is reprinted, reworded or used in any form. 
  • You are welcomed to share the LINK to this blog post.  


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