
Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Enteric Brain Journey, Aug 25, 2004

Here is an account of a session with Dr. Canali in 2004. My reason for sharing this from my journal are to help bring about awareness to all that is possible through this simple but deep form of healing. Please keep checking back for future postings from my journal.

There were a lot of tears last night in my session with Dr. Canali. When I was asked to describe what had gone on in the session for me, I described pain, hurt and more appropriately sadness. I felt like I was choking and I couldn’t get enough air. I recalled the time when I had inflammation in my chest as a kid and somehow that or the pattern of chest problems may tie in with this. It isn’t as important though I am learning to become aware of exactly what memory is behind everything as it is to just experience the emotion that comes up. Memories can sometimes cloud the actual experience of what is going on and distort the actual memory. I have been getting several tremors in my right thigh just above my knee and my left thigh. This is normal for the left thigh but unusual for the right. You can actually see the muscles shake in my leg like they are being stimulated. I feel like I have more armies to fight with me than fight against me right now.

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