
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Interviewed On CNN Headline News

This morning (August 26, 2011), I received a call from CNN - Headline News about a video I uploaded yesterday to iReport (see yesterday's post Ocean Wave Pictures Of Hurricane Irene) .  They wanted to interview me for the Special Report segment which airs between 5pm and 6pm.

So, during the afternoon, I was busy sending out emails and telling people to watch CNN.  Unfortunately, I made a mistake and didn't realize until it was too late, that the interview was on HLN, not CNN.  We had our TV tuned into CNN and missed it as well but fortunately one friend of mine did confirm it aired and he saw it.

The video I uploaded was a pretty good picture of the waves at New Smyrna Beach yesterday.  If you go to the blog post of yesterday, there's a link to the pictures and the video.  Anyway, they wanted to put me on the air via phone and ask me a few questions while they played the video.

I was so nervous up until that point and couldn't hardly concentrate or focus.  Way back in college, I had one time where I got on the store intercom to tell a customer their order was ready for pickup, and when I did, nothing came out but blabber and unrecognizable sounds.  Every since then, I've been afraid of knowing my voice was going over a microphone or speaker system.  I've always been shy and nervous speaking in front of people even though I have played the piano for years in front of an audience.

Today went pretty well and I think I did okay, although without hearing it, I have no idea what it sounded like.  Hopefully I sounded intelligent!  After the Oprah show experience of being interviewed by her producers and then the newspapers, this wasn't as intimidating today.  I feel like I learned a lot and got just a little more experience should I ever get in a situation where an interview will really matter.  Today was about stepping outside of my comfort zone, into the fear and finding out that my fears were once again blown out of proportion.

It is an experience that I will never forget and one that I have learned from.  If you have a chance, go to yesterday's post and watch the video and see the pictures.

May everyone who is in the path of the store prepare and stay safe.  Fortunately, all we saw happen here was a little rain and a little wind but not much else.  We were fortunate!  It could have been much worse for us.

Related Blog Posts
1)  Ocean Wave Pictures Of Hurricane Irene (Aug 26, 2011)
2)  Oprah Show Experience (Nov 5, 2010)

Blog Post & Images (c) 8/26/11 Don Shetterly - use by permission only

If any part of this post is used or shared, a link back to this site is required.

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